Order of Worship

6 August 2023

Sunday Morning Spiritual Formation

For Adults: the How and Why of Spiritual Connections

We gather at 9:00 am in the Multipurpose Room. Expect a warm welcome and grace-filled discussion.

For Children Ages 4 and up: Getting to Know You

You can find us in the Blue Room! Look for signs and friendly faces as you enter the education building. For children under 4, there's childcare in the Red Room.

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Order of Worship

Gathering Music and Prelude

Welcome and Announcements

One: Who are we and what are we called to do?

All:  To create a world where every person is radically affirmed and barriers between people become bridges of inclusion, justice, and spirituality.

Singing Our Faith ~ "There is Room for All"

There is room for all 

in the shadow of God’s wing;

There is room for all sheltered in God’s love.

And I rejoice and sing,  

“My refuge and my rock in whom I trust.”

There is room for all. There is room for all.


The Peace - Led by Rev. Ken Heintzelman

Let us greet each other as a sign of God's peace and of our shared friendship.

Celebrations and ‘What’s Next For You’ Story Time -

Led by Rev. Ken Heintzelman

This is our time to share the celebrations of our lives: birthdays, anniversaries, words of kindness and works of peace and justice.  

Celebrate your heart and your spirit,

Celebrate your life while you live it.

Even when it’s hard to do,

Celebrate the best of you.

Celebrate your dreams and your visions,

Celebrate the love you’ve been given.

Cherish all that you’ve been through,

Celebrate the best of you.

Bread, Wine, and Invitation to Share - Led by Rev. Ken Heintzelman

All our bread is gluten-free. Communion offerings in August are directed to the Refugee Resettlement Fund.

We return from our Sabbath time to eat and drink together at the Table of Unity. This simple and profound act reminds us of the deeper aspects of human fellowship. We are connected to each other, to the gifts of our planet and to the Spirit of Life and Love from whom all blessings flow. The sharing of bread and wine has been a universal symbol of community. May we find strength and grace for the journeys of our lives. To the table the Spirit bids us come. Let us pray.

One: Spirit of Life and Love, You have set the places, You have poured the wine, and there is always room, You say, for one more.

All: And so we come. From the streets and the alleys, we come.

One: From the deserts and from the hills, we come.

All: From the ravages of poverty and from the places of privilege, we come.

One: Running, limping, carried, we come.

All:  We are bloodied with our wars, we are wearied with our wounds, we carry our dead within us,

And we reckon with their ghosts.

One: We hold the seeds of healing, We dream of a new Creation, We know the things that make for peace, And we struggle to give them wings.

And yet, to Your table, We come.

Hungering for Your bread, We come.

Thirsting for Your wine, We come:

Singing Your song in every language,

Speaking Your name in every tongue,

In conflict and in communion,

In discord and in desire.

All: We come, O God of Wisdom, We come.

Communion Song ~ Companions On the Journey


We are companions on our journey, 

Breaking bread and sharing life.

In the love we bear is the hope we share

For we believe in the love of our God.

Yes, we believe in the love of our God.

No longer strangers to each other,

No longer strangers in God’s house,

We are blest and we are nourished,

By the love we all can share.  


Although the journey may be rocky,

Although the way’s not always clear,

We will share God’s love a-plenty,

With all people far and near.  


Prayer of Thanks

Offered by Rev. Ken Heintzelman

The Prayer of Jesus (Sung Responsively)

Our Creator in heaven

Hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread,

Forgive us our trespasses

As we forgive those

Who trespass against us.

Save us from the time of trial,

And deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power

And the glory are yours

Now and forever. Amen

Offerings and Offertory - Shared by Travis Meyers

Dedication of Our Offerings - Led by Rev. Ken Heintzelman

One: By our smallest actions, we become part of a bigger world. The smallest giving can be an expression of the good spirit of generosity and caring. 

All: May we and these gifts be used to build a foundation of inclusion, justice and spirituality. Amen.

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sunset heart hands

Word About Life for Today

Shared by Rev. Kenneth Heintzelman

Words for Mission

One: Hold in your heart the certainty that the spirit of life is with you always.

All: When our hearts are torn asunder or when we soar with sweet joy, we are never alone, never apart from the spirit that resides within us, that guides our lives and cherishes us always. 

One: These are the times!

All: We are the people!

One: All of Creation is blessed!

All: May we love all and serve all!

One: May God be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Amen.

All: Amen.

Sending Forth Song ~ "Circles"


All my life’s a circle, sunrise and sundown.

The moon rolls thru’ the night-time,

Till the daybreak comes around.

All my life’s a circle, but I can’t tell you why.

The seasons spinning ‘round again,

The years keep rolling by.

It seems like I’ve been here before,

I can’t remember when,

But I’ve got this funny feeling

That I’ll be back once again.

There’s no straight lines, make up my life

And all my roads have bends.

There’s no clear cut beginnings,

And so far no deep ends.


I’ve found you a thousand times,

I guess you’ve done the same,

But then we’ll lose each other,

It’s just like children’s games.

And as I see you here again

The thought runs thru’ my mind.

Our love is like a circle,

Let’s go ‘round one more time.


Sermon Reboot is back! If you're attending in person, make your way to the Narthex seating area. If you're participating via Zoom, please stay connected.

Coming Attractions

Sunday, 8/6: Shadow Rock @ North Mountain Brewery, 4:00

Sunday, 8/12: Board Planning Retreat

Sunday, 8/27: Coffee Chat and Karen Richter Sendoff

Saturday 9/23: 50th Anniversary Dinner