Hello from Kate, Dear Amazon Herb Botanical Lovers!

Have you registered??
-  for today's Rainforest Blends™ Webinar with John Easterling?

The day has arrived!  In just a few hours we'll be able to hear directly from Amazon John what he will be sharing about these fascinating and powerful new formulas!

Join Rainforest Educator, John Easterling, as he teaches us about the unparalleled botanical makeup of the newest Rainforest Blends that address many of the new challenges people are now facing in modern society - - 

Highlight Formulas that we'll be focusing on today - -

Promotes healthy brain chemistry.  Potentially helpful for Alzheimers, Dementia, mood improvement, memory, mental clarity, circulation, and the immune system. Natural antidepressant.

Anti-aging. Potentially improves mood, mind (mental energy + alertness) and body (muscle tissue + tone) with nourishing B-vitamins, iron, and minerals. Nourishes and strengthens both body and mind.

Powerful anti-viral formula. Potentially helpful for viral infections including herpes, cold sores, shingles, and the common cold.

Used for helping to balance the Endocrine System, boosting and helping to maintain mental and physical stamina and male hormone deficiency.  Specially formulated for men for endocrine health, mental clarity and stamina.

Used for helping to balance the Endocrine System, boosting and helping to maintain mental and physical stamina and female hormone deficiency, and menopausal symptoms. Specially formulated for women to nourish and balance the endocrine system, boosting mental clarity and physical stamina.

Potentially helpful to calm anxiety, stress, restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, and moodswings. Can aid concentration.

The Association of Natural Health and Rainforest Alive! are pleased to extend you a FREE ONE PASS for this special presentation - register with this link: 

{also - link on 'Register' button below}

*Also - for the ones of you interested in the Amazon Expedition, if you join the webinar, you'll receive an additional $500 discount!!

Looking forward to creating a world of dynamic health & vitality with you!

Kate Rodger, PhD(c)
(bio below)

John Easterling 
Standard Enzyme Quality-Control Board Member
New & Improved Rainforest Blends
"Getting to Know the Newest Rainforest Riches"
LIVE *FREE* Webinar Wed, June 7th, 5pm PT/8pm ET
**Your Special Invitation to a Private Educational Event!**

REMEMBER those Amazon Rainforest botanical formulas you loved so much?

* **E X C I T I N G  N E W S***

FIND OUT what's been going on back in the lab where the original Rainforest Bio-energetic products were first developed... with the original formulators - -  Health & Wellness expert,  Dr. James Hawver , along with Standard Enzyme Quality-Control Board member John Easterling!

*TUNE-IN* for this SPECIAL Introductory  Webinar  
t o hear  JOHN EASTERLING,   Eco-entrepreneur & Rainforest Educator, 
share what he's been doing to prepare 
for this important time. 

DISCOVER how  YOU can benefit from the new line of  Rainforest Blends™ formulas, exclusively now available to YOU.  Register Today!

See the Complete Line of 
Rainforest Blends™ Formulas

Made using the ancient Spagyric Method with the best quality botanicals directly from the Amazon Rainforest. Raise your health and the health of your clients to a whole new level. Only available via accredited Health Practitioners and Standard Enzyme Certified Distributers.**

Journey to the Amazon!
September 14 - 26, 2017

Go deep into the Amazon Rainforest for an incredible one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about the Rainforest Botanicals from the Indigenous Ethnomedicinal Elders. Journey to the Highlands to visit the world famous site of Machu Picchu and the ancient Incan Empire capitol of Cusco! 

To learn more click here.
Introducing Rainforest Blends™
ARCO PLUS - Protects immune system against fungus, yeast, viruses, and bacteria.

CAMU PLUS - Powerful anti-viral formula.

CLEAR MIND - Promotes healthy brain chemistry. Improves mood, memory, and immunity.

ENVIRO PLUS - Restores body after exposure to environmental impurities. 

GRAVIOLA - Interferes with abnormal cell growth.

HER FORMULA - Specially formulated for women to nourish and balance the endocrine system, boosting mental clarity and physical stamina.

HIS FORMULA - Specially formulated for men for endocrine health, mental clarity and stamina.

IMMU BOOST - Supports immune and lymphatic health.

IMMU C LIQUID - Supports the immune system and encourages drainage of toxins.

KAVA CALM - Eases anxiety, stress and mood swings. Can aid concentration.

KLS ENVIRO - Supports the liver, kidneys, gallbladder and spleen, aiding in purification.

MB BUILDER - Nourishes and strengthens both body and mind.

METABA PLUS - Aids metabolism, especially of complex carbohydrates. 

R PLUS - Assists recovery after physical exertion. Benefits muscles and joints. 

SANGRE DE DRAGO - Facilitates wound healing, immune function and digestive health.

TOPICAL R GEL - Promotes healing of topical issues such as rashes, sunburns and scrapes.

**If you are an accredited, degreed, licensed, or certified Health & Wellness Professional and would like to offer these dynamic & unparalleled products to your patients, clients, and customers, contact us - please put 'Health Professional' in your subject line.

*If you are a customer wanting to order these life-enhancing products, contact us - please put 'Customer Order' in your subject line.

Kate Rodger, PhD(c)  is Founder and Director of the modern-day mystery school,  Institute of Modern Wisdom . Through 2004-2010, Kate was a  Platinum Distributor  for the  Amazon Herb Company  and served two terms on the company's  Advisory Board . In 2005 & 2008, she traveled with Amazon John Easterling to the Amazon River Basin representing North American AHC customers to Indigenous partner communities and to fortify a first-hand relationship with our Amazon partners. In 2005 & 2007, she studied personally with Indigenous Amazonian Elders. Currently, she is a SEC Certified Practitioner, a liason for both accredited Professionals representing the new Rainforest Blends  and the entire  Standard Enzyme Co. line of products, as well as exisiting and new customers to these offerings. 

This September 2017 - along with the  Amazon Center for Environmental & Education Research Foundation  (ACEER) and its founder, Dr. Roger Mustalish, and the  Association of Natural Health  (AONH), Kate has designed a powerful Journey to the Amazon! - an  Amazon Rainforest Educational Immersion  with local Ethnobotanical Expert Elders for a select group of North American participants to gain a greater understanding of the multi-faceted value of bio-energetic botanicals, how they can benefit humanity, and of sustaining a Living Rainforest and powerful relationships with our Indigenous wisdom keepers.  Kate is delighted that these botanicals are once again available to affirm radiant health, wellness, and right-relationship with all our relations!

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