Lawndale Veterinary Hospital Newsletter
'Committed to building lifelong partnerships with pets and owners by focusing on the highest quality veterinary medicine, compassion, education, and prevention.'

LVH News

Pet of the Month

December Pet: Relish

Breed: Dachshund

Age: 7 months

Why We Love Relish

Customer Service Award

December Winner: Kaitlyn Drabb

Team Role: Client Service Representative

Team Member Since: Februrary 2022

Read more about Kaitlyn

Carrier Training

Before the vet visit:

  1. Acclimate your cat to the carrier weeks to months before your cat even needs to travel in the carrier. This could mean your carrier begins to serve as a ‘normal’ household furniture item. Check out our Cat Carrier Rodeo article for more details.
  2. Consider utilizing the synthetic feline facial pheromone called Feliway. This product can help to calm many cats whenever something is about to change (or has changed) in their environments. Simply spray a towel with the product 20 to 30 minutes before you need to leave the house (this gives the spray time to dry) and place the towel inside the carrier. Be sure to use a towel or blanket that your cat has already been using in the carrier to keep the familiar scents – these familiar scents can also serve to comfort your cat.
  3. If your cat has been acclimated already to the carrier in the weeks to months prior to the visit, you may be able to drop some treats, catnip, or a favorite toy in the carrier and have your cat walk right in on the day of the trip.
  4. As you are leaving, consider covering the carrier with a towel (make sure the carrier is not left anywhere too warm!). This will minimize the visual stimulation of being carried to the car, etc.
  5. Try bringing along a few of your cats favorite toys and treats. We may be able to use these during the exam to help keep your cat comfortable (and possibly playful!).
  6. Below is a video with a great overview of cats and carriers from the Catalyst Council.

Learn more about ways to acclimate your cat to a carrier here

Wondering why it may have been harder to get that last minute vet appointment?

You may have heard that with COVID came a lot of extra pet adoptions which in turn increased the need for appointments at veterinary offices.  We were no exception to this rule and have continued to try to meet the needs of our patients.  We have hired more staff and we continue to make changes to our scheduling protocols so that we are better able to meet the needs of our patients.   

How can you help?  Plan ahead and schedule your pet’s wellness and vaccine visit several weeks in advance.  This will allow us to have more appointment slots open for same-day sick visits and urgent needs.  Also, please know that every day we are working a fully booked or overbooked schedule and that we try our best to see every patient same-day that is sick or injured but if you are calling with a need that isn’t medically urgent, we may ask that you allow us to book your appointment for a later date.  

Thank you for your cooperation and support.  
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