Columbia-Willamette Women of Vision

February 2022

Today is THE DAY


All through the year, almost every day has a special designation attached to it. In February there are: WHO International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation (2/6), UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science (2/11), UN World Day of Social Justice (2/20), and more.


The UN and WHO aren’t the only ones who can establish days for global observation. There are World Nutella Day (2/5), Random Acts of Kindness Day (2/17), and even Ice Cream for Breakfast Day (first Saturday in February)!


For World Vision, every day is THE DAY to work for the end of violence against children, the elimination of extreme poverty, the rights of girls to go to school, and so much more!


Every day is a good day to help a child in need. Thanks for being part of this ministry. If you’d like to know how to get involved in a new way this year, we’d enjoy talking with you. Just reply to this enews email to begin a conversation.

Nadia C and child.jpeg

Isaiah 58:6-8

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:

to loose the chains of injustice

    and untie the cords of the yoke,

to set the oppressed free

    and break every yoke?

Is it not to share your food with the hungry

    and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—

when you see the naked, to clothe them,

    and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Then your light will break forth like the dawn,

    and your healing will quickly appear;

then your righteousness will go before you,

    and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.

In case you missed it

Hope for Honduras

with Nadia Castro

Click here for the recording
Hope for Honduras annual report
Honduras prayer requests

It was such a pleasure to hear from Nadia Castro from World Vision Honduras on February 12th. Her personal story and insights into World Vision's work in Honduras inspired us. If you missed the program, I hope you will click on the orange button and listen to the recording.

Here are just a couple quotes from Nadia to pique your interest:

"World Vision helped one million people (ten percent of the total population) during the last two years even as the country was struck by two hurricanes and a global pandemic."

"World Vision never stops working."

Nadia concluded, "I'm glad God interrupted my life to help me see the needs of others."

We hope you'll find time to enjoy Nadia's full talk. You'll also find buttons to the left to read World Vision's annual report for the Hope for Honduras project and a list of prayer requests Nadia shared with us.



Monthly Prayer Call

Our chapter hosts a call each month (usually the second Wednesday of the month at 8 a.m.) to pray for the world, our projects, and each other. Join us! 

Contact Roxane Sain to get connected: 

[email protected]


Project Communication and Connection

Focus on Syria

Details will be coming soon for this event in early May.

Mid-Summer Share the Light Gala

Evening of August 7, 2022

Guest speaker Sean Kerrigan, World Vision U.S.

With a summer date and a lovely outdoor venue, this will be a very special event. Mark your calendars now!

About Us

Women of Vision is a volunteer ministry of World Vision that cultivates dynamic partnerships resulting in significant investments of time, talent, and treasure in support of World Vision’s work, facilitating transformational impact in the lives of the poor and our supporters in the name of Christ. Please partner with us! Click here to learn what that means and update your commitment for this new year (or for the first time).

The Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Women of Vision supports World Vision's work in Kenya, Honduras, and the Syrian impact area. We also volunteer at many local organizations to help the disadvantaged in our own community. Please read about this work on our website.

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.