
Am I responsible for my husbands credit card debt if the cards are only in his name? Accurate Answer: You are not responsible for your husband’s debts, but...>READ MORE

To all the veterans out there… we salute you! Thank you for your service and sacrifice!

Your Family's Personal Attorney,

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Is this napkin valid as a will?

Own a fully automatic gun?

Here’s what you SHOULDN'T do

This book will change your life.

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Free LifePlan™ Workshop

Give one hour at the workshop, get a lifetime of guidance.

Attend a FREE estate planning workshop!

In-person - Choose from Grand Rapids, Holland, Norton Shores, or Portage.

Portage - Saturday, Nov. 19 - 10AM
Grand Rapids - Fri., Nov. 25 - 10AM
Holland - Wed. November 30 - 1PM
Norton Shores - Sat. Dec. 3 - 10AM

On-Demand - Learn about estate planning when you are ready, at your convenience. There is no specific time - tune in when it works for you. Simply register, and we will email you a link. >REGISTER HERE

Apple Butter Pie

Want something that couldn’t be easier to put together—and to eat? This pie, a cross between a pumpkin and a Dutch apple pie, is adorned with an irresistible crunchy crumble.

Here is the recipe. Enjoy!

Share us your favorite recipes here, and we'll feature them next week!


 Navigating the 2nd half of life 

Thursday, November 17, 1:00PM - 2:30PM

Join David Kampfschulte as we examine the unchartered waters of our senior years: what got us here, what we have learned about ourselves, and how we can draw on our wisdom and strengths to adapt to the surprises and challenges of the ever changing second half of life. 

Presented by: David Kampfschulte - Amazing Circles Workshops 

Where: AAAWM (3215 Eaglecrest Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI) 

See the event flyer here. 

Registration Required! 

Email: registration@aaawm.org or Call: 616-222-7032 

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