Welcome and Announcements
Pastor Ken
Opening Words
Led by Pastor Ken
One: Who are we and what are we called to do?
All: We are the sensitive and responsive ones called to create a world where every person is radically affirmed and barriers between people become bridges of inclusion, justice, and spirituality.
Call to Worship
Led by WISE Team Member
One: We gather in the presence of the One
who abandons no one.
All: All are welcome in the sacred place, made holy through
your presence with us.
One: Open our hearts and minds this day and guide us into a loving
relationship with all your children.
All: Spark us with a word of life and radical belonging – a
message that we share with others as we seek to live out
Christ’s love.
One: We call on the name of God, who creates, redeems, and
sustains us.
All: Let’s celebrate a call to new life.
Singing Our Faith ~ We Are the Family
by Ray Repp
We are the family and we are the home,
We are the mountain where love can be known.
We are the voices and we are the hands
For bringing peace to our land.
1. And in our family all are welcome,
Doesn’t matter who you are,
In our home there’s always room
So plan to stay.
On our mountain where we labor
There’s much work that’s left to do,
And your talents would be helpful if you stay.
2. And in our family ev’ry nation,
Ev’ry planet, ev’ry race,
Ev’ryone is always welcome to our home.
And with our voices let us tell you
That we mean just what we say,
And with our hands united, let us pray.