Builder Tip #65 from HomebuiltHELP 
Here's a Unique Video Report from Sun 'n Fun 2017
We took a sample of some special experiences at this great show and put them in a video.

Not everyone gets the chance to attend these air shows. Sun n Fun is one of the two biggest shows in the US for experimental and private aircraft alike. We can only show a sample of the experiences attendees enjoy as the selection of activities are almost endless spanning 6 days.

Instead of showing rows of aircraft this year, we chose to show some unique products and displays that are a hallmark of these large gatherings. Learning about new products first hand and talking to vendors in person provides a superior experience when compared to brochures and websites!

In our short video you will get a better sense of what goes on at these shows. It is really just a small glimpse into the big picture of the whole Sun n Fun experience!  

    Remote controlled Aircraft TUG
    Aircraft Parts for Sale!
Did you ever wonder why HomebuiltHELP creates step by step video demonstrations for these aircraft kit companies:
Zenith, Vans, Sonex & Belite ?

The answer is that these companies produce popular, easy to build kits that you can finish and fly in a relatively short period of time.  Many builders of these models are first timers - as these kits are well suited for the skills of the novice.

We chose to build, film and explain each step of the construction process so that your chances of completing and flying your aircraft remain incredibly high. When you can see each step of building before your eyes, your chances of success go way up.  If your time is worth something, the enhanced speed of building provides a huge payoff.  The fear of damaging a component from improper installation dries up when you can watch in advance!

Be sure to browse our website and identify these great kit manufacturers - and learn about the building process from the many pictures we have provided showing construction of their exciting aircraft.

Click on the photos for information on the how-to DVDs available for each model.

   Above: Sonex Onex      Below: RV12 tailcone
Above: Zenith 750  Below: Belite cabin
Watch a previous Tip?
 Don't forget that past  Tip of the Week articles and videos are listed on the Archive Listing page on our website.  You can check back there for future reference and review of these tips.You can also reach that page from a link on the top, right side of our home page. 

We have also released a dual DVD set containing the first 35 Tips with updated comments and material for those who want to watch offline with the convenience of DVD chapter indexing.
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HomebuiltHelp's Engine installation videos make the daunting task of an engine installation a LOT easier! Watch someone else do it first! This is part of your engine evaluation process. Featuring:
Rotax,   ULPower,   Jabiru,   Viking, Continental