Prayer of Re-dedication to Justice
Led by Cindy Gattorna, Roy Zaborowski, Linda Johnston
One: Let us pray. When we behold the problems
of our world, we pray not to be tempted to
quick answers; when every tongue declares
a different truth, when every people praises
its own righteousness,
All: let us pause before we speak or praise or hope.
Silent Prayer
One: Let us look inward seeking to discover
eternal truths implanted there by you, truths
greater than those heard in the outer
multitude of voices and words.
All: And let us remember always that
to be loud is not to be right,
to be strange is not to be forbidden,
to be new is not to be frightful,
to be dark is not to be ugly.
One: Thus, let us find truths true to the Spirit of
Life and Love, that we may live with them,
and you, and ourselves in peace.
Silent Prayer
One: God to whom we belong, we know ...
that each person is of infinite worth to you,
that You delight in all our colors, shapes,
and sizes, and expressions of faith, and that
You dwell in the love that holds us together
as your One Body. Held captive by the
bondage of injustice, we confess that at
times we have failed to love –
All: alienating ourselves from You, our
community, and our very souls.
Silent Prayer
One: May we overcome the temptation to live in
fear: insular and distant from one another.
All: May we find strength in You to stop
quietly accepting the system that
divides, excludes, and crucifies your
One: Source of all that is just and true, fortify us
with the courage and integrity to draw one
another out of numb, collective amnesia and
remember your love that holds us close.
All: Let us never forget who we are in You,
because it is only in You that we are
freed from the shackles of guilt and sin
to act with sincere passion for justice.
One: Trusting in the deep goodness of life, we
anticipate the day when injustice will be no
more. Living and moving in your Spirit,
strengthen us to be active participants in the
fulfillment of that promise!
These are the times
All: We are the people.
One: All of Creation is blessed!
All: May we love all and serve all!
One: May God be with you.
All: And also with you.
One: Amen.
All: Amen.