This month’s Taking Stock  column is addressed to the thousands of financial services interns in the United States and Canada. Please forward this on to those interns working among us this summer.
To the Summer Interns of 2019

Congratulations on interning in the financial services industry. As you complete your first full month of your summer internship, we hope that your experience thus far has inspired you to choose a path within financial services. This industry is like no other, and the people it attracts are highly talented across a wide range of fields and skillsets.

For those of you feeling overwhelmed, relax. The pieces will begin to fall into place. For those feeling confident, be modest. Our industry has a way of humbling even the strongest of minds. Regardless of where you fit along this spectrum, know that the curiosity and excitement that brought you here is contagious, and has a positive impact on the more senior folks at your firm. So even though you may have already asked your boss 1,001 questions or your days have the occasional empty hour or two, you are making a contribution.

The Security Industry Association (STA) is an organization that serves individuals in the financial services industry — and that includes you now. With 85 years of history, STA is comprised of 20 affiliates in the U.S. and 4 in Canada, all run by volunteers who are employed in some sector of financial services. STA’s geographical diversity means there’s likely an affiliate near you. STA is an educational resource to help you stay informed on matters that are important to this industry, and also to assist in your career development.

You’re probably wondering how a nearly 100-year old trade association can assist in your career development. STA’s combined strengths of history and diversity provide perspective and an educational value to anyone in the financial services industry, especially to those, like you, who are just starting their careers.

[Through the efforts of the securities professionals sitting next to you, our markets are more efficient and more resilient than ever before. Now begins your journey and with it you carry the responsibility of safeguarding not through maintaining the status quo but by questioning it and always seeking a better solution.]

The U.S. financial markets are the deepest and most liquid in the world, they always have been. That being said, our markets operate very differently today than they did just 25 years ago. And while we couldn’t expect you to demonstrate a deep appreciation for the vast amount of change that has occurred over the past two decades, we would expect you to display humility in recognizing the shared responsibility of previous generations towards improving and safeguarding these markets for generations to come. Through the efforts of the securities professionals sitting next to you, our markets are more efficient and more resilient than ever before. Now begins your journey and with it you carry the responsibility of safeguarding not through maintaining the status quo but by questioning it and always seeking a better solution. 

So again, congratulations on your internship, and consider a career in financial services. But most of all enjoy the rest of your summer! 

Student in Finance Membership: Take the First Step
STA’s Student in Finance (STA SIF) membership was created for students who want to be informed about financial services, particularly the securities industry. Being a Student in Finance member also allows for students to network with other STA members, who are securities professionals. STA SIF membership is free to undergraduate or graduate students who are enrolled in a full-time program. To learn more about STA SIF, and to apply for membership.
Archives of interest

Dear Summer Interns: Stay in Touch
Undoubtedly, the last words you’ll hear from your summer boss and co-workers will be “stay in touch, and try to keep up on what you learned this summer.” This request is naturally interpreted differently by the respected parties. To the your boss and co-workers, it means send a few SHORT emails..
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Advice to Interns: Own the Lunch Print responsible for ordering lunch for those within your department. In Wall Street terms, own the lunch print. I know many of you are already thinking that taking orders for lunch is something that will make you look inferior when compared to other interns. That is a natural reaction. But there are some basic functions in taking a lunch order that can translate to an accolade in your review..Here are some of them:
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To the Class of 2017: Loyalty, be open to it
' stories told with honesty and in detail provide the robust data young 20 something year-olds need when formulating decisions in their life and career. Hearing about actual mistakes, failures and home-runs resonate more deeply than messages filled with metaphors on rainbows, climbing mountains or caterpillars turning into butterflies.
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Protecting our Student Interns
With that in mind, the STA has begun circulating a letter to university career placement officers which mentions our concerns regarding the potential for students seeking internships to be taken advantage of by those less scrupulous. In our letter, we recommend that career placement officers employ FINRA’s Broker Check® to screen firms and individuals who offer student internships in the financial services industry.
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