November 4, 2011 |
Jerry Remy (it's really him!)
The Remy Report
Jerry Remy's Sports Bar & Grill
Jerry Remy's Sports Bar & Grill
The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns for various groups of animals. We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, a Flock of chickens, a School of fish and a Gaggle of geese. However, less widely known is a Pride of lions, a Murder of crows (as well as their cousins the rooks and ravens), an Exaltation of doves and, presumably because they look so wise, a Parliament of owls.
Now consider a group of Baboons. They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates. And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?
Believe it or not ....... a Congress!
I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of Washington! Look it up. A group of baboons is a Congress.
Submitted by: Mark Abele
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 Quote of the Day
There's lots of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't the time to enjoy it. Josh Billings Humorous Quote of the Day Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. Doug Larson
Fact of the Day (don't quote me)
The original meaning of the word grocer was referring to a person who traded food in wholesale. These people would usually sell in large quantities, or by the "gross." |
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Top 5 moments of the 2011 Red Sox Season
# 3. He Scores!! -- May 16, 2011
The game began just as any Dice-K start would: 4 1/3 innings, five runs, seven walks. The Sox were down 6-0 heading into the sixth. It was over, right? Now you put in your subs, rest your stars. Make sure they're ready to regroup and fight back tomorrow.
Glad the Sox didn't take that stance.
They rallied back to make the game 6-5 in favor of the O's. They were gonna come back. Then Mark Reynolds, the fiend, parked an Alfredo Aceves pitch in the 7th inning to make it 7-5. Ok, now it's time to give up. You gave the rally your best shot. It almost worked.Then the Orioles realized that the Sox weren't quite dead, and Reynolds gave us a quick bullet to the head. Apparently, even that wasn't enough to keep us down.
Adrian Gonzalez wasn't ready to give up. He stepped up in the 9th and delivered a clutch walk-off double to propel the Sox to an incredible walk-off win. What I'll remember most of that night though, was the call by WEEI's Dave O'Brien. It stands, to this day, as one of my favorite Sox calls ever:
"Swing and a high fly ball, left field, this one deep.
Backing up Pie, up against the wall--and that is off the wall!
One run in!
Here comes Pedroia!
He's rounding third!!
Oh yeah. That's a keeper
...by Steve, 15, from MA
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Can we all let the collapse in September GO now? I wanted to congratulate Marco Scutaro on being resigned, he's always been one of my favorite players, no flashy stuff just downright hard play & grit even through injuries the guy never complained. Congratulations to all the Silver Slugger and Gold Glove awards as well to our Sox players. We all love our Sox guys no matter what has happened in the past, they're part of our lives and as for me I live for those games. Good luck to the new manager because he will have his hands/heart full, the Sox fans know the game of baseball like no other city. Sylvia 
TELL ME we're going to have Ellsbury and A-Gon back. I need to hear these words!!!!! Candace * Moultonborough, NH 
ESPN reports that John Lackey is scheduled to undergo Tommy John reconstructive elbow surgery on Tuesday. WHO CARES! Also reported is that Lackey will miss the 2012 season. WOO HOO! I'm just saying.... Cathy * Wesley Chapel, FL 
Sue for Saugus - holding the players accountable is the manager's responsibility. If the manager does not feel they are working hard enough, the player should be benched for a game to think about it. Most of the time I have seen this happen, the player comes back playing the way he should have been. I remember Manny being benched for not running out a ground ball. The next game after he was benched I never saw him run so hard to reach first. Of course, he didn't keep it up, and was one of the many reason's he was traded. While I am on the subject of running out a ground hit, I never understood why every Red Sox Player did not push to reach first. There was always the chance that the throw might be rushed to beat you and cause an error. Play the odds, because "once in a while, you beat the house." If you are in shape, then the chance of injury is minimal. If you stretched and warmed up properly before EACH game, the chance of injury is minimal. I don't ever recall seeing everybody on the team in the field before the game warming up at the games I attended (batting practice is not warming up.) Sure hope our new manager hold's everybody accountable next year! Jim Griswold * North Grafton, MA |