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Toe Fungus?

I hope not

Do you or do you know someone who is suffering from Toe Fungus? It is a treatable problem using questionable chemicals or with non-toxic essential oils. I am sure you know which side of that OR I come down on.

The main key is to look for anti-fungal oils and build a blend. You can find a list of anti-fungal oils in The Essential Life book. One of their main suggestions is to get your fundamentals right. You know, LLV. This is the basement level of the self-help pyramid. Everything builds upon it. So, get the basics right and then work on that Toe Fungus issue.

Toenail fungus is an infection that gets in through cracks in your nail or cuts in your skin. It can make your toenail change color or get thicker. It can also hurt. Because toes are often warm and damp, fungus grows well there. Different kinds of fungi and sometimes yeast affect different parts of the nail. Left untreated, an infection could spread to other toenails, skin, or even your fingernails.

Who Gets Toenail Fungus?

Men are more likely to get it than women.  Age, lowered immune system, diabetes, smoking are all high risk factors.  Spending a lot of time in the water can increase the odds of getting it.


It’s a yucky problem. Thankfully, there are several essential oils that can help.

The 7 Best Essential Oils for Toenail Fungus

  1. Tea Tree - a powerful antiseptic that can prevent infections and accelerate wound healing.
  2. Peppermint - an antifungal also acts as a potent pain reliever that, thanks to its high content of menthol, provides a cooling and soothing effect that can help relieve itching. 
  3. Cinnamon oil - rich in eugenol and cinnamaldehyde. These healing compounds make it a potent antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antibacterial. 
  4. Oregano oil - strong and natural antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal due to its high content of carvacrol and thymol.
  5. Clove - its high content of eugenol, clove oil is a powerful antifungal that can also fight parasites and promote good blood circulation.
  6.  Lavender – Is rich in linalool and linalyl acetate, which makes it very helpful for fungal skin conditions and wound healing. 
  7. On-Guard – it just works when it comes to killing germs.

What does a Toe Fungus Blend look like?

I tend to go overboard, knowing it is almost impossible to overdose on any essential oil. In a dropper bottle I would add 20 drops of all 6 oils. When using, shake and add a few drops to a cotton ball and dab onto the affected areas. Be sure to keep your toenails cut and make sure you clean the clippers in a bath of On-Guard. You don’t want to spread that nasty fungus to anyone else.....

In Case You Missed It. 

Three types of sunscreens have been recalled because they have a chemical that is linked to cancer. Spray-on sunscreen is dangerous.... use doTerra Sun products they do not contain Benzene.

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The Wright Essential Oils 

Yacht Club Rd

Babylon, Ny 11702

(631) 861 4263

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