Order of Worship

12 November 2023

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Order of Worship

Prelude ~ Fix You by Coldplay

Shared by Travis Meyers

Welcome and Announcements

Pastor Ken

Opening Words

Led by Pastor Ken

One: Who are we and what are we called to do?

All: We are the sensitive and responsive ones called

to create a world where every person is radically

affirmed and barriers between people become

bridges of inclusion, justice, and spirituality.

Call to Worship

Led by Marilyn Rampley


One: We live at the mystery's edge watching for a startling luminescence or a word to guide us.

All: In fragile occurrence the Holy One is present, and we must pause…                       

One: Daily, there are glimmers, reflections of a seamless mercy revealed in common intricacies.

All: These circles of grace spill out around us and announce that we are part of this mystery.

Singing Our Faith ~ We Have Come by Chris Grundy

We have come by way of struggle

We have come by way of pain

We have come by all your steadfast love

O revive, Our souls again.


We have come to lay our burdens down

We have come to shed our shame

We have come to taste your boundless grace

And to come, As people changed


We have come to spread your ways of peace

We have come to break the chains

We have come to stand with Jesus

Lead us on into your reign 

Lead us on into your reign 


Gathering and Centering Prayer

Shared by Pastor Ken and Travis Meyers

"Those who wait on the Lord

Shall renew their strength

They shall mount up on wings as eagles 

They shall run and not be weary

They shall walk and not faint

Help us lord, help us lord in thy way.”

Celebrations and Celebration Song

Led by Pastor Ken

At this time, we share moments from our lives: birthdays,

anniversaries, and words of peace and justice. We celebrate

sorrows and grief as part of our comprehensive view of life.

Give voice to goodness!

Celebrate your heart and your spirit.

Celebrate your life while you live it.

Even when it’s hard to do,

celebrate the best of you!

Celebrate your dreams and your visions.

Celebrate the love you’ve been given.

Cherish all that you’ve been through.

Celebrate the best of you!

Invitation to Give

Led by Marilyn Rampley

Our offerings for the celebration of life, in this place and beyond, shall now be received.

Give Online


Offerings and Offertory ~     

Shared by Travis Meyers

Dedication of Our Offerings

Led by Marilyn Rampley


One: We have been blessed abundantly and given opportunities to share.

All:  May we who stand upon the shoulders of those who have gone before, be enabled

to catch a vision of what can yet be.



Word About Life~ Isaiah 58:9-12                  

Shared by Pastor Ken

If you remove the yoke from among you,

 the pointing of the finger, the speaking of evil,

if you offer your food to the hungry

 and satisfy the needs of the afflicted,

then your light shall rise in the darkness

 and your gloom be like the noonday.

The Spirit of Life and Love will guide you continually,

 and satisfy your needs in parched places,

 and make your bones strong;

and you shall be like a watered garden,

 like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.

Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt;

 you shall raise up the foundations of many generations;

you shall be called the repairer of the breach,

 the restorer of streets to live in.



Words For Mission   

Led by Marilyn Rampley


One: For the blessings we each bestow on one another with our energy, compassion, and prayer, we give thanks.

All: For the blessings we become to others in need, we give thanks and remember that we are not alone. 

One: These are the times!

All: We are the people.

One: All of Creation is blessed!

All: May we love all and serve all!

One: May God be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Amen.

All: Amen.

Sending Forth Song ~ We Are The Family


Sermon Reboot is OFF for today. We will be setting up for the 50th Anniversary Art Show.

Please join us next week for Sermon Reboot. This is a time to talk about the message and explore together using the ORID Art Form Conversation methodology. What is ORID? It stands for Observation, Reflection, Interpretation, and Decision. You will get the hang of it.