May 2nd, 2021
Making It Better Every Day:
New Construction Expands Office Capacity
The latest project here at SafTCart aims to improve office communication as well as provide additional office space. The new construction connects the front office with the back office, allowing for quicker access without having to enter the plant floor as well as improving connections and communication
Furthermore, the addition provides space for a new conference room which will be bigger than the current space and provide all the modern needs and tools. Two new office spaces will be divided out of the old conference room, providing new work areas for our growing staff.
Employee Spotlight:
Prince Cotton
Prince Cotton is from Jonestown, MS., a small town just outside Clarksdale. Now 61, Prince has lived in Mississippi his entire life. He still lives in Jonestown with his daughter, nephew and his small dog. He enjoys fishing and traveling in his free time.
He first started at SafTCart in March of 1998 and he worked for twelve years before moving out of town. He eventually moved back and has been with us for fourteen years since. He is currently a welder on the cart line but has also worked on truck beds.
Taking great pride in every cart he makes, Prince greatly enjoys what he does and loves the satisfaction of a job well done. He appreciates the sturdy hours and job security, noting how SafTCart does not do mass layoffs. We greatly value Prince and appreciate his many years of dedication.
New Propane Cage:
The SPC-12-20 is a new cage designed to hold twelve 20 lbs. propane cylinders. A first of its kind here at SafTCart, the SPC-12-20's open design, when compared to other propane cages that are enclosed, allows for easier access while remaining secure.
Propane is an important part of our product line. In addition to our propane cages, we also offer propane variants of just about every product we make. For most products, simply add "-P' to the end of the part number. Call us today to fulfill your propane needs.
Show Time:
Jim and Jimmy Hit the Road
Over the weekend of April 23rd , Jim Herring and Jimmy Walker, Sr. attended the NPGA propane show in Nashville, TN. There they met with prospecting customers who are looking to expand their propane operations. These gas and welding shows are a great way to meet new people and obtain new ideas.
On display they had the new propane cages, SPC-12-20 and SPC-8-33, the new propane cylinder loaders FLR-33-2 and FLR-33-3, and the 7-900-4P and 7325-S carts. Be sure to check out SafTCart at the next show!