Community Email
June 19, 2020
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For the Record
with Dave Niemeyer
It’s been a rocky year so far for sure, but the Village is doing everything we can to help Tinley Park recover and move forward into better days.

One such plan is already in the works. At its June 9 meeting, the Village Board passed an ordinance that will begin the process of creating a new Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District for the 159th Street and Harlem Avenue corridor. The TIF will help us fill commercial vacancies in that area, spur development and give our local economy a much-needed shot in the arm.

If you’re wondering just what exactly TIFs are, it’s pretty simple – communities can use them to develop areas in need of a bit of help. Property tax revenues for taxing bodies within the TIF district are frozen at whatever rate they were at when the TIF was created, and increases in that revenue over the course of 23 years (the standard life of a TIF) are used for public improvements or to incentivize potential developers. It’s self-funding and helps affected areas become financially viable once again.

The proposed 159th Street and Harlem Avenue TIF District covers an area that is of particular importance, as it contains scores of businesses that together comprise a commercial “front door” to our community. Vacancies in this area have increased dramatically, which translates into less traffic and less sales tax. Every vacancy increases the number of visibly empty storefronts, which in turn compromises the aesthetics of the entire area. Through time, the location becomes less and less of a prime destination for customers, and since the area is the first thing many people see as they enter our town, this creates a ripple effect that negatively impacts the rest of the businesses in Tinley Park.

The proposed TIF District would enable us to make the significant reinvestment needed to attract the type of commercial anchors that would better meet the needs of the Tinley Park community, transform this property into a premier local destination, and revitalize the local economy through job creation. It’s also a chance to reimagine what business in Tinley Park can look like moving forward. Everyone is well aware of the fact that more people are shopping online instead of going to brick-and-mortar stores, resulting in retail being down across the board. That is unlikely to change anytime soon, so we’ll have to get creative, and the 159th Street and Harlem Avenue corridor gives us such an opportunity.

Ultimately, the proposed TIF is a preventative measure to ensure this decline doesn’t continue. Something needs to be done to stem the bleeding, and TIFs are one of the few tools municipalities have in their medicine cabinet to do the job. To be blunt, this is what it takes to attract development when you have the extraordinary costs that come with doing business in south suburban Cook County. Quality developers aren’t going to come without assistance, and this TIF will provide just that and offer a unique opportunity to bring first-class developments to our community.

The next steps will include a Joint Review Board meeting at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 14 in which taxing bodies can provide input and review the plan in greater detail. After that, the TIF will move to a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 4. There, residents will be able to weigh in on the plan and get more information. 

The Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan and Project documents for the proposed TIF are available for review on the Village website. I’ll keep you updated on the process as it moves along.

Until we talk again, I wish you and yours a great summer.
Watch Cruise Night parade June 23
The Village's Cruise Night parades will continue Tuesday, June 23 in a route that will begin at 7 p.m. at Tinley Park Village Hall and end at Central Middle School (see the official parade route for more details).

Each Cruise Night parade will feature a different route, so if your neighborhood isn't on the June 23 map, it's likely covered in a future route.

Hang out on your front lawn and watch as classic cars cruise by your home! Visit for more information or if you're a classic car owner looking to participate in future parades.
Community Development Spotlight:
Kimberly Clarke
The Village is profiling key staff in various departments to highlight how they serve Tinley Park and contribute to its well-being. Here's the first entry in the "Building a Better Tinley" series that profiles members of the Tinley Park Community Development Department.
I’m responsible for the overall planning and management of the operations of the Village of Tinley Park's Community Development Department. I oversee the day-to-day activities of the three divisions that make up the department, which include Economic Development, Planning and Building.

In addition to these responsibilities, I also provide guidance to the Mayor and Village Board concerning planning and zoning issues facing Tinley Park, and develop and implement policies, plans and ordinances regarding planning and zoning.

The Economic Development Division’s main focus is to attract and retain businesses in the community, and the Planning Division ensures that development happens in an orderly and attractive manner. The Building Division maintains and tracks permits issued for all new construction, alterations, additions, repairs and demolitions, along with inspecting all
building projects to assure compliance with the Village’s building codes.

My job helps build a better Tinley by ensuring community development services meet the needs of the residents and businesses that make up the community. These services are essential to the orderly growth and development of the community, which makes Tinley Park an attractive place in which to live and do business.
2020 vehicle stickers on sale by mail July 1
The 2020-21 Tinley Park vehicle sticker will be on sale beginning July 1. The Village will mail applications the last week in June, and residents can complete and send them back to Village Hall to receive their stickers.

Residents need only confirm or correct the vehicle and customer information on both sections of the application and mail the entire application with a check or money order to Tinley Park Village Hall, 16250 S. Oak Park Ave., Tinley Park, IL 60477. Residents can also drop off the application and payment in the drop box at Village Hall.

Stickers will only be available by mail at first. On Aug. 3, stickers will also be available at Village Hall and the Tinley Park Police Department. However, the Village will strongly urge everyone to continue to mail in their applications and payment to Village Hall instead of coming in person, as this is the safest and easiest method to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Please note that those paying in person will be required to stay six feet away from others, and wait times may occur.

Residents turning 65 in 2020 can submit a copy of both sides of their current driver’s license to receive the senior citizen discount. One discounted sticker is allowed per driver’s license, and trucks are not included.

Stickers should be displayed by October 1 and are valid through April 30, 2021. Fees are:

  • Bus or taxi: $40 by September 30 ($70 for late submission)
  • Motorcycle: $10 by September 30 ($20 for late submission)
  • Senior citizen passenger auto: $1.50 by September 30 ($3 for late submission)
  • Passenger auto, van and recreational vehicle: $25 by September 30 ($45 for late submission)
  • Transfer fee: $2
  • Truck, more than one ton: $55 by September 30 ($95 for late submission)          
  • Truck, one ton or less: $35 by September 30 ($60 for late submission)

For more information, visit the Village website or call (708) 444-5000.
Property tax bills available online
property tax
The Cook County Treasurer has posted second-installment property tax bills on its website at There, property owners can see how much they owe two weeks before they receive their bills in the mail in early July.

The second installment is due Aug. 3, but property owners can pay without interest through Oct. 1. To download a copy of your tax bill or to make a payment, visit the county treasurer's website and select the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free,” then search by property address or enter your Property Index Number (PIN). There is no fee if you pay from your bank account.

Second-installment bills include any property tax reassessments and exemptions calculated by the county assessor and tax rates calculated by the county clerk.
Village of Tinley Park
16250 S. Oak Park Avenue Tinley Park, IL 60477
(708) 444-5000