Centering Affirmation: What influences you the most regarding how you see the world?
Welcome and Announcements
Led by Pastor Ken
Opening Words
One: Who are we and what are we called to do?
All: We are the sensitive and responsive ones
called to create a world where every person
is radically affirmed and barriers between
people become bridges of inclusion, justice,
and spirituality.
Call to Worship
Led by Chelsea Gaberdiel
(Please stand in body, mind, or spirit)
One: Among us, the spirit of Creativity God conceives
new life
All: And we feel the life within us.
One: In our history, Jesus the Sage makes gentle entry
All: And we see the light before us.
One: Within our dreams, the truth of our God is revealed.
All: We await the hope of the world.
One: Come in. Come into this place which we make holy
by our presence and connection.
So let us celebrate the richness and diversity of life
and sing!
Singing Our Faith ~ Draw the Circle Wide
by Gordon Light
Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song, no one stands alone,
standing side by side –
Draw the circle wide.
God the still point of the circle,
round whom all creation turns.
Nothing lost but held forever, in God’s gracious arms.
Let our hearts touch far horizons,
so encompass great and small.
Let our loving know no borders, faithful to God’s call!
Let the dreams we dream be larger
than we’ve ever dreamed before.
Let the dream of Christ be in us, open every door.