Builder Tip #109 from HomebuiltHELP 
What's the best way to test an aircraft Battery?
How would you verify that your aircraft battery is good for another season?
It can be confusing trying to evaluate the health of an aircraft battery that has a few years of service behind it. The cranking speed of the starter may seem a little slower, but the battery seems to hold a charge just fine. Do you take a chance and give it another year of service? Or do you t hrow away a perfectly good battery because you are worried it may be on the brink of failure?
This week's Tip examines the theory behind evaluating the performance of a battery and the tools available for testing. An inexpensive load testing device is featured that provides an industry standard test of battery condition.

Watch the short video and see how you can also conduct an effective evaluation of the health of your homebuilt aircraft battery.

Load testing using inexpensive tester
Imposing a realistic load provides a genuine test
Designing and Building your own Avionics Panel is within your reach! 
Our DVD:  Building a Glass Panel   steps you through the critical phases of designing and implementing an instrument panel for your homebuilt aircraft. This is not a discussion of the latest electronic gadgets that you can use, but rather how to fabricate the panel of your dreams once you have decided the choice and layout of those instruments.

The purpose of this DVD is to demonstrate the skills and planning process required in building a glass panel for a homebuilt. Observe step by step techniques for creating the circular openings for the conventional gauges - and the large rectangular openings for the display panels. Use of punches, knifes, files and nibblers for professional results is demonstrated. If you always wanted to build one of these for your aircraft, this DVD will allow you to decide whether to tackle the job yourself - or leave it to the pros. 
Panels can be designed and made at home
Panels can combine glass and conventional instruments
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 Don't forget that past  Tip of the Week articles and videos are listed on the Archive Listing page on our website. You can check back there for future reference and review of these tips.You can also reach that page from a link on the top, right side of our homepage. 
HomebuiltHELP | PO Box 111 Brussels WI 54204 | email: [email protected]

HomebuiltHelp's Engine installation videos make the daunting task of an engine installation a LOT easier! Watch someone else do it first! This is part of your engine evaluation process. Featuring:
Rotax, ULPower, Jabiru, Viking, Continenta l