Builder Tip #64 from HomebuiltHELP 
What's so Good about a Gyroplane?
We took a visit over to Bensen Days, Wauchula, Florida for a grand Gyroplane fly-in

When attending a major fly-in of gyroplanes such as Bensen Days, a wonderful opportunity exists to investigate first hand how these machines operate. It makes it easy when so many builders and pilots are in one place with their machines - ready to share their knowledge!

If we are familiar with the principles of fixed wing aircraft, we can use that knowledge to contrast and compare that understanding with gyroplane flight to better understand how these machines fly.

In our short video made during a visit to this year's Bensen Days, we took an analytical look at the mechanics of the rotor head which provides the gyroplane directional control and lift. 

    Deluxe model!
    Examination of Rotor assembly
Sonex now produces the new 'B' model aircraft. 
We have the step by step DVD that shows how the tail is assembled 

Sonex announced last year that they are replacing their popular aircraft  with the new 'B' model (larger cabin, bigger fuel tank, etc). 
Our Sonex Tail DVD demonstrates construction of the tail components of this new model (the tail of the Sonex B remains unchanged from the previous model).

If you are considering building this new Sonex aircraft, watching this DVD will provide detailed insight into the effort required to build this kit. If you are building, this DVD will save many hours of your time by showing the sequence of parts assembly and shortcuts from an experienced builder

   Above: Horizontal Stabilizer
Riveting Rudder
Watch a previous Tip?
 Don't forget that past  Tip of the Week articles and videos are listed on the Archive Listing page on our website.  You can check back there for future reference and review of these tips.You can also reach that page from a link on the top, right side of our home page. 

We have also released a dual DVD set containing the first 35 Tips with updated comments and material for those who want to watch offline with the convenience of DVD chapter indexing.
HomebuiltHELP | PO Box 111 Brussels WI 54204 | email: [email protected]
HomebuiltHelp's Engine installation videos make the daunting task of an engine installation a LOT easier! Watch someone else do it first! This is part of your engine evaluation process. Featuring:
Rotax,   ULPower,   Jabiru,   Viking, Continental