George & Berdetta White

Just Sharing..."Follow God Thursday."

GM Prayer Warriors, Father God, we warriors believe “If we do what we love, we will never work a day in our life.” Marc Anthony.

Father, we warriors also believe “if we want to be successful in this world, we must continuously follow you Father, and our passion, but don’t follow a paycheck.” Unknown.

Father God, our prayer is as we journey this road called life, we warriors look less at following the rules and more at following our heart.

For Father God, we warriors have grown to understand “the cost of not following our heart, is spending the rest of our lives wishing we had.” Unknown Meditate on Proverbs 3:5.

Father God, we warriors thank you for inspiring us today with this inspirational prayer message, Amen. 

George & Berdetta. 

Point to Ponder "God wants our heart, not our perfection." Unknown