~September 14-15th, 21-22nd, 28-29th, SFSA
Santa Fe Society of Artists weekend art shows held 1 block west of Santa Fe plaza!
~October 4-6, 11-13 Rio Grande Art Festival
during Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, NM. (held at Sandia Casino Resort on Tramway in a ginormous white special event tent)
~October 19-20 Huffhines Art Trail in Richardson, TX ....showing with ROWDY
at Huffhines city park off Apollo Rd. (North Dallas)
~Nov. 29-Dec. 1st Rio Grande Holiday Art Festival
in Albuquerque, NM. (held indoors at Expo NM state fairgrounds Lujan building).
~January 17-19th 2020 Colorado Indian Market-Denver, Colorado
(held at the Denver Merchandise Mart on 58th ave/I-25 north)
....more 2020 shows to be announced soon, hoping to schedule and make it back to Arizona for shows in February and March!