Wednesday, 26th July 2023

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FOOD & DRINK | New Record High for Welsh Food and Drink Exports - Welsh Food and Drink exports were worth £797 million in 2022, the highest recorded yearly value, Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths has announced.

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HEALTHCARE | South Wales Medtech Creating New Era for Global Health Information Analysis - In a landmark achievement for global health information analysis, the team at Cardiff-based Human Data Sciences has published the prevalence of all diseases in the UK, for the very first time.

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GREEN ECONOMY | Holyhead Hydrogen Hub Set to Receive £3.8m Growth Deal Funding - Menter Môn has welcomed news that the Holyhead Hydrogen Hub has been included as one of five new projects which could benefit from North Wales Growth Deal funding.

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SKILLS | New Net Zero Qualification Launched for Next Generation of 'Sustainable Business Leaders' - A new ‘net zero’ qualification will help Wales meet its carbon neutral targets and train the next generation of sustainable business leaders.

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GREEN ECONOMY | How Sewage Waste Recycling Could Revolutionise Farm Fertilisers - Researchers at the University of South Wales are looking at how sewage waste could be used to revolutionise the development of large-scale farm fertilisers.

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SKILLS | Upskilling Could be Key to Combat UK’s Hiring Lull - ACT explains why its ‘improving lives through learning’ approach could be essential in maintaining and nurturing staff for Welsh businesses.

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ECONOMY | New Data Published on Land Transaction Tax Across Wales - The Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) has recently published its latest annual statistics for Land Transaction Tax (LTT).

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NORTH WALES | Founders of Storage Giant Invest Millions in Holiday Park and Unveil New Partnership - A respected husband-and-wife who invested millions of pounds developing a beloved holiday park launched an exclusive partnership with a leading tourist attraction.

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HEALTHCARE | 80% of GPs Express Patient Safety Concerns as GP Crisis Deepens in Wales - More than 80% of GPs surveyed by the doctor’s union said they fear they are unable to provide quality and safe care to patients due to their excessive workloads and the rising demands on the service.

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FOOD & DRINK | Restriction on High Fat, Sugar and Salt Products to be Introduced in Wales - New legislation to restrict the placement and price promotion of products high in fat, sugar and salt is to be introduced in Wales.

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FOOD & DRINK | The Surprising Benefits Behind Some of Wales's Favourite Products - Welsh food and drink brands are going above and beyond, surpassing expectations as they tackle waste and promote sustainability in ways that extend beyond what their labels might suggest. 

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MID WALES | Winning Powys Business Award was a Game Changer for Social Enterprise - Winning a Powys Business Award last October has helped a social enterprise, which works with young people disengaged from traditional education, to build valuable business links in the county.

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SKILLS | The Value of the Welsh Language and Learning: Dewi's Story - Dewi Richards-Darch, Curriculum Manager at Itec has completed his Agored Cymru Level 2 Essential Digital Literacy Skills qualification and is now working towards his ILM Leadership and Management Level 4.

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