Wednesday, 1st Febuary 2023
ECONOMY | Record Liquidations - A Warning to Company Owners - Record numbers of company liquidations should serve as a warning to business owners bracing for a recession to act early, according to one of the country’s leading restructuring and insolvency (R&I) advisors. 
FREEPORT | The Celtic Freeport Opportunity - As part of a new series focused on the ambitions and opportunities of the Celtic Freeport bid in South Wales, Business News Wales hosted a virtual discussion to discover what the freeport will mean for some of Wales leading businesses and organisations across the sector.
ECONOMY | Report Sees Workforce Growth in Nearly a Third of Businesses Backed by Welsh Government Covid-19 Support- A new report by Economic Intelligence Wales shows 30% of small businesses surveyed have seen their employee numbers grow since the pandemic – with nearly half predicting further growth in the next 12 months.
APPOINTMENT | Cardiff University Appoints New Head of Commercialisation - Cardiff University has appointed a new Head of Research Commercialisation and Impact with the remit to transform academic research into business and entrepreneurship.
SWANSEA | Theme Announced for the 2023 Swansea Conference - The theme for this year’s Swansea Conference has been announced: Supporting Local. This will be reflected throughout the conference, which attracts businesses, organisations and individuals from across the Swansea Bay City Region.
ECONOMY | Under a Fifth of SMEs Plan for Growth in 2023 According to ACCA- UK Government measures to support SMEs facing inflationary pressures and falling demand have fallen short according to the latest edition of the ACCA UK and The Corporate Finance Network SME Tracker.
PROPERTY | Business Rates Revaluation: Key Considerations for Occupiers - Andrew Flower, Director at JLL, gave Business News Wales an understanding of the new Business Rates Revaluation, coming in to effect in April 2023. Specialising in business rates advice, Andrew advises both occupiers and landlords on their rates liabilities.
SKILLS | Sharing Expertise to Support the Development of the New Curriculum for Wales- Key educational partners shared their expertise at a workshop hosted by the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) as part of a major project to support the development of the new Welsh Curriculum.
BUILT ENVIRONMENT | North Wales-based Engineering Consultancy Secures Multi-Million-Pound Contract - A North Wales-based engineering, environmental and planning consultancy has secured a multi-million-pound contract to provide structural and geotechnical expertise on the Vale of York Motorway Services Area (MSA) scheme.
BUILT ENVIRONMENT | 42 New Industrial Units Constructed in Barry Have Now Been Sold- All 42 new industrial units constructed at Atlantic Business Park in Barry have now been sold.
APPOINTMENT | Cardiff Biosciences Company Makes Key Appointment- Genesis Biosciences has made a key appointment at its Cardiff-based headquarters to support the development of its extensive eco-friendly microbial product range.
APPOINTMENT | Senior Hire to Cement 2023 Growth Plans at Reacta Healthcare- Reacta Healthcare has appointed a new quality control manager to further expand and develop its quality function.
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS | Swansea Charity Receives Boost from Local Law Firm- Swansea-based Peter Lynn and Partners have made a four-figure donation to The Sharing Table, a local charity that helps provide opportunities to disadvantaged children and their families.
RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS | Learn Lifesaving Skills this Defibruary - According to the Resuscitation Council UK for every minute that someone’s in cardiac arrest without receiving CPR and having a defibrillator used on them, their chance of survival decreases by 10%.

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