Providing current news on Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska's
government, administrative, and program activities.
Tlingit & Haida eNews 02.07.19
News in this Edition...
  • Tribal Assembly Notice
  • President's Award Banquet & Language Fundraiser
  • Tribal Child Support Unit Reaches $1 Million Benchmark in Collections
  • Native Issues Forums
  • 3rd Annual Glory Hall Fundraiser
  • Medical Fundraiser for Tribal Employee Patty Lockhart
  • Wellbriety Gathering: Celebrating Love through Healing & Health
  • Navigators Study Group
Tribal Assembly Notice
Over 100 Delegates from Southeast Alaska, Anchorage, Washington and California will gather April 10-12, 2019 in Juneau, Alaska to conduct tribal business at the 84th Annual Tribal Assembly. Delegates are the Tribe's governing body while in session and possess the sovereign and plenary power to legislate for and govern, conduct and manage the affairs and property of Tlingit & Haida.

This year, Delegates will hear reports covering the administrative, governmental and business activities of the Tribe, review and take action on resolutions and proposed amendments to the Tribe's governing documents, and elect a Tribal Court Judge, Delegate/Citizen of the Year, and Emerging Leader.

A special Robert's Rules of Order training and Civic Engagement training will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2019.

To view the latest draft of the Tribal Assembly Agenda at a Glance, click here .
Tribal Assembly Highlights:
Theme: "Through Unity We Have Strength"
Tribal Host: James Price
Tribal Hostess: Cheryl Dodson
Keynote Speaker: Abigail Echo-Hawk
President's Award Banquet & Language Fundraiser
Tlingit & Haida is pleased to announce this year's President's award recipients who will be recognized at the President’s Award Banquet & Language Fundraiser on April 12, 2019.

President's Award Recipients:
Life Achievement Award
  • Marie Olson

Everyday Hero Awards
  • Vicki Soboleff : Culture Bearer
  • Arias Hoyle: Emerging Leader
  • Lyle & Kolene James: Hold Each Other Up
  • Jessica Chester: Inspiring Educator
  • Gloria Wolfe: Language Warrior
  • Diane Kaplan: Tribal Ally
  • Sonya Skan: Youth Mentor

Tlingit & Haida is actively seeking support for the language fundraiser through sponsorship, monetary donation and donation of items for the silent and live auctions. All sponsorships and donations are tax deductible. For more information on the President's Award Banquet & Language Fundraiser, call 907.463.7379 or email .
Application Period Open for Emerging Leader
Tlingit & Haida is now accepting applications for the 2019-2020 Emerging Leader position! This position was created to enhance the leadership skills of our tribal youth and will serve on Tlingit & Haida’s Executive Council for a one-year term. The position provides young adults with opportunities to acquire important knowledge about Tlingit & Haida, its governing and organizational structure, and valuable hands-on leadership experience.

Application Requirements:
  • Be tribally-enrolled with Tlingit & Haida
  • Be 18 to 26 years old, unless graduated from high school at the time of election.
  • Submit application by deadline of Friday, March 29, 2019

Elections for Tlingit & Haida's Emerging Leader will take place during Tribal Assembly on April 11, 2019 in Juneau.
Tribal Child Support Unit Reaches $1 Million Benchmark in Collections
Tlingit & Haida is proud to announce that its Tribal Child Support Unit (TCSU) has reached its benchmark goal of collecting and distributing over $1 million in child support during the fiscal year (FY) 2018.

This success was a longstanding goal of the TCSU, which is a federally-funded Tribal IV-D child support service that first opened its doors in early 2007. TCSU works extensively with other state and Tribal IV-D agencies to establish paternity, locate absent parents; and establish and enforce child support orders, and collect and distribute child support payments.
In its first year, TCSU collected $31,786 and has steadily increased its performance target by at least 15% each year with the exception of FY 2017, which saw a decrease in collections as a result of the direct reduction to the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend in 2017 and related state budget crisis.

“The goal of the Tribe’s child support services has always been to increase collections,” said President Richard (Chalyee Éesh) Peterson. “Increased collections means increased disbursement of child support monies to families and the assurance that all tribal children receive the financial support they deserve from their parents.”

Since FY 2013, over 60% of collections have been disbursed to custodial families. The remaining less than 40% goes to Tlingit & Haida as a reimbursement for families that receive financial support from the Tribe. 

“This success is shared by all family members, including paying parents,” said Tribal Child Support Manager Janae Franklet. “Our children win when paying parents can share in the success of meeting the needs of their children.”
Native Issues Forums
Tlingit & Haida and Sealaska are pleased to co-host the 2019 Native Issues Forum series held every other week during the legislative session. All forums are open to the public and focus on a wide range of topics important to our community.

The forums run from noon to 1:00 PM at the Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall and include a free lunch provided by Smokehouse Catering and coffee service provided by Sacred Grounds Café .

If you aren’t able to attend in person, join us via live webcast at .

Forum Dates:
  • January 23: Juneau Legislative Delegation (webcast recording)
  • February 4: Alaska Regional Coalition (webcast recording)
  • February 20: Speakers TBA
  • March 6: Lt. Governor Kevin Meyer
  • March 20: Governor's Policy Advisor John Moller

We hope you can join us in person or by webcast!
Motherhood is Sacred™ Sessions
Tlingit & Haida has started its next round of the Motherhood Is Sacred™ (MIS) program!  The 12-week program helps mothers strengthen their families through responsible parenting, encourage participants to use critical thinking, and focus discussions on choice, wisdom, self-identity and relationships. The classes are held every Monday (February 4 - May 6, 2019) from 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the William G. Demmert Head Start Building (9095 Glacier Highway) in Juneau.

To register or for more information, contact Crystal Christiansen at 907.463.7167 or or Marianna Bethel at 907.463.7161 or .
3rd Annual Glory Hall Fundraiser 
Tlingit & Haida is pleased to join with friends to host the 3rd Annual Glory Hall Fundraiser on February 8, 2019 to support Juneau's emergency shelter, soup kitchen and care center! 
The fundraiser will include dance group performances, a silent auction, and local foods dinner with fry bread ($10 donation). All proceeds will help the Glory Hall provide meals and emergency shelter beds to those in need.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to come together to support those less fortunate in our community! If you are unable to attend, but would still like to support the Glory Hall, please consider making a donation.
For more information or to make a donation, contact Mariya at 957.2885 or
Medical Fundraiser for Tribal Employee Patty Lockhart
Please join Tlingit & Haida for medical fundraiser for tribal employee Patty Lockhart. Patty is currently undergoing extended treatments for cancer.

Date: February 13, 2019
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (while supplies last)
Location: Juneau Tlingit & Haida Community Council (3235 Hospital Dr. • Juneau, AK)
Price: Tacos $10 / Fry Bread $3 / Bottled Water $1

Delivery is available for five (5) or more pre-orders to the same location. Pre-orders must be received by 4:30 PM on February 12, 2019. Click here to place your pre-order.

All proceeds will go to Patty to cover medical expenses. If you would like to contribute or have any questions, please call 907.463.7356.
Wellbriety Gathering: Celebrating Love Through Healing & Health
Join Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska in celebrating and acknowledging the importance of love for self, family and community to enforce our greatest goal of safe and happy families. The event will include inter-tribal song and dance, games for adults and children, guest speakers, and catered food.

For more information, contact Justin McDonald at 907.463.7197 or .
Navigators Study Group
Looking to get your grades up or need some help studying? Tlingit & Haida's Navigators program is ready to help you buckle down and get the most out the school year! Sessions are open to tribal citizen students 13-19 years of age in Juneau. Math & English tutoring and homework coaching available. Snacks provided.

The study group will run from January 7 - May 22, 2019 and will be held every Monday & Wednesday from 5:00 - 6:30 PM at the Tribe’s Vocational Training & Resource Center (3239 Hospital Drive) in Juneau.

Benefits of Joining the Study Group:
  • Learning Faster with New Skills = More Free Time
  • Breakup the Study Hum Drum
  • Expand Your Mind, Gain New Perspectives
  • Kick Procrastination to the Curb
  • Fill the Gaps, Don't Miss Out & Much More

Win door prizes for learning! Earn one ticket for:
RSVP to Texts • Attend Study Group • Do Schoolwork

For more information on the Navigators program, call 907.463.7752 or email .
  Our Mission
“Preserve our sovereignty, enhance our economic and cultural resources, and promote
self-sufficiency and self-governance for our citizens.”