Welcome To The Climate Truth Coalition

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Our Goal is to build awareness and then to branch off into groups which represent RDCK district areas to educate as many directors as possible through letter writing campaigns, information packages and as delegations which speak before the board. With the many different faces from different areas all stating similar concerns we aim to positively influence RDCK board members' decision making process.

Our short term goal is to halt the Climate Action approval plan by the RDCK Board until RDCK residents' concerns are adequately and fairly addressed, and residents are able and willing to give informed consent.

We are also requesting the RDCK schedule in-person, local community meetings in all areas within facilities providing suitable access to allow for adequate discussion, with a representative and diverse number of RDCK residents

For More Info Contact:

RDCK Climate Truth Actions

Join The Zoom Meeting Tuesday April 25th at 6 PM Pacific Daylight Time PDT
How are the RDCK and municipal governments spending the additional millions of dollars they're receiving this year? What strings are attached?
The New RDCK Climate Action Plan is now public. The budgets tell us the framework of the future. Climate action plans, urban planning and land use by-law changes may herald in 15 minute cities and the social credit system. Involvement from everyone is needed. We are forming action groups to voice our concerns and ask questions at Town Hall meetings and RDCK Open Board meetings as there are definite game's afoot.
The Climate Truth Action Coalition is inviting you to a Scheduled Zoom meeting.

Time: Tuesday Apr 25, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time PDT

Download Meeting Agenda   

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 2544 5065

Passcode: 724172

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    +1 647 374 4685 Canada

Meeting ID: 837 2544 5065

Passcode: 724172

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To prepare for the meeting, please open and read:
Climate Plan Work Book and Momentum Booklet


RDCK Defers Voting on the Climate Action Plan Until Mid June

Update June 20th

Approval of The RDCK Climate Action Plan was originally scheduled to occur at the Open Board Meeting on April 20th at the Nelson office.  

Due to the overwhelming response by concerned constituents, the RDCK board today agreed to defer the voting on the Climate Action Plan until June 15, 2023 to allow for continued engagement. Staff also agreed to conduct public in-person meetings at the request of Directors.


Calling on Residents

from all RDCK Areas!!!

The More the Better!

Please email a letter to your RDCK Director requesting a Town Hall meeting to be organized in your Area by the RDCK along with follow up meetings.

Please also request that adequate advertising be carried out by the RDCK well in advance.

All requests are required to be submitted no later than Friday May 5, 2023

We also request as many residents attend these meetings as possible to voice your concerns and ask strategic questions. Potential questions will be posted as we move forward.

Please spread the word!!!

Our Numbers Can Make a Difference!

Watch Concerned Constituents' commenting and Questioning the Climate Action Plan at the Apr. 20th RDCK Board meeting: Here

Watch RDCK Directors commenting on the request to defer the Plan Here and Here

Find RDCK Area Directors' Contact Information Here

Find the RDCK Area you reside in Here

RDCK Directors Area Map

 Considering that the RDCK Climate Action Plan policies being pushed through may have severe economic consequences for all residents, with possible bankruptcy, loss of residence, etc. (ie: farmers forced to trade out farming vehicles to ZEV’s), it is not reasonable, ethical or moral to not have proper town hall meetings or to hold a referendum with timely notice and information shared.

Immediate Actions

Sabrina, one of our team leaders, has prepared an RDCK PETITION which requests a halt of the Climate Action Plan approval by RDCK Board, slated to occur on April 20th, 2023. Please print copies and canvass signatures until April 27th and then mail in the original copies before April 30th to:

Box 371, Kaslo BC V0G 1M0

Petitions can also be left at key businesses and locations and then picked up and mailed in by April 30th.

Call To Actions
Join the Letter Writing Campaign

Judy has written 6 template letters to be distributed to all area directors. Volunteers are encouraged to write their own letters or use the template letters but its preferable to personalize them by adding your own comments.

Sabrina has also submitted a personally written letter to the next issue of the the Valley Voice. We encourage all volunteers to move simultaneously from all angles as they do.

Find RDCK Area Directors' Contact Information Here

Resources Folder

Sabrina has also created a "Team Resources Folder" for teams to upload resources which can be accessed by all participants.
Please check it out. Resources can be downloaded from the Team Resources Folder and saved into your files.

SMART Cities Notice of Liability

Are SMART Cities really so smart? If the answer is no, then you need to get involved and make your voice heard.

In response, please print and deliver an A4C Notice of Liability to help educate RDCK board members as they are being sold a bill of lies in order to get them on board with SMART/15 Minute cities.

Call To Action

Does spending trillions of taxpayers dollars on this money laundering scheme sound like a good deal?

Columbia Basin Trust Community Meetings and Open Houses

Lets also ask questions as delegations at the Columbia Basin Trust Open House and Community Conversation meetings. A list of events in all areas along with details is found at:

Samantha Edwards Report - Unmasking the Smart City Agenda

We are about to be ushered into the age of "Managed Retreat" into Smart Cities, - otherwise known as "Resilient Cities", or "Sustainable Cities". The age of globalist tyranny like never before. This agenda has nothing to do with the climate. It’s ALL about control, tracking, and surveillance. This documentary takes us through several aspects of the truth about Smart Cities, and their associated technologies.

Watch Here

Learn More about Weather Modification

Jim Lee is tracking The Climate Changers, Pollution, Privacy, and Propaganda with over a decade archiving the history of Weather Modification and Geoengineering.

Visit Jim Lee's Website

View Treaty - E103819

Agreement Between Canada and the United States of America Relating to the Exchange of Information on Weather Modification Activities

Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire - Behind the Green Mask

"Behind the green mask UN Agenda 21" Rosa Koire is the executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute. Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a corporate manipulation using the Green Mask of environmental concern to forward a globalist plan. Rosa speaks across the world and is a regular blogger on her website Democrats Against UN Agenda 21 dot com. Her book, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: UN Agenda 21 is available on, Kindle, and Nook, and at her website.

Watch Rosa's Presentation Here
Visit her Website

Digital ID

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Digital ID

The Digital ID System is being supported by a rapidly growing number of  provincial and federal governments, financial institutions, networks for payments and for identity verification, technology service providers, strategy and integration experts to name a few...