Today is Giving Tuesday!

Click on the Video Above for a Special Message from our Director of Development, Mary Hatton.


"Since actions are more important than words...

I want to give you this, this Christmas, and throughout the whole year, gifts which will be expressed rather in deeds than in words.


With all my strength and love, I will do my utmost to serve you in Christ, that as the days of the New Year go by, we shall all become more dear to the Heart of Christ and a blessing to our Community."


-Sister Frederica Horvath, Foundress, SSSLA

"The Sister" December 1947




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Send us Your Prayer Requests

"I seek Your wisdom and I seek Your favor as I come before You with this prayer request."

Do you have a special prayer request?

Please email your intentions to

We look forward to including your personal intentions in our daily prayers.