Providing current news on Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska's
government, administrative, and program activities.
Tlingit & Haida eNews - 12.28.18
Enrollment Now Open for Lingít Language Immersion Nest
Application for enrollment is now open for Tlingit & Haida’s Haa Yoo X ’atángi Kúdi Lingít Language Immersion Nest! The pilot program, which will be facilitated by Lingít Language Instructor Mary (Daaljíni) Folletti, will create an immersion environment for children ages 3-5 using the Tlingit language as the only spoken language for communicating in the classroom.

The pilot program will open its doors beginning in February 2019 and is expected to run through the summer with a maximum student head count of 10 children.

If you have a child between the ages of 3-5 and would like them to participate in the Haa Yoo X ’atángi Kúdi program, please make sure to submit an application for enrollment by January 11, 2019 to [email protected] .
Tribe Opens Sacred Shine Auto Detailing Shop
Tlingit & Haida’s Sacred Shine auto detailing shop is open for business! Sacred Shine is Juneau’s newest auto detailing business and is located downtown (383 Village Street, Juneau, Alaska).

Everyone wants their car looking brand new and Sacred Shine offers all of the detailing options to create a custom package that meets your needs. Whether you are looking for a full detail or just a basic wash, schedule an appointment today with Sacred Shine by calling 907.463.7775!

Don’t forget to also visit their Facebook page ( @SacredShineAK ) for the latest promotions! 

Media Coverage:
Tribal Court Roundtable Discussion Held
Tlingit & Haida’s Tribal Court hosted a roundtable discussion December 13-14, 2018 in Juneau, Alaska to provide technical assistance and resume discussions with village tribal representatives on how to build tribal court capacity through developing individual, inter-tribal and regional court systems in Southeast Alaska.

Representatives from the Alaska Court System and village tribes of Hoonah, Kake, Kasaan, Ketchikan, Skagway and Yakutat attended the two-day meeting, which also provided an overview of Tlingit & Haida’s Tribal Court system and current work to develop culturally responsive justice models such as alternatives for dispute resolution and restorative justice models like circle sentencing, civil diversion and healing to wellness.
Media Coverage:
Tribal Child Welfare Convening Held
Tlingit & Haida’s Tribal Family & Youth Services department hosted a Tribal Child Welfare Convening on December 18-19, 2018 in Juneau, Alaska. The convening brought together representatives from the State of Alaska’s Department of Health and Social Services and the 18 Alaska tribes and tribal organizations that entered into a historic Alaska Tribal Child Welfare Compact with the State of Alaska in October 2017.

The meeting served as an opportunity to review the progress being made under the compact one year into the process. Reviewing the benchmarks and goals, as outlined in the three-year strategic plan developed jointly with Alaska tribes and tribal organizations, will allow the State of Alaska to better identify opportunities and funding needs moving forward.

The Alaska Tribal Child Welfare Compact is a government-to-government agreement between the State of Alaska and Alaska tribes and tribal organizations that establishes the framework for tribes to provide child welfare services that would otherwise be provided by the Alaska Office of Children’s Services. This includes, but is not limited to intake, screening, and investigations of abuse and neglect; relative searches; developing and managing safety and case plans; foster care licensing and support; supervised visitation and transportation; and adoption and guardianship home studies.

During the two-day convening, two tracks of breakout sessions were laid out for front line child welfare workers and tribal leaders and child welfare administrators. Sessions for caseworkers covered discussions on how to complete diligent relative searches and safety evaluations of relative homes while tribal leaders and child welfare administrators held discussions and reviewed the three-year strategic plan, Title IV-E funding, Medicaid waiver, waiver of sovereign immunity and outlined steps for moving forward with the new State of Alaska administration.

Since the compact was signed in 2017, 14 of the 18 Alaska tribes and tribal organizations, including Tlingit & Haida, received funding for fiscal year 2018 and 2019 to support startup activities.

On the evening of December 18th, a banquet was held to honor tribal partners who helped make the compact a reality and have contributed many years to transforming tribal child welfare in Alaska. Nicole Borromeo accepted recognition on behalf of the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN), Christy Lawton was recognized for her work as Director of the Office of Children’s Services (OCS), Kristie Swanson was recognized for her work as a longtime Tribal Affairs Liaison, Frances Andrews accepted recognition on behalf of Tlingit & Haida’s Tribal Court, and Anita Fineday and Thomas Cody accepted recognition on behalf of Casey Family Programs. Title IV-E consultant Don Schmid and longtime grant consultants Annie Calkins and Joe Cushman were also recognized for their important contributions to the work of the TFYS department and the compact.

Gunalchéesh, Háw’aa (Thank You) to all of those who have worked tirelessly to move tribal child welfare forward in Alaska and helped shape a better future for our children!
Nominations Open for Tribal Assembly Host & Hostess
Do you know a Tlingit or Haida Elder who is 70 years or older and deserves recognition for their contributions to our people and culture? Each year Tlingit & Haida’s Executive Council selects a Tribal Host and Hostess to be the honored guests of the Tribal Assembly.

Nominations must include the following information:
• Biography
• Tribe/Clan/Moiety
• Accomplishments and Highlights
• Contact Information for Nominee (Mailing Address, Phone, & Email Address)

If you would like to nominate an elder, submit your nomination to [email protected] by close of business on January 4, 2019.
Solicitation for Tribal Assembly Theme
Tlingit & Haida is searching for a theme for its upcoming 84th Annual Tribal Assembly and we are looking to our tribal citizens for help!

If you have a suggested theme, consider submitting it for a chance to win $250! Past themes have reflected on sovereignty, our way of life, honoring our elders and children, empowering our youth, advancement, and collaboration. The Executive Council will review all entries and select the winning theme.

Theme submissions will be accepted through January 4, 2019 and can be emailed to [email protected] .
Navigator's Scholarship Workshop
There are many scholarship opportunities available to tribal youth who are pursuing a higher education and Tlingit & Haida’s Navigators program is here to help students navigate the FASFA and scholarship application process. If you are looking to attend a college or vocational training program, join the Navigators program for a scholarship workshop on January 5, 2019 at the Vocational Training & Resource Center in Juneau.

Note: In order to assist is the FAFSA application process, students must bring their parent or guardian and tax/income information.

To RSVP or reserve a seat at the Scholarship Workshop call 907.463.7752 or emai l [email protected]
Neighborhood Meeting on Reentry Transitional Housing Program
Join Tlingit & Haida for a neighborhood meeting to learn more about Tlingit & Haida’s reentry transitional housing program, Yak’éiyi K ustí Yinaadei Hít , which will provide supervised, sober, accessible housing and employment opportunities to people reentering the community of Juneau after incarceration. Yak’éiyi K ustí Yinaadei Hít means “going towards the good life house” in Lingít and aims to reduce recidivism and promote successful reentry by providing stable and support housing to participants with culturally responsive services and direct channels to resources.

The neighborhood meeting is open to the general public and will include a Q&A period and an opportunity for public comment. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.
For more info, contact Second Chance Program Coordinator Talia Eames at 907.463.7365 or [email protected]
Executive Council Meeting Notice
A meeting of Tlingit & Haida’s Executive Council will take place January 10-11, 2019 at the Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall in Juneau, Alaska. Time has been set aside for public testimony on January 10th starting at 9:30 AM.

Delegates, community council members, and tribal citizens are encouraged to attend. A draft of the agenda will be shared once it is made available.

For more information on the Executive Council meeting, please contact Special Assistant to the President Heather Gatti at 907.463.7103 or [email protected] .
  Our Mission
“Preserve our sovereignty, enhance our economic and cultural resources, and promote
self-sufficiency and self-governance for our citizens.”