Order of Worship

for Palm Sunday

24 March 2024

All are invited because no matter who you are or where

you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!


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Prelude ~

Shared by Travis Meyers


Centering Affirmation: Even the Stones Cry Out!

Welcome and Announcements

Shared by Pastor Ken

Opening Words

Led by Pastor Ken

One: Who are we and what are we called to do?

All: We are the sensitive and responsive ones called

to create a world where every person is radically

affirmed and barriers between people become

bridges of inclusion, justice, and spirituality.

Call to Worship

Led by Sue Stuart

One: It is holy to gather.

All: It is holy to sing.

One: It is holy to be generous, to throw our coats

on the road.

All: It is holy to celebrate justice when we see it. It is holy to shout, “Hosanna!” It is holy to remember.

One: It is holy to gather. It is holy to sing.

Here and now, let us do all of these things.

Singing Our Faith

~ Hosanna, Loud Hosanna

Hosanna, loud hosanna, the little children sang;

Through pillared court and temple the lovely anthem rang.

To Jesus, who had blessed them close folded to his breast,

The children sang their praises, the simplest and the best.

From Olivet they followed mid an exultant crowd,

The victor palm branch waving, and chanting clear and loud.

The Lord of earth and heaven rode on in lowly state,

Nor scorned that little children should on his bidding wait.

“Hosanna in the highest!” that ancient song we sing,

For Christ is our Redeemer, the Lord of heaven our King.

O may we ever praise him with heart and life and voice,

And in his blissful presence eternally rejoice!


Opening Prayer and Silence

Responsive Lord’s Prayer

Our Creator in heaven,

Hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

On Earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those,

Who trespass against us.

Save us from the time of trial,

And deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are


Now and forever.



Celebrations and Celebration Song

Led by Pastor Ken

At this time, we share moments from our lives: birthdays,

anniversaries, and words of peace and justice. We celebrate

sorrows and grief as part of our comprehensive view of life.

Give voice to goodness!

Celebration Song

Celebrate your heart and your spirit.

Celebrate your life while you live it.

Even when it’s hard to do,

Celebrate the best of you.

Celebrate your dreams and your visions.

Celebrate the life you’ve been given.

Cherish all that you’ve been through,

Celebrate the best of you!

Invitation to Give

Shared by A WISE Team Member

In response to our celebrations and the deep goodness of life, our offerings for the

celebration of life, in this place and beyond, shall now be



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Invitation to Give

Led by Sue Stuart

One: Kindred, Life is good, and the love that

enlivens the Universe endures forever. We

pause to be grateful for the gift of life and to

become aware that we stand in the flow of

gifts and givers.

All: We give so that the world might know

the flow of gifts and givers. Loving

Creator, bless our gifts. May they

work in the world to further peace and

justice. Amen.

Offerings and Offertory ~

Shared by Travis Meyers

Dedication of Our Offerings

Led by Sue Stuart

We bring these gifts to God and the world as

an act of our faith, as an act of our power, and

an act of justice believing that only love can

heal and unite. We know God’s work is being

done through us. May these gifts provide for

the work that is being done and for the work

that is yet to be done. Amen

Word About Life

Paraphrased from and inspired by Luke 19:28-40.

Led by Sue Stuart

One: Go to the village ahead of you, and you will

find a colt tied there. Untie it and bring it here.

If anyone asks you, say, “The Lord needs it.”

All: We believe in a God of surprises.

We believe in a God with a sense of


We believe that there are things we may

never understand, but we believe that

even in the mystery, God is there.

One: They brought it to Jesus, threw their cloaks

on the colt, and put Jesus on it. As he went

along, people spread their cloaks on the road.

All: We believe in giving what we have.

We believe that actions of generosity

change us.

We dare to believe that these small acts

can change the world.

One: The whole crowd of disciples began joyfully

praising God in loud voices for all the miracles

they had seen.

All: We believe in a God who is a miracle-maker.

We believe in a God of good news.

We believe this good news is so good

that we cannot help but sing.

One: Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to

Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!”

All: We believe there will be forces that try

to silence what is just, good, hopeful,

and generous.

We do not believe those voices will have

the last word.

One: “I tell you,” Jesus replied, “if they keep quiet,

the stones will cry out.”

All: We believe, at the end of the day, love will find a way.

We believe.

Help our unbelief.

In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

Word About Life For Today

Shared by Pastor Ken

wedgeblade graphic

Words For Mission

Led by Sue Stuart

One: Having said a firm No to the gates of power

and prestige, Jesus calls us to go out in love,

compassion, and humility.

All: Having entered through the gates with

regular folks and donkeys and children

with palms, this Jesus has come to save

and calls us to go out in hope.

One: Together, we are embraced by an enduring

and boundless love that forges us together in

shouts of “Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest!”

All: We go forth humbly to serve the God

whose love endures forever.

We go forth in the strength of the Spirit, who calls us

to rejoice in this very day.

One: These are the times!

All: We are the people!

One: All of Creation is blessed.

All: May we love all and serve all.

One: May God be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Amen.

All: Amen.


Sending Forth Song

~ Hosanna, Hallelujah!


Hosanna, hallelujah! Sing we loud and clear.

Hosanna, hallelujah! Jesus Christ is near.

With ancient psalms and new grown palms

Praise him on his way.

Hosanna, hallelujah! Christ our Lord is here.

This day in spring the streets will ring

With voices sweet and lyrical.

To greet our Lord, the one adored,

His very life a miracle.


King David’s Son now rides upon

A mule, of beasts the lowliest.

Amidst the throng it bears along

Of all of us the holiest.


Sermon Reboot is OFF for today.

This is a time to talk about the message and explore together using the ORID Art Form Conversation methodology. What is ORID? It stands for Observation, Reflection, Interpretation, and Decision. You will get the hang of it.