Today's MBMTE Meeting
Wednesday July 22, 2020

Hello Maryland AMTA Members

The Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners met for their monthly meeting this morning - updates below about:
  • Jurisprudence Scheduling
  • Active/Inactive Status
  • Statute Updates
  • Zoom
  • Nominating Committee
  • Path of RMP to LMT
  • One Tier System - brief update
  • Per Diem
  • School programs - franchises
  • Meeting will be held in August

We are sure there will be more questions - please feel to reply or visit us on Facebook for more of a discussion - our main page is

Our website has been updated and it includes an archive of many of our newsletters.

Take good care,

Amelia Mitchell, LMT, LLCC, BCTMB
Board Member and Government Relations Committee Chair
David Madon, Mark Hamilton, and Chelsea Adams-Cook
Your AMTA-Maryland Chapter Board
Today's MBMTE Meeting
With a couple of glitches with the links, the Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners had their monthly meeting this morning. They are being live-streamed and you are always welcome to attend. If you do, follow the instructions given, because you will earn one CE credit towards Ethics, if you attend three times you will earn your full ethics requirement for renewal.
Scheduling the Jurisprudence Exam
Sharon Oliver, Executive Director reported on the situation along with Grant Gerber, Board Counsel. Getting the test scheduled has been unexpectedly challenging. A couple of location options have been identified in addition to the Patterson Avenue office building where the tests are regularly held. Ms. Oliver was optimistic that they would be able to announce testing dates soon.

The challenges are primarily around space, safety, and cleaning. The room at Patterson Avenue office building that is generally used will only hold 10 people including the Proctor, the best location available will only hold 20. Currently there are 53 individuals waiting to take the test. To allow for safety and social distancing multiple testing times are being planned. Social distancing, masks and screenings are expected to be required due to the pandemic.

Active/Inactive Status
The Advisory Board has been asked to take a look at the Regulations around moving from Active LMT or RMP status to Inactive. Essentially, if someone is interested in going Inactive doing so is clear and easy during the renewal period. The confusion comes when they are requesting Inactive status the rest of the time.

AMTA Maryland has requested that the regulations be modified to allow that: When an individual applies for Inactive Status the fee paid would include the remainder of the current cycle as well as the following two year cycle.

The Board voted to hold future virtual meetings via the platform.

Nominating Committee
2021 Leadership positions for the Board have been presented by the Nominating Committee, the MBMTE will vote at the September meeting. Nominations:
Board Chair: Caitlin Thompson, LMT
Vice Chair: Paula Jilanis, LMT
Secretary/Treasurer: Kirsten Bodnarchuk, LMT

Proposed Legislation
The board has been working on a few items for the 2021 Legislative session. Specifically the Rap Back bill we have discussed before that will allow the MBMTE to use the Central Repository for fingerprints and give them criminal history updates at any time a licensee or registrants situation changes. AMTA has supported and sponsored this legislation in the past, it didn't get far enough in 2020 to pass in the short session.

There are also a number of definitions and language changes that look good, as well as the removal of the language that allowed Insurance companies to not reimburse for massage. Removing that language will not force them to reimburse, however it will remove the automatic option.

AMTA-Maryland will be looking over all of the potential legislation along with National and our Lobbyist and will have more information for membership later in the year.

Moving from RMP to LMT
The Licensing Committee reported that they have made some determinations about CE classes and RMP petitions to move to LMT status. At this time there is a clear pathway to advance to LMT and if you are interested in that process you are encouraged to contact the MBMTE office for further guidance. If you are considering taking advanced level CEs specifically for advancement, please remember to submit them for approval in advance.

Mark Weir the Investigator has been promoted to Investigator Supervisor and an additional Investigator will be hired.
The position of Licensing Coordinator has been open for some time due to hiring freezes, the Board is now able to hire from the pool of qualified candidates and that will happen (thankfully) before the renewal cycle begins.

One Tier System - brief update
AMTA-Maryland and AMTA National are a part of the Stakeholder's group that is working in an adisory manner with the Board to develop new standards and policies for a one tier system in Maryland. This is a huge undertaking with many things to be considered. The primary topics are:

  • Criteria to become an LMT when that is the only licensure available in MD.
  • Process and requirements for moving current RMPs to LMT status
  • Timing of all of this (it will be years)
  • Feasibility of requiring COMTA certification of schools or curriculum

This is a long term process, AMTA-MD is honored to be a part of the process, if you have thoughts or input you are always welcome to email Amelia. Please note though, until the process is further along we are not announcing anything, because there isn't anything to annouce, we are part of the discussions.

Pilot School Programs by Franchise(s)
The Board is aware that there is at least on pilot program by a massage franchise that is working to create their own massage school. From the little that is known the education part would be conducted virtually by out of state educators and the hands on training would take place in franchise locations. The Board is actively seeking more information. From what we can see, this framework does not appear to meet the educational requirements in Maryland.

Per Diem
The Per Diem committee has made some recommendations to update the Board's per diem policy, they will be discussed at the next meeting. All the MBMTE Board Members are volunteers and a per diem is generally paid when they are traveling or attending meetings, and Board approved events and trainings.

Next Public MBMTE Meeting will be held in August
August 26th at 10am all the info will be here a few days in advance.

In case you missed the info from last month:

Carry-Over of the 17 Elective CEs
At the recommendation of the Licensing Committee the Board voted not to carry-over the 17CEs that some of us have earned to the 2022 renewal period AT THIS TIME.

They made this choice to allow the Board in place at that time to make the decision and limit their ability to take appropriate actions for the 2022 renewal. Given the pandemic situation and how unknown the next couple of years will be, they felt it was more prudent to wait on such action.

AMTA-MD assures our members that we will circle back to this question in 2022.

CPR Renewal
All licensees and registrants are required to keep their CPR certifications up to date. The American Heart Association has provided a 120 day extension for those certifications that expire between March and June 2020. That will provide a temporary relief. Most of us will need to renew over this time and we want to remind you that you can complete your renewal entirely online.

RMPs converting to LMT
A reminder that the process of doing so with Advance Level Continuing Ed courses requires pre-approval. Please submit the course work you are considering to the Licensing Committee in advance for approval so you don't spend money and time on something that doesn't meet their requirements. The MBMTE also approved a list of college level courses that can be applied towards the advancement of RMP to LMT. Having an approved list will streamline the process.

Renewal Information
In Maryland we are required to renew by October 31, 2020, or 30 days after the state of emergency declared by Governor Hogan is lifted. The MBMTE is moving forward with opening online renewal late this summer and will extend it if necessary due to the state of emergency.

You only need your 7 required CEs plus CPR to renew in 2020. The 17 elective CEs have been waived.

Remember - the MBMTE's web page is your friend and is full of information - please head there for answers to many of your questions:
For Your August Calendar
AMTA - Maryland will not be holding a meeting in August, our next meeting will be held on September 16th at 8pm.

The MBMTE monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday August 26th at 10am, connection info is posted on their website the Friday before the meeting.