Being the Beloved

by Henri Nouwen

Dear friend, being the Beloved is the origin and the fulfillment of the life of the Spirit. I say this because, as soon as we catch a glimpse of this truth, we are put on a journey in search of the fullness of that truth and we will not rest until we can rest in that truth. From the moment we claim the truth of being the Beloved, we are faced with the call to become who we are. Becoming the Beloved is the great spiritual journey we have to make.

Augustine’s words, “My soul is restless until it rests in you, O God,” capture well this journey. I know that the fact that I am always searching for God, always struggling to discover the fullness of Love, always yearning for the complete truth, tells me that I have already been given a taste of God, of Love, and of Truth. I can only look for something that I have, to some degree, already found. How can I search for beauty and truth unless that beauty and truth are already known to me in the depth of my heart? It seems that ll of us human beings have deep inner memories of the paradise that we have lost. Maybe the word “innocence” is better than the word “paradise.” We are innocent before we started feeling guilty; we were in the light before we entered into the darkness; we were at home before we started to search for a home. Deep in the recesses of our minds and hearts there lies hidden the treasure we seek. We know its preciousness, and we know that it holds the gift we most desire: a life stronger than death.


Questions to ponder (written by Pastor Brook): 

What is one experience you have had that gave you a glimpse of being a part of the Beloved. Where have you already tasted God, Love and Truth?

I believe that these tastes of God, Love, and Truth “lure” us into wanting to “live more” of that kind of life. The taste creates a yearning, a longing, for more. Where do you find is that yearning or longing calling you in your life? What might be one movement toward that new reality? Write it down and make time to do it. 

40 Days of Lent Devotions