May 1st, 2023

SafTCart Attends the

Annual National Propane

Gas Association Show

In late April SafTCart attended the annual National Propane Gas Association Show in Nashville, TN. The propane show allows both old and new vendors and customers to see what new and returning products SafTCart offers. This show is only the beginning of the show circuit SafTCart will be attending throughout 2023.

Jimmy Walker, Sr. and Jim Herring attended the propane show. On display were our new propane carts. These included the Lift Cart, able to easily lift up to three cylinders from ground to dock height, as well as the ERGO-12-33-FL, a new style of a propane cage designed for ease access. Returning favorites include the 7-900-4P and the redesigned SPC-12-20 and SPC-24-20, able to hold twelve and twenty-four 20 pound tanks respectively.

Employee Spotlight:

Curt Orr

We welcome our newest member to the office, Curt Orr. Curt was born and raised in Clarksdale, MS. At 43 years old, Curt is married to his wife of seven years. They do not have any children but do have a six month old labrador.

Curt is in charge of receiving and warehouse inventory management. He is tasked with receiving inventory restock shipments and ensuring the product is correct to the order's specifications. He also helps employees with restocking items on the factory floor. As part of inventory management he informs purchasing what stock items are running low and in need of more.

Being in charge of inventory means knowing what every item is and where it belongs. To better ensure this practice, Reid Walker has been working with Curt to expand the system to ensure every stock item has an internal part number for easy identification. A part of this system also entails developing a receiving procedure so that every new product is sorted correctly with proper identification and labeling.

Previously, Curt worked in the agricultural industry for over 20 years. He said how that time gave him plenty of excellent experience but moving to SafTCart is a whole new experience and he enjoys every day he is here. Having lived in Clarksdale his entire life, he knew Walker Welders and SafTCart but never knew what exactly occured inside the factory. After he was given a tour he was surprised, he "didn't know SafTCart made so much and was so big and [he] was amazed."

In his free time Curt likes to play golf and has recently gotten into hunting as well. He loves how much more free time he can have outside of work, especially on the weekends, when compared to working agriculture which was a every-day job during growing and harvesting season. During the summer, Curt and his wife will travel to Moon Lake, located a couple miles north of Clarksdale, to spend time out on the water with his in-laws.

We gladly welcome Curt to the SafTCart family and we look forward to all the possibilities and memories we will make together.

Featured Product:


The ERGO-12-33-FL is a unique propane storage cage with front loading and back unloading and extra space on top for temporarily

empty cylinder storage. The tilted design and pull out catchers ensure the easiest operations of this cage.

  • Height: 57”
  • Width: 33”
  • Length: 50”
  • Weight: 75 lb
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Did you know we can do special order truck beds and trailers? We can even paint pallets and cradles different colors. Shown here is a custom order truck bed for Butler Gas

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Saf-T-Cart | 1322 Industrial Park Drive, Clarksdale, MS 38614 1-800-542-2278