Your Rotary Reminder for

today, Oct 28, 2024

rca magic patti logo

up front in

Roxy ballroom

Sheraton UPTOWN Hotel

2600 Louisiana Blvd NE (@ Menaul Blvd)

Today's Lunch Program

Bliss Mikki

Oct 28

Mikki Mullen

APS Teacher of the Gifted

ABQ High School

BLISS Buddies program

As the BLISS (Bettering Lives In Small Steps) sponsor, Michelle continues the BLISS Book Buddies program, connecting high school students with Title I elementary students in our district with engaging picture books. The goals are to encourage literacy, appreciation, voice, and pride. Many of the classrooms are bilingual, as are the books, which celebrate the dual language benefit for all students. Michelle’s passion is communicated through her dedication to the love of teaching, and she hopes students feel empowered in their educational journey to be lifelong learners—open to new, enriching experiences as they discover their path—with, perhaps, a nudge or two from her influence.

Michelle Mullen, a current teacher at Albuquerque High School from which she graduated, has been teaching in public education for 25 years. She graduated with distinction from the University of New Mexico, earning a Masters degree and has been instrumental promoting the need for a strong educational foundation for all students. She has received several recognitions in her career, including Teacher of the Month while teaching English at LBJ Middle School. Michelle began her career at Newcomb, New Mexico as an alternative teacher on the Navajo Nation, growing through the culture and recognizing the educational uniqueness of our state. She prides herself on student advocacy, exposure, and outreach, ensuring stronger citizenship and a better future for everyone.


Michelle has roots in Albuquerque as her great grandfather, Ernest Welch, moved to New Mexico with his family in the 1920s. He was the proprietor of the Highland Pharmacy, and the NM Pharmacists Association has an award in his honor, recognizing outstanding service to pharmacy and the general welfare of the citizens of New Mexico. He was involved in many philanthropic ventures to assist Albuquerque’s growth and prosperity. Her grandmother was the first Queen of Tingley Beach—who knew, for those who are younger—but more relevant, she was the Senator Anderson’s head secretary at his Albuquerque office. Her mother, Nancy Mullen, also taught for APS, celebrating literacy as a Title I specialist, strongly influencing and mentoring her daughter. Michelle has a son who is at the University of Arizona, pursuing business. Collectively, her family has impacted our state either directly or indirectly. Michelle also strives to make a difference for the betterment of our city and our state through volunteering, inviting others to look beyond themselves to the bigger picture of unity and outreach. One day, she plans to reconnect to sports, which at one time or another, she actively embraced.


ahs logo

What fun fact will we hear about one of our Rotarians?

mystery male femal

As part of the ARCF month information,

Past President Marti Bass will remind you about the Club's Guardian Society

ARCF Guardian pin
arcf logo blue vertical

ARCF is awarding grant checks

  • Explora Rotary Pavilion Upkeep $5000
  • ABQ BioPark Children's Seed Festival $2800
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Monday, Oct 28 Committee meetings:


Other meetings this week (Oct 28 - Nov 1)


every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast

7:15am @ Wecks on PDN


October Birthdays

Oct 25 - 31



November Birthdays

Nov 1-10

Kathleen Mansmann

Mark Tobiassen

Marta Parnall

Ron Salley

scare a ton

On behalf of our friends at Sheraton Uptown Hotel: Thur Oct 31

11 years now --- all for the Locker 505

Spend your Thursday Halloween evening in the perfect environment!

Check out their

Scare -A-Ton

Lots of ways to support or attend & enjoy!

Next Monday's

Rotary Program

gessing paul rio grande

Nov 4

Paul Gessing


Rio Grande Foundation

New Mexico's Golden Opportunity

Paul Gessing became the first full-time President of the Rio Grande Foundation in March of 2006. Since joining the Foundation, Gessing has been a prominent voice for limited government and individual liberties in policy areas including: Constitutional liberties, taxes, health care, education, and transportation.

Full Bio

Monday, Nov 4 Committee meetings:


Other meetings next week (Nov 4-8)


every Thurs: RCA Fellowship Breakfast

7:15am @ Wecks on PDN

sneak preview

November Programs

Nov 11

Mark Goodman

His Pilgrimage along Via Francigena

mow logo

RCA's next service project

Tuesday, Nov 12 hold the date!


Meals on Wheels

Holiday Care Packages to assembly

mow flyer nov 12

Nov 18

Trish Henning

Next Generation of the VLA

Nov 25

Don Tarry


RCA Office Notes

October - December dues statements were emailed 2 weeks ago.

Check your spam folders!

Let Ann know if you need another copy

If you have a cc on file, they were charged this week.

nmya logo

RCA selected NM Young Actors as our nonprofit this Rotary year.

We'll be holding fundraising activities in spring

Meanwhile you can support them now by attending their Fall shows

fall nmya shows
The WHEELS logo

A variety of events every weekend!

check them out on their website

Yes, RCA is still zooming Mondays!

Join URL: same as always
Meeting ID: 857 3355 6745                                Passcode: 794895