Invitation to Share the Table of Inclusion,
Justice, and Spirituality
Led by Pastor Ken
Members of Jesus’ spiritual family regularly ate a
meal together. It was a human way to be together
and it is something they had in common with
virtually every other social group in their world. It
was considered central to their identity and the way
they cared for each other. It became a tradition and
a life giving ritual. These meal traditions were their
way of acting out the way the world could be. They
offered each other hospitality and loving solidarity.
They shared bread and cup in the spirit of celebra-
tion, presence, and joy. I invite you into the spirit of
those meals as we share this bread and cup today.
The sacrament of communion is rooted in Christian
faith but at Shadow Rock we share it as a sacred
human ritual open to everyone.
Welcome to the Table
Led by Pastor Ken
One: At this table we give thanks for justice, love,
peace and freedom.
All: At this table we give thanks for friends
and strangers who come together in
community in this safe place.
One: At this table we welcome old and young, rich
and poor, weak and strong, sick and well,
and all members of the human family.
All: All of us have a place at the table and all
are invited.
Led by Pastor Ken
One: We give thanks for the unfolding of matter,
mind, intelligence, and life that has brought
us to this moment in time.
All: We celebrate our common origin with
everything and everyone that exists.
One: We celebrate the mystery we experience and
address as ‘God’ who is ground and sustainer
of everything that exists, and in whom we
live and move and have our being.
All: We acknowledge and celebrate this
mystery embodied in every human
person, aware that each one of us gives
God unique and personal expression.
One: God is everywhere present in grace-filled
moments of sharing and in carefully created
communities of loving solidarity.
All: We are one with everything, living and
nonliving, on this planet.
Sharing the Bread and Cup
My Hope is Built On Christ/The Solid Rock
Shared by Christine Kyhn arr. Christine Kyhn