Friends and Supporters,

#GivingTuesday is here! For the next 24 hours, we’re joining thousands of organizations around the world on this day of giving. 


PSG needs your help in order to continue our mission in the new year. We promote a vision of a more sustainable region – where farms and forests are preserved, our city and older suburbs revitalized, affordable housing is prioritized, and we create safer, more walkable, bike-friendly, and transit-oriented streets. 

PSG has been working hard the past year to keep you up to date on a variety of issues - including the Henrico and Hanover comprehensive planning processes, the Diamond District and City Center proposals, and advocating for fare-free and expanded transit at GRTC among others. PSG also hosted 2 exciting walking tours of the Jackson Ward and Manchester neighborhoods, where we discussed the cultural significance, revitalization needs, street design, housing needs, and the urban design of the neighborhoods.

As a reminder… 

– We’re raising funds to continue our mission to make you and communities aware of issues in the region and ensuring that you have a say in how the region develops! PSG tracks land use, housing, and transportation issues for the entire region in order to promote a more sustainable Richmond region.

– Our goal is $50,000 to match our $50,000 grant from a generous donor

If you haven’t already, you can make a donation here.

(And don’t forget to share that you’re participating in #GivingTuesday and tag us @psgrichmond so we can celebrate with you!)


Make sure you are subscribed to PSG’s email list for updates on opportunities to participate in shaping your community’s future, and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more live updates as they happen! 


Partnership for Smarter Growth

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