National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

Today is January 11thNational Human Trafficking Awareness Day. In recognition of this day, we wanted to share what some of our colleagues around the state are doing to bring awareness of human trafficking to healthcare professionals. 

# W e a r B l u e D a y

All healthcare workers and volunteers in New Jersey who have any contact with patients are mandated to complete a training to learn about human trafficking. Under the direction of Ingrid Johnson, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Atlantic Health System has also been raising awareness among key stakeholders including physician groups, nurses and behavioral health, and providing education on human trafficking during their Skills Day and during the Emergency Nurses Association conference.
Working Together to Make a Difference
In February 2020, under the direction of Overlook leadership, Medical Director of Emergency Medicine, Christopher Amalfitano, MD, CPE, and Director of Nursing, Sharon Kelly, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, developed the Overlook Emergency Department Human Trafficking Committee. Co-chairs include Ingrid Johnson, MSN, RN, NE-BC, Manager, Patient Access; Pamela F. Love, MD, MHS, FAAP, Medical Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine; and Jude Lark, BSN RN CEN CCRN, Emergency Department Nurse Educator. Over 20 members representing Atlantic Health team members and departments are represented on this committee including Alan Lieber, MBA, President, Overlook Medical Center; Mary Pat Sullivan, Chief Nursing Officer; as well as Case Management, Security, Behavioral Health, Care Giver’s Center, Community Law Enforcement and Ms. Johnson’s Patient Access registration teams who serve hospital outpatients in addition to patients in Atlantic Health’s emergency departments.

Dr. Love led the development of guiding principles supported by organizations like HEAL Trafficking and its leaders, Jordan Greenbaum, MD and Hanni Stoklosa, MD, MPH. Under Nurse Educator, Jude Lark’s leadership, the Overlook Emergency Department Human Trafficking Committee has collaborated nationally with others including Danielle J. Bastien, NP, from the Henry Ford Medical Center in Detroit Michigan. In working on her PhD in Nursing, Dr. Bastien worked with the electronic medical record vendor, Epic, to create a Human Trafficking assessment tool. The Committee is currently examining this tool to see how it can be implemented in the hospital. Existing Human Trafficking trainings are currently under review to continue to increase the awareness of the team at Overlook Medical Center.
Recently, in collaboration the American Hospital Association Hospitals Against Violence, the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking and the New Jersey Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, a Human Trafficking banner was developed and hung in the Overlook Medical Center Emergency Department in Summit .
Learn More about what the American Hospital Association Hosptial's Against Violence initiative is doing to bring awareness to human trafficking. Throughout the month of January, the AHA, Jones Day and HEAL Trafficking are collaborating to provide new resources to healhtcare providers who are fighting human trafficking. Click here to view the American Hospital Association's video on Human Trafficking Awareness.
Available Resources:

**Check back often for new resources!
Be a Part of Something Bigger
You have the power to help end human trafficking in New Jersey and beyond. The NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking is made up entirely of volunteer community members, and all are welcome to get involved in bringing awareness to human trafficking throughout New Jersey.

The Healthcare Committee of the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking is dedicated to educating healthcare providers in order to ensure that human trafficking survivors are recognized, referred, and receive appropriate treatment. Please note: This committee is only for those working in a healthcare field.

Join This Evening's Event
This event, created and executed by NJCAHT's 2021 Interns, will discuss safety and human trafficking awareness in an online context.
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