August 24, 2022




Drawing by Dan Joy

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Top Left - Bishop Gates blessing

the new altar

Bottom Left - Russ Karber, the carpenter, who built the altar and railings, with wife Janet

Top Right - Final Blessing from Bishop Gates

It’s been quite a month here at Church of the Holy Spirit, hardly the Dog Days of August. They have been exciting and inspirational. Like so many of you, I am still buzzing with excitement about the election of Patrick Ward as your new rector, and with gratitude for the search committee who did such an outstanding job at every step in the process.


Today I want to remember, all the way back to the week before when we were blessed with the presence of Bishop Alan Gates for the Blessing and Consecration of our new Altar. He mentioned in his sermon that it includes materials from the former altar as a symbol of the ongoing ministry of God’s table among us. And, he reminded us that real holiness doesn’t come from the words of a blessing, the expense of an item to be blessed, or the particularities of its style.


In fact, what happens during the life of a thing like our newly beloved Altar, is that it is burnished with prayer and holy use, decked out for our celebrations, and made somber

for our fasts during year after year of the prayerful community’s life. Just as we are made more holy through our continued exposure to God’s grace in community, so it is with the things of our worship (or ideas of them). The tiny Altar in a family chapel bears the same mark of God’s presence as the High Altar at Canterbury Cathedral. Different in shape and size, it is still the place where we come to offer our very best to God, and afterward, gladly take back those gifts once they have become something more than we originally brought.


So it is that bread becomes body and wine becomes blood at this table. Our offerings of money become the work of the Church. Our relationships become marriages in front of it. We receive our First Communion at it, and, in the end, it is from here that our earthly journey turns into a journey that cannot be held by this world... All in the presence of the Altar. That’s why we don’t park our coffee cups on it or stand on it to change the light bulbs.


There are three things in the church’s life whose dedications are reserved to the bishop: the altar, the font and the bell. I love to think that this is a constant reminder of our connection to the Bishop, and therefore to the rest of the church, when we are about the work of nurturing God’s people, making new disciples through baptism, and calling us all to worship. These three acts of our shared life are central to making the common, holy.


We are indebted to Bishop Gates for making the trip to see us on this special day. We are blessed to be wrapped, swaddled even, within the life of a wonderful diocese. Even when we may feel a bit at its edge geographically, it is this Altar at the center of our community that bespeaks the truth of our connection to a larger Church, a larger faith, a larger calling in a larger kingdom.


We give God thanks for Greg De Lory, who took on the architectural responsibility for drawing plans for the Altar, for Russ Karber who constructed it, for the committee of parishioners who oversaw the project that renewed our worship space, for Buildings and Grounds that lent a hand when needed, and for the Vestry that figured out how to pay for it. All of this is Holy Work -- to create this table where each one’s offerings through God’s grace, become food enough, and food to spare.

I look forward to seeing you at the table soon!



Unanimous Affirming Vote to call

Rev. Patrick C. Ward during

August 21st Parish meeting

The Vestry met on Thursday, August 18 for their regular monthly meeting. It was difficult to contain our excitement about the upcoming Special Parish Meeting, but we did manage to accomplish a bit of business:

·      Treasurer Chris Crighton reported that income so far this year is at 54.7% of our expected income and expenses are running slightly ahead of that, at 57.3% of the budget.

·      The Vestry approved the Letter of Agreement and TCC (Total Clergy Compensation) for our new rector, the Reverend Patrick C. Ward, who will begin his ministry with us in mid-November. Click here for his resume

·      The formation of a Transition Committee to help Patrick and partner Roger Lovejoy move into the rectory and acclimate to the Lower Cape was approved.

·      We are planning an all-church potluck dinner following the 10:00 am service on September 25. We will also honor Gail+ at this celebration, as this will be her final Sunday as our Assistant Rector. Please look for details and sign-ups in the weeks to come.

·      As we'll be meeting as a Parish in September, Shepherd groups will reconvene in October. 

The Wardens and Vestry wish to offer a huge thank you to the Search Committee for their 15 months of work, surviving the ups and downs of the process, and reaching the exciting conclusion with the election by the Parish of The Reverend Patrick C. Ward. We all owe them our deepest gratitude for their gift of time and effort on behalf of the entire Parish.

For those of you who enjoyed the video Patrick prepared for the Special Parish Meeting and would like to hear more from him, his sermons are available on the Trinity Church Boston website.    Sermon and Worship Service Archive | Trinity Church Boston

Finally, thank you to all who participated in the Special Parish Meeting this past Sunday in person, via Zoom, or through your prayers. It truly was a special and memorable occasion as we assembled to elect our new rector and look to the future as a Parish. The ice cream was delicious, too! 


Brenda and Celia




10:00 a.m.

In person worship with music

 at Church of the Holy Spirit

Masks required.

If you are unable to join us in person,

a Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent Fridays at Noon.

It includes links to the Zoom service, Sunday Bulletin,

and CHS Announcements

You can also watch the service live or

later on our YouTube channel



 10:00 a.m. VIA ZOOM

A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.

It includes the links to the Zoom service and the Service Bulletin and Readings.


We knew of course that the process of seeking a new rector for our church would be long and complicated. Yet seeing a timeline beginning with the Linton’s departure in October 2019 to Sunday’s vote to elect The Reverend Patrick C. Ward as our new priest was honestly quite stunning! And while we feel a wonderful combination of blessed, lucky, elated, and relieved, we also feel excited that we are about to turn a corner in our life at CHS, and the best is yet to come.

The Search Committee showed remarkable dedication and perseverance throughout our 15 months together. The commitment involved was considerable. Not only were there countless meetings (Zoom and in person) but we had a ton of “homework” –analyzing the results of the CAT survey, writing the profile, reading applications and resumes—all while maintaining complete confidentiality. We all feel very proud to have been part of this fine group and thank everyone at the Church of the Holy Spirit for their patience and support.

Special thanks to Joe Robinson+, Kate Paradise, Brian Ridgeway and Chris Crighton for help with our Parish Profile. Every candidate we spoke to mentioned how impressed they were with the Profile.

Thank you for entrusting us with this awesome task. We are so looking forward to welcoming Patrick and Roger!

Cynthia, Ike, Celia, Priscilla, Doug, Bob, Rich, Meg, Sharyn, Brooke & Jen

To read more about what it’s like to serve on a search committee, click here:

Search Committee Comments



We are ready as Phase One of our ambitious hillside reimagining (SOS) is complete. The upper rectory stairs, the Rte. 28 overflow berm terrace, the generator downspout area and back of rectory hillside terracing is complete to utilize God’s gift of water.

Peter Jensen of Terra Firma International has started on Phase Two – the Solar Field Terraces. A brave contingent of CHS garden volunteers did a bucket brigade on Monday morning to move 4 yards of hemlock mulch onto the major terrace between the rows of panels. Thank You to the Garden Team for your hard work! If you want to help, please contact Ann Pike-Parish.

We anticipate work moving through from Rte. 28 above the children’s play area, under the solar field, and below the completed upper rectory terraces down to the wetlands by early November. We have updated the bulletin board in the Parish Hall with new photos of work completed and posted a copy of a wonderful article on CHS environmental stewardship and Peter’s work.

Again, a big thank you to the Vestry and leadership at CHS in sponsoring and approving this call of diocesan environmental stewardship at CHS.


10,000 Lunches Served in July!

With all of our sites up and running we handed out more than 10,000 lunches in July ... 19% more than last year!  And now it’s hard to believe our 10th summer is already drawing to a close and schools will be starting back soon. Our recreation program partners in Orleans, Brewster (Eddy Elementary) and Eastham said goodbye to their children a week ago.  Those in Chatham, Brewster (Stony Brook Elementary), Wellfleet and Truro finished up just this past Friday.  And last, but not least, carrying through our last week are the recreation programs in Harwich, Provincetown, and Truro Library. What great partners they all are!

Speaking of school, Massachusetts students will continue to receive free school meals this year. On July 28, 2022, Governor Charlie Baker signed the fiscal year 2023 budget. It includes a one-year extension of the pandemic-era program under which all children, regardless of household income, received free school lunch and breakfast. We are fortunate in this state to have a legislature concerned about the wellbeing of our children … all our children. Massachusetts is only the fifth state to step up! Not all states have accepted this responsibility to their children.

Want to know more about Food 4 Kids, check out our newly updated website at

And even better, join our email list here and see more, learn more! 

Thank you poster from Orleans

Food 4 Kids children

Thank you poster from Harwich Food 4 Kids children


Due to Covid, the Wednesday Morning Prayer Service stopped, but we found another way join in prayer once a week. Folks remain in their own homes and individually as close to 9 a.m. as possible read the selections for the day and offer prayers for each other, our families, our church members and any other needs of the world.

This is not via zoom... this is connecting through the spirit of knowing others are reading the same scriptures and joining in prayer at the same time... a very powerful way to worship "together."

If you want to join this group and receive the scripture selections, call or text 508-241-0357. God Bless!


We will open our doors on Sunday September 18th and begin another Church School Year! 


Registration begins at 9:30 with snacks and conversation, then break into our classrooms.  All will go to the church to share in the “passing of the Peace".


We will never be able to replace the love and joy that Joan McFadden brought to our church school and Godly Play. But, we are working to find a NEW balance to Godly Play by enlisting the help of the congregation. 


Until we have the chance to discuss our Church School programs with our new Rector, would you be willing to be on a "rotation" for the Godly Play classroom? We need two more volunteers so each would be assigned one Sunday a Month. (Unless of course you are willing to do more!)


You do NOT need to be trained in Godly Play. We just need people who like to work with children and help their inquisitive minds to "wonder". If you can read a picture book aloud, encourage children to explore art materials, and have open ears for conversation... YOU are who WE NEED!! Please consider trying it out... 🙂 


 If you have any questions, you can contact Hanna Schneider, Gail+ or Joe+ This is so very rewarding for our volunteers, and our children will benefit from your participation


Please join us on September 18th - We hope to see many old faces and some new ones!


Other Youth News: Matt Thompson wants to schedule a sailing trip (much like the one we have enjoyed before) in September It is a fun event and yes, it is a BIG Sailboat. Many are welcome. Professionals will be guiding us, but we can all enjoy being out on Cape Cod Bay! Details to follow. 

. Peace and hope to see you in the future!! Johanna Schneider & Ruth Campbell


Thursday September 1, at Noon

Ladies Luncheon starts again on September 1st. Fix your sandwich or salad, and if you don’t want water, tea or coffee, bring your own drink, but make sure to come join us. We will try to sit down to eat at 12:00. If you want to come earlier to visit, come about 11:45 and help with setup.  

Volunteers for our September meeting are: Paper goods, Ginny Clarendon; Table decoration, Fay Cole; Chips, Brenda Ridgeway; and Dessert, Kate Paradise.

Invite and remind others.

See you on September 1st no matter what.

Peace, Fay Cole


Cheryl Kyle Taliaferro has been the featured artist in the gallery for the month of August. Sunday, August 28th is your last chance to enjoy Cheryl’s paintings and stories reflecting her love of Tanzania, her Maasai friends, the landscape, and the abundance of beauty in its people, the students of Enduputo Primary School and Oljoro Secondary School, and the extraordinary wildlife found in Savannah.

September Featured Artist

Elizabeth Thompson is the featured artist in the CHS Gallery for the month of September.

"Lizzie" is a Cape Cod and Church of the Holy Spirit native, entering her eighth grade

year with a love for arts and crafts. Lizzie enjoys different mediums of pencil, watercolor, acrylic, spray paint, and more.

The pandemic contributed to her passion as she found time to research different techniques. Lizzie looks to art as being all inclusive and is happiest when others enjoy her work. Today it could be a drawing of a baby, little girl, heart, rainbow or dragon that makes it to a canvas... but either way it is what she is feeling at the moment. 

Her great grandmother would have been excited to know she carries a love for art.

Join Lizzie in the gallery during September - join Lizzie in her art journey - she has just begun! Enjoy the show!

Questions - comments - suggestions - contact Sharyn Laughton


One foot on the dock and one foot in the boat……

still in summer - soon to be in fall……….

still in the Parish Hall - soon to move back into the Gathering Room!

The shop continues to receive your summer clothing donations and will gladly and gratefully begin to receive your fall clothing donations.

All clean clothing donations can be dropped off during “open hours” or during the week in bins outside the former Free Shop - by the elevator - lower level of the Parish Hall.

The shop needs skirt hangers (with clips) and large paper shopping bags with handles.


the shop is open every Monday & Wednesday - 10 to 1.

Suzy Gray (Recycler Supreme) and Sharyn Laughton

...send us out to do the work you have given us to do.....
BCP Rite II, page 366
A positive outcome of Covid is the live streaming and Zoom broadcasting of our Sunday Worship Service that provides a way for folks to worship with us if they cannot get to the church.

A team of CHS members take turns attending with them on Sundays. If you would be willing to worship at The Terraces one Sunday a month and get to know this delightful group of members, contact Nancy Ludewig or Brenda Ridgeway. Training will be provided as needed.

We continue to keep ahead of the weeds... grounds are being tended...

feel free to work on spaces if you find some that need TLC.

September Garden Party Scheduled for Saturday September 17th

 Come at 8:30 and we will find a task you can do

9:00 - 2:00

This is a key parish event that everyone can be a part of….

November 5th is right around the corner. 

We need your help to make this year’s HOLIDAY BAAZAR a huge success.


Here’s a few ideas on what you can do now.

  • Set aside some of your pickles, jams or jellies to donate to our food table… If you need canning supplies, let Nancy Boccia know.
  • Baked goods – bake some extra goodies in the coming months and freeze them for our fabulous food table.
  • Jewelry: Do you have costume jewelry or better jewelry to donate for the jewelry table? Let Suzy Gray or Diana Crighton know, or drop off at the church office.
  • The Lunchroom is back!! A favorite for many years. Contact Brenda Ridgway to be part of this fun team.  
  • Gently Used Books – go through your collections… will let you know when to bring them to the church 

Look for more Bazaar News in Sunday Bulletins and future Together editions. 

Questions? Contact Nancy Boccia

Bonne Maman jars-Cynthia Murray is looking for your empty Bonne Maman jam jars to fill with her delicious “Holy Spirit Sundae Sunday Fudge Sauce”. Enjoy the jam then get the empty jar to Cynthia...AND buy some Fudge Sauce at the Bazaar.



It is hard to believe that our plans are underway for the 44th Annual Antiques Show and Sale to be held on Friday, November 24th, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and on Saturday, November 25th, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall.

There will be 25 dealers from the New England area offering you a wide range of choice antiques to choose from, including 18th and 19th century furniture, nautical items, quilts, Staffordshire china, ironstone, early American pattern glass, jewelry, Americana, brass candlesticks, vintage post cards, chocolate and ice cream moulds, primitives, textiles, folk and fine art. We have begun our advertising for this wonderful show.

You have received a letter asking for your support of this longstanding fundraiser for our parish. We hope that you will be a PATRON of this show that has been such a tradition here at the Church of the Holy Spirit. Monies raised at this annual event are used to support our parish programs.

Please join us and help to make this 44th year the best yet! If you have any questions or wish to volunteer to help make this show a success, please contact me at 774-722-4739. Thank you for your support! Debbie Meguerdichian, Chair



CHS is hosting the next Deanery Assembly!

Thursday September 22

The next (quarterly) Deanery Assembly will be a hybrid session- held both virtually and in-person, on Thursday, September 22nd 6:30 pm, here at the Church of the Holy Spirit (Parish Hall).

We are honored to be hosting this event.  If you have ever wondered what happens at these meetings, this is an opportunity to join us in hearing Deanery as well as Diocesan reports and updates. Please let Celia or Kate know you would like to attend.

Celia Calhoun, Deanery Representative/Diocesan Delegate

Kate Paradise, Deanery Representative/Diocesan Delegate

Cynthia Murray, Alternate Representative/Delegate


The Book Discussion Group meets in the Fireplace room after the Sunday Service. We continue discussing Sacred Earth Sacred Soul by John Phillip Newell.

Contact Brooke Eaton-Skea and she will send you a link to zoom in. 

Hope to see you there! 


Our next Health Ministry meeting will be held virtually on ZOOM, Sept. 15 from 4-6pm. Call Meg Nemitz if you want to joni us or have any questions.

Our monthly health articles will resume in September. In the meantime, keep these references handy.

Health Resources: Barnstable County Human Services: (Comprehensive website

with multiple resources on the Cape)

Councils on Aging

Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190

Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7550 Wellfleet: 508-349-0313

Yarmouth: 508-398-9866 Truro: 508-487-2462

VNAs of Cape Cod

Hyannis: 508-957-7400Falmouth: 508-495-5716So. Dennis: 508-957-7400

Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department

508-862-5501 Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: Go to this link:

First page has a free sign up to subscribe




Showcasing original art and

handcrafted work that welcomes the season of

changing time, weather, landscape and color.

You are cordially invited to meet the show artists at a reception on Friday September 9th from 3-5

at the Gallery.  

Show Juror: Bob Korn, Owner,

Bob Korn Imaging & Workspace Gallery Eastham, MA


Show continues through this Saturday August 27th

Featuring art by local artists

that celebrates the light and rhythm of summer.

This is a great place to bring your houseguests to see a bit of

Cape Cod and CHS history.

The Galley West is a special example of Early American architecture

that has been restored and should be seen!

Gallery is open

Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 3:00


Two interesting articles from NIA to read (see links below)

Federated Church and AmHaYam relates to the September 6th Massachusetts Sheriff and District Attorney primary elections.   Click here

St. Joan of Arc is providing opportunities to participate in prayer and activities from September 4 – October 2 to celebrate the Season of Creation. Click here


Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances

Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.




Jude Hutchings-McMahon 8.23

Ann Anderson   8.24   Dick Koeppen     8.25

Bryan Gass   8.28 Phil Marshall     8.28

Page McMahan   8.30  

Cynthia Murray 9.02  Ashley Chung     9.04      

Patricia McLeod 9.11 Kate O’Brien      9.12      

Susan Sasso        9.13 Gail Sterne          9.14

Matt Jones          9.16 Dilys Smith        9.16      

Tom Laughton    9.20      Chris Crighton    9.20      

Ellen Adamson   9.21 Barbara Hoffman 9.21      .

Rev. David Angelica 9.24    Meredith Perkins 9.21

Lucas LaBranche 9.24     Charles Spiegel  9.25      

Lilian Kuo   9.26


The Rev. Ken and Ruth Campbell 8.26.67

The Rev. Herb and Peg Skelly 8.26.61

Bruce and The Rev. Sue Lederhouse 8.29.87

Don and Elaine Usher                  9.01.56

Bill and Barbara Wahlquist         9.04.54

Jack and Karen Gentile                   9.06.86

Dick and Barbara Koeppen               9.08.63

Frank and Donna Tavano               9.09.77

Brian and Brenda Ridgeway               9.13.14

John and Gail Sterne                       9.21.02

Matthew and Jamie Thompson     9.23.00


Raymond Price 8.25.01 Frank Pike 8.26.06

William Ridgeway, Priest 8.26.84

Nancy Barker 8.26.16 V. Janet Seale 8.27.12

Irma Smith 8.27.97 Erick T. Miller 8.29.13

Sue Rightmire 8.30.06 Frank Joy 8.31.07

Edward Warren Schultze   9.01.08 Charles Evans, Priest 9.01.83

Katherine Jones   9.01.98 Harry D. Felsenthal 9.02.09

Vernon Smith 9.02.69 Gwendolyn Heller Hobbs  9.03.11

Harry Hill Carey  9.04.97 James Graham 9.04.99

Vivian Foy Stacey 9.05.16 Walter Bell, Jr., Priest 9.06.90

Nathalie Johnson   9.07.14 Donna White 9.08.15

Ken Gardiner 9.09.18 Eugene Gieringer  9.09.97

Constance Grosvenor 9.09.10 Patricia Husson 9.10.04

Dorothy Benner 9.11.04 William Calhoun  9.11.06

Hope M. Ford 9.12.02 Janet Skadden 9.12.14

James Townsend, Jr.9.12.99 Ralph Consiglio 9.16.03

Katherine Chapman 9.18.17 Patricia Carey 9.19.17

Ruth Leistensnider 9.19.18 Evan T. Barrington 9.20.13

S. C. Vern Bowman, Priest 9.20.61 William “Rusty” Funnell 9.20.17

H. Jackson Sillcocks 9.22.01 Mary Tindall 9.22.05

Lawrence Bernhardt 9.24.17 Marian Gray 9.24.09

Lucy Goddard 9.26.96 Ellen Williams 9.26.03

Stephen Erickson 9.27.12 Nancy Heller 9.27.17

Eldora Stevens 9.27.70 Helen Vancil 9.27.99

Jean Hammond 9.28.15 Patricia Bell 9.29.02

Bernie Hutchens 9.29.19 Walter Wilcox 9.29.15



Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.

Bless and guide them wherever they may be

keeping them unspotted from the world.

Strengthen them when they stand;

comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;

And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,

Abide all the days of their lives;

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.



For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at


You can also call the parish office and

leave a message for Joe with the answering service.


Make sure your message includes how Joe+ can respond to your call.

CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. Meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.

SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Gail+ for the Zoom link.

WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."

FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the August, September, October books are now available to pick up in Parish Office or Contact Debbi and she will mail it to you.

CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”

2022 SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email with respect to scheduling meetings.


WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays call or text 508-241-0357.

FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.

PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or send an email to Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence. 

NEXT TOGETHER edition is September 21st

Deadline for your article submission is 4 p.m. September 19, 2022


Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA
To receive our diocesan communications,
including the monthly E-news go to:
To stay current on happenings at CHS,

"Like Us" on Facebook at The Church of the Holy Spirit

Editor - Sue Sasso