FEBRUARY 28th, 2021
A Renewed Website
By adding pictures of our latest products, our customers can see what the newest iteration of the product is. Furthermore, every page has been scrubbed to ensure the product description and dimensions are accurate.
Additionally all new drawings for every product have been designed to show exactly of what each product consists.
Hello, my name is Connor Herring and I have been the author of these news letters for SafTCart since August of last year as well as redesigning the website. After my website improvements, I have decided to feature the changes. I have altered multiple aspects.
I gave the home page a small cleanup and refresh while changing up the About Us page to include more history. The biggest change by far, however, was on the product pages.
Finally, I enhanced the Catalog and Contact pages for a cleaner aesthetic, but the best improvement has been the inclusion of the Contact Form on the Contact page which has already seen a good amount of traffic.
I hope these changes prove to be as beneficial for our customers as they have been for us. I am currently working on a comprehensive Distributor list that will be fully interactive as well as redesigning the Truckbed and Manifold pages.
Thank you for the support
I.T. Andy
Andy Ellis: The Voice of SafTCart
Andy Ellis, known around here as IT Andy, is Head of Customer Service, taking care of all our customers orders and problems.
IT has been with us for five years, first serving in web development and marketing and later being shifted into his current role as customer service while still giving IT aide when needed. IT was born and raised in Clarksdale, MS., and was hired at SafTCart when he moved back. He lives with his wife Holly and his five dogs here in town.
"I absolutely enjoy my job," IT Andy exclaimed, "we have the greatest customers. This industry is unlike any other." He has never had a position like this before but he has fallen right in place with it. He details how "any given day, [he] can talk to people from Canada to South America, every day is very dynamic."
IT is a very valuable member of the SafTCart family and we appreciate everything he does.
The New 750-10
The 750-10 has received a makeover, speeding up production and removing points where a critical failure could occur.
This model still uses the same handle, but it replaces all the back bracing with laser cut pieces
We removed the welded on j-hooks and now have them laser cut as a single piece with the support bands. This change adds further strength to the chain supports. The side panels are also a new addition, replacing the two round welds of the old pipe design. This new design has the advantages of fewer parts and some automation provided by robot cutters.
For more information about the new line of carts in development, stay up to date with our web or contact customer service at 1-800-542-2278.
We are in the process of redesigning multiple other cart lines to take advantage of the improved designs. Efficiency and change are essential components of a business; get the job done well and make the best products to benefit the customer, the essentials to the SafTCart core beliefs.