May 4, 2023
May has arrived, and our school calendar is loaded with honors programs, exams for Middle and Upper School students, end of year parties, and graduation events for our kindergarten students and senior class. Our varsity baseball teams has advanced to the second round of the GIAA state playoffs, and our varsity girls' soccer team finished up a great season this week. Be sure to read this week's newsletter and scroll down to see the calendar for important dates and events!
Our Middle and Upper School choruses will present their Spring Concert and final performance of the school year this Sunday, May 7th at 3 p.m. in the Recital Hall. Hope you can join us! #westfieldchorus
Spring Portraits by We Do Photography
Order Deadline is May 25th

We are excited to share the 2023 Spring Portraits by We Do Photography, our school portrait photographers, with you using the link at the button below.

When viewing your images, it is always helpful for you to go ahead and add any photos of your student(s) to your favorites list by clicking the heart button. 
This will make placing your order much, much easier and will keep you from having to scroll through the entire gallery more than once.

Just a few reminders as you log in to make your orders:
* You will use your email address to log in.
* All orders must be placed by Friday, May 25th and will ship directly to your home.
* Digital orders will be delivered through your email address, so be sure to watch your inbox 24-48 hours after to place your order. 
* Please download all digital orders as soon as they are delivered to your inbox. The link is only active for five days.
* Please make sure to save your digital images in at least two places for safe keeping.
* Please contact us at if you have any questions.
Summer at Westfield
Second grade learned so much about animals and wildlife and their habitats during their field trip to Chehaw Park & Zoo! #discoveringandexploring #westfieldsecondgrade #fieldtrip #educationofmindandheart
Second graders are learning about the human body by making "brain" hats, drawing “life size” bodies, and correctly placing the body’s main organs. Doctors and nurses in training! #handsonlearning #westfieldsecondgrade #educationofmindandheart ! #westfieldsecondgrade #studyingscience #educationofmindandheart
Students in Mrs. Olivia Hood's senior Economics class had the chance to try their hand in entrepreneurship. Students worked collaboratively to come up with a product, logo, slogan, and business plan to present to the class "Shark Tank" style or with an original TV commercial. Highlights of the business ideas included a soda fountain to install in your shower and a smart fridge that orders your groceries for you! #seniorsharktank #westfieldupperschool #educationofmindandheart #collaborativelearning
Congratulations to fifth grader Addi Lewis who was honored today by the Perry Kiwanis Club as the Elementary Student of the Year! We are Westfield proud of you, Addi! #buildingleaders
Congratulations to 8th grader Holland Carruth for being named as a Middle School Student of the Year by the Perry Kiwanis Club! We are Westfield proud! #buildingleaders
Congratulations to our 2023 Perry Youth Leadership graduates! Westfield was represented by the following juniors: Chase Abney, Charlie Briscoe, Claire Champion, Emmy Dehem, Dannah Faulk, Sean Fisher, Lofton Hulbert, Matty Hulbert, Ben Lawson, Kate McSwain, Shahi Patel, Brazlyn Stephens, and Campbell Watson. We are Westfield proud! Special thanks to our Athletic Director Coach Chip Champion who was honored tonight by the Perry Area Chamber of Commerce Youth Leadership program for his support of Perry Youth Leadership for many years. Westfield parent Sara Murph, Chief Financial Officer of Parrish Construction Group, spoke to the graduates, encouraging them to seek mentors, be ready to solve problems, and set goals in their future endeavors and careers. Special thanks to Maggie Schuyler, Chamber President, and the Perry Youth Leadership co-chairs Pam Alford, Debra Cox, Scott Cox, and Amanda Fiebig for their time, effort, and tremendous work given to invest in young people through this outstanding leadership program. #perryyouthleadership #PYLgraduation #buildingleaders
Our varsity boys basketball team celebrated their season with a special banquet. Congratulations to the team and coaches on a great season and to senior Brody McDaniel who received GIAA Region 5AAAA All-Region honors. Brody and senior Jud Olf represented Westfield in the 2023 GIAA All-Star game. Great job, Hornets! #westfieldbasketball
Congratulations to our varsity track team on a great season and a strong finish at the GIAA State meet! Several of our Hornets were recognized on the podium for their finishes: Win Hoots - 3rd in boys’ 400 meter dash; Abbie Hulbert, Molly Kate Paris, Makayla Richardson, and Adeline Pearson - 5th in girls’ 4x100 meter relay; Makayla Richardson - 6th in girls’ 400 meter dash; and Mary Blake Brannen - 8th in girls’ shot put. Great job, Hornets!! We are Westfield proud! #westfieldtrack
With a sweep over George Walton Academy in round one of the GIAA state playoffs, our varsity baseball team advances to play at Bethlehem Christian on Friday! Game times have been changed to 4 pm and 6:30 pm. Game 3, if necessary, will be Saturday at 11:00 am. Good luck, Hornets!! #westfieldbaseball
Athletic Physicals and Immunizations
TONIGHT - Thursday, May 4th

Annual athletic physicals will be held tonight (Thursday, May 4) from 6 -7 pm in the Arts and Sciences Building. As per GIAA and school policy, all students participating in varsity or middle school athletics must have a current physical on file with the Athletic Department. (Note: a current physical means one completed within the calendar year of participation.) Students need to wear athletic shorts and t-shirt. The physicals will be $15 and may be charged to your Westfield account.

If your child plans on attending the physicals, they must bring the completed physical paperwork. The packet is available by clicking on the button below.

For students entering 7th or 11th grade who need the TDAP and/or MCV required vaccines, the Houston County Health Department will be present during sports physicals to administer vaccines to those interested. If you would like your child to receive their vaccines during that time, please contact Mrs. Rikki Cottle, RN, BSN, School Nurse, at as soon as possible to add their name to a list. A guardian will need to be present to consent for your child to receive their vaccines. Your child does not have to get a sports physical in order to be present to obtain their vaccines.

Please note that students will be let in on a first come, first serve basis.
For students planning to participate in middle school or varsity athletics, this is a great time to get their physicals completed. For questions, please contact Athletic Director Coach Chip Champion at
May 4: Sports Physicals, 6 - 7 pm, Arts & Sciences Building

May 7: Middle and Upper School Chorus Concert, 3 pm, Recital Hall

May 9: Middle School Honors Program, 5 pm, Recital Hall

May 9: 9th/10th Grade Honors Program, 6:30 pm, Recital Hall

May 10: 11th/12th Grade Honors Program, 6 pm, Recital Hall

May 15 & 16: Senior Exams

May 18: Baccalaureate Service, 6 pm, Perry United Methodist

May 19: Senior Mothers' Tea, 10:30 am, Recital Hall

May 19: Commencement Exercises, 6 pm, Gymnatorium

May 22, 24 and 25: Upper School Exams

May 24 and 25: Middle School Exams

May 24: Pre-K "Super Summer Send Off" Program

May 25: Kindergarten Graduation

Last Day of School is May 25th - Noon Dismissal!
Westfield's Corporate Partnership Opportunities provide a unique platform
to publicize your business and support our school.