Below is a summary of the Executive Orders and their potential impact on Tlingit & Haida and Southeast Alaska Native communities:
Unleashing American Energy
This order directs all agencies to pause the disbursement of money that was appropriated under the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure and Jobs Act that are part of the “Green New Deal” and inconsistent with the development of oil, gas, and mineral resources. A recent memorandum, citing this order, has temporarily paused all financial assistance from the federal government.
Impact to Southeast Alaska: This pause may delay or cease funding for certain energy and infrastructure projects. The pause to financial assistance is temporary, however Tribes should prepare for an extended freeze. Tlingit & Haida will continue to monitor developments and assess how they may affect projects benefiting our region.
Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing
This Executive Order eliminates Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.” It discontinues DEI-related programs, grants, contracts, and initiatives. Under the previous order, the Department of the Interior (DOI) focused on improving Tribal access to grants, infrastructure, education, job training, and other services.
Impact to Southeast Alaska: Tlingit & Haida is using every opportunity to remind the Administration and U.S. Congress that:
1. Tribes are sovereign governments, not a special interest category or DEI program.
2. Tribes and tribal programs are grounded in trust responsibilities and treaty obligations.
3. Programs serving tribes and Alaska Native peoples are based on constitutional, trust, and treaty obligations—representing intergovernmental relationships with tribal governments and their citizens.
Tlingit & Haida will monitor how this change affects funding opportunities and programs aimed at supporting Alaska Native communities. We remain committed to advocating for resources that benefit Tribal infrastructure, development, and economic sovereignty.
Unleashing Alaska’s Extraordinary Resource Potential
This Executive Order requires the Department of the Interior to review guidance related to Alaska Native lands, including trust land policies and land withdrawals for selection by Alaska Native Corporations.
Impact to Southeast Alaska: Tlingit & Haida continues to advocate for the protection of access to our traditional lands and resources. We will engage in discussions regarding the review of land policies to ensure Alaska Native rights are respected.
Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity
This order directs the government to terminate all discriminatory and illegal preferences, mandates, policies, programs, activities, guidance, regulations, enforcement actions, consent orders, and requirements. It directs the head of each agency to include in every contract or grant award terms requiring awardees to agree that it complies with Federal anti-discrimination laws and certify it does not operate programs promoting DEI.
Impact to Southeast Alaska: While this Executive Order does not directly impact Tribes, organizations with federal contracts may need to review how these requirements affect operations, particularly if Native hire preferences are involved. It is important to note that Native Preference is not a racial preference, but a government-to-government preference rooted in federal laws, treaties, and the unique trust relationship between the United States and Tribal Nations. Tlingit & Haida will continue to advocate for the protection of Native Preference policies to ensure Tribal sovereignty and self-determination are upheld.
Restoring Names That Honor American Greatness
This order directs the Secretary of the Interior to revert the name of North America’s highest peak, Denali, to the previous name of “Mount McKinley.” The National Park area surrounding Mount McKinley shall retain the name Denali National Park and Preserve.
Impact to Southeast Alaska: Tlingit & Haida and the State of Alaska have supported the recognition of the mountain as Denali, honoring its Koyukon Athabascan name meaning “The Great One.” Tlingit & Haida will work with Tanana Chiefs Conference and the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) and Tribal communities to advocate for retaining the name Denali. Tlingit & Haida also recognizes and appreciates the Alaska State Legislature’s bipartisan resolution urging President Trump to retain the name Denali, highlighting the cultural and historical importance of the name to Alaska Native people and the state.