Tips for Pain Free Driving

Riding in a car for extended periods of time can be a contributor to neck and back pain. Poor posture and being in a fixed position are two of the "drivers" behind aggravating already existing pain issues or causing pain even if you don't regularly suffer from any type of back or neck pain. Taking a few minutes to prepare for the journey can make a big difference in the quality of time spent in your car-from the morning commute or a long road trip. Here are a few tips to help keep those aches and pains at bay:

1. Adjust your seat to allow your feet to reach the pedals without stretching but not so close that the steering wheel is in your lap. You should almost be sitting straight up with only a slight recline. Also have the headrest positioned directly behind your head at ear level.

2. Check the steering wheel position so you can easily read the displays on the dashboard. Your arms should be able to have a slight bend at the elbows.

3. Adjust your rearview and side mirrors once your seat is set to ensure that you don't have to move to see them. You shouldn't have to twist or lean to get a good look in the mirrors.

4. Empty your pockets before driving. Keeping a phone or wallet in your back pocket can cause your spine to be misaligned.

5. Use a lumbar cushion or towel roll at your lower back to provide extra support and assist with optimal posture.

6. Use a seat cushion to act as a shock absorber for the vibration felt while driving over bumps or rough roadways.

7. If your car has cruise control, make use of this when possible. This allows you to have both feet on the floor for longer periods of time.

8. Take breaks and change your posture periodically. Position changes can be done at red lights or times while driving when safe. Plan to stop every two hours on longer road trips to stretch your legs and move.

Hopefully these tips can help with comfort and prevent aches and pain while driving. Enjoy the ride!!!!


Sleep Better, Live Better

Sleep is an essential element of wellness. However, research shows that over a third of Americans regularly don't get enough sleep, and over 60% of adults report struggling with sleep problems multiple times per week. With increasing demands on our time and increasing technological distractions, this is unsurprising, but also unsettling because the effects of too little sleep are profound. We all know that lack of sleep affects mood and mental focus-- Any new parent can attest to the brain fog that accompanies sleeplessness. However, less well known is that chronic poor sleep can contribute to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, anxiety, depression, immune conditions and even decreased sex drive.

While we cannot create more hours in the day, we can modify aspects of our routines to make small changes that can have big impacts on our quantity and quality of sleep. And when we sleep better, we live better!

Tips for Better Sleep:

1. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Our body can "get used" to falling asleep, but only if the time is predictable and consistent.

2. Limit daytime naps and caffeine. Napping does not make up for inadequate nighttime sleep. However, one short nap of no more than 30 minutes can help to improve mood, alertness and performance. Limiting Caffeine 4-6 hours before bedtime helps the body become primed for sleep.

3. Get a little exercise. As little as 10 minutes of aerobic exercise, like walking or biking, can boost our sleep quality drastically. Take a quick lunchtime walk in the sunshine!

4. Follow nature's cues. Exposure to natural (sun)light during the day and darkness at night helps to set our normal sleep-wake cycles. This can be as simple as opening the curtains in the morning (or take a morning walk), and keeping lights off or low in the evenings.

5. Avoid screens for 2-3 hours before bedtime. In busy modern life, this one is tough. However, the research is very clear that bright light and mental stimulation our brains get from tv, tablets, and phones is extremely disruptive to quality sleep. If avoiding technology altogether seems daunting, consider changing your routine just a bit at first. Perhaps try listening to an audiobook, or soothing music as an alternative to scrolling through emails or social media right before bed.

6. Create a sleep oasis. Your sleep environment should be cool, comfortable and dark. Use blackout shades, set the thermostat to 60-67 degrees, and evaluate if your mattress and pillows feel comfortable. Your bedroom should be a space that feels calm and cozy.

7. Reserve the bedroom for the 3 S's: Sleep, Sex and Sickness. Avoid using your bed as an office. Instead, train your body that the bed is for the 3 S's only.

In some cases, serious medical conditions are associated with poor sleep. Please consult a healthcare professional if you or a loved one notices any of the following symptoms: Snoring and/or gasping or stopping breathing during sleep (sleep apnea), Waking up with headaches, dry mouth, and/or a sore throat, or Hearing, seeing, or feeling things that may not be real while falling asleep or waking up.

What aspects of your life could change if you were less tired, more mentally focused, happier and healthier? What one small change to your sleep habits can you make today? Write it down. Make it happen. You got this! And if you need a little help or encouragement with establishing or sticking to healthy sleep and exercise routines, our skilled staff is here to help. Sweet dreams!

Men's Pelvic Pain Support Group
Tuesday, February 18 at 6pm

5677 Oberlin Drive, Suite 106, San Diego, CA 92121 - Directions

1 in 12 men suffer from pelvic pain and most suffer in silence.

Let's gather together and share our experience and resources. Together we can heal & help others get on the road to recovery.
For more information, contact Milan at 858-457-8419 or milan@comprehensivetherapy.com
Vulvodynia Support Group
Saturday, February 22 from 10am - 12pm

5677 Oberlin Drive, Suite 106, San Diego, CA 92121 - Directions

Do you or someone you know: Suffer from chronic vulvar and/or vaginal pain? Have pain with intercourse? Been diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC)? Have pelvic floor dysfunction? If so, please join our support group! 

We are a group of women who meet in a private and confidential environment to discuss sensitive women's health issues related to vulvodynia.
To RSVP, contact Anne Shea at 858-457-8419 or anne@comprehensivetherapy.com