July 27, 2022




Drawing by Dan Joy
This past Sunday was a great day at Church of the Holy Spirit for everyone I have talked to since then. Many of us came with a slight sense of foreboding because we had not been together in church since we learned of Joan McFadden’s death. But we also came knowing that our loss would be something in common with many of our brothers and sisters in the community. That made our mourning a part of our common worship experience. And we were all so happy to take part in Richard O’Hara’s retirement event. Joan was one of the main proponents for this event and would have insisted that we carry on with the celebration even in the wake of her death…and she was right!
Life always seems to be about holding something mournful in one hand while holding something joyful in the other. Good balance, especially in church, is recognizing that “church imitates life.” As scripture says, we are not of this world, but we certainly are in this world. What hurts others, hurts us as well. But having the depth and connection of community makes even our grief a part of the larger joy that being connected to such a community brings. It is easy for us to forget, when we hear the world’s celebration of get, get, get, and go, go, go, that everything about community is based in the joy of somehow belonging to God and to one another.
Does that mean that every day we spend together in community is totally full of joy and laughter? Certainly not, but, the spiritually mature participant will recognize that, when it comes to belonging to one another, even the inconvenience, sorrow, disappointment, and fatigue of community life can most often seem in retrospect as a part of the joy.
A parishioner once gave me a needlework sampler with the words “Count it all joy!” embroidered across it. In my smug thirty-something-ness, I thought the message was naive, maybe even a little silly. As I have gained some maturity myself in the time since passed, I am now better equipped to understand that to “Count it all Joy” is actually the key to giving ourselves over to the life-changing power of community, especially community that centers itself in the values of Jesus.
It won’t be long before you welcome a new rector here, someone whom you will invest with trust and with whom you will share your great hopes and disappointments and dreams. Remember, when you begin to build a relationship with him or her, that this person has left a familiar and comfortable life to come and take part in your community. That person will need your trust and your stories. That person will need to know that you are truly glad to include her/him in the future of this place, so important to your community.
At first, you’ll think they have only brought questions, thousands of questions about everything. But if you will give the relationship a little time, if you nurture it a little every day with your prayers for their ministry, for their understanding of your community, for their courage to be the priest you need them to be, if you reach out to them as a friend without a lot of expectations but with bucket-loads of hope, then, I am pretty sure you will soon find yourself enjoying your relationship with the new rector while understanding what they hope to accomplish among you.
Does that mean it is going to be perfect? Hah! When was life in community ever perfect? We’ve been at this community thing for some 5,000 years now, since God brought us out of Egypt and led us through the wilderness. It is surprising in many ways that we survived even that first 40 years. However, every conflict, every need, every grouchy complaint – all these, shaped the people of God into our habit of always depending on each other, just as each part of our local history has shaped us as well.
Truly, if God sustained us through 40 years of meandering through the wilderness, if God has been with us through all of our local history, then it seems pretty clear that God is not about to give up on us but continues to promise us blessings and new beginnings - losing some we have loved along the way and beginning new relationships with others who will no doubt bring change and wisdom and new light. 
So, it is perfectly natural to have good days and bad days in a community – even one based on love. And it is perfectly responsible to “Count it all Joy!”    
Breaking News!! Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Alan Gates, will be with us on August 14 to bless and consecrate the new altar around which we gather week by week. A special reception will follow.

Look for more news and specific plans for this event in the days to come. We will need everyone’s help to make this a special event in such a short prep time.

And we want to invite friends and family to be with us, to greet the Bishop and to celebrate the great work of our whole parish in our rearranged worship space.
The Vestry met on Thursday, July 21, for their regular monthly meeting. Hanna Schneider led the meeting with a wonderful prayer that Joan McFadden always used at the beginning of the first Church School Session every year.

Chris Crighton presented a CHS Finances 101 class, using his Treasurer’s Report for June and the end of the Second Quarter as examples. June was a negative month due to negative cash flow and the performance of the stock market affecting our investments. As usual we stay the course, or in English-English “Carry On!” The Vestry asked to have reviews of GWAG finances twice a year as is done for F4K.

The Wardens reported that the Communications Group has started work with Liz Tunney+, a new-ish member, helping us with a process model which demonstrates the holes in our current systems of communicating.

For visitors to view our Vernon Smith artworks on a self-guided tour, thru September 29 the Church is open Mondays through Thursdays, 10:00a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (except for 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Tuesdays for the Healing Service) These times are in sync with the Town of Orleans’ Culture & Historical Organization's Vernon Smith Art Exhibit at the Meetinghouse.

We are hoping to restart the Shepherd Groups in early fall and are looking for help
re-organizing them after this long hiatus. The Shepherd Groups are geographic groups of parish members (and guests) formed for social gatherings (Orleans, Eastham and northwards, Brewster/Harwich and westwards). We encourage newcomers to come to these events.

We hope to have an All-Parish lunch on Sunday September 18th - gather outside if possible and celebrate the start of the Church School year.

We will continue wearing masks for indoor activities except when eating.

The Search Committee is moving along... will have news to share soon.

B&G reported that Peter Jensen is continuing his work on the hill beside and below the Rectory. The blessing of the hill on Sunday June 26 was fun and all enjoyed Sundae Sunday afterwards.

The Church School team is reeling from the death of Joan McFadden, and working on plans for an August event, followed by celebrating the start of the new School Year on September 18th.

GWAG reported there will be a reception for gallery artists and visitors planned for Sunday July 24th. F4K reported that over 600 meals are being prepared every weekday, as well as snacks and drinks. Volunteers just seem to appear to fill all gaps in the schedule!

The TPIC (Joe+) reported that he is working with the Church School team planning for fall. He is working on the Communications project and on a presentation for the next Vestry Salon. He is taking part in a one-day “The Way of Love in the Second Half of Life” retreat at St. Margaret’s Convent in Duxbury on October 1st. If you are interested in attending, send him an email.
Thank you for you continued support,
Brenda and Celia
10:00 a.m.

In person worship with music
in the CHS Church
Covid Safety Protocols for seating.
Masks required.

If you are unable to join us in person,
a Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent Fridays at Noon.
It includes links to the Zoom service, Sunday Bulletin,
 and CHS Announcements

You can also watch the service live or later on our YouTube channel
10:00 a.m. VIA ZOOM

A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes the links to the Zoom service and the Service Bulletin and Readings.
Step by step... onward we go. Moving right along. Will have news to share soon.

Please continue to keep us and the candidates in your prayers.

Cynthia, Ike, Celia, Priscilla, Meg, Doug, Bob, Brooke, Sharyn, Jen and Rich

Our solar field was installed last year, and we’ve been generating electricity and receiving benefits
through this project. 
Check out our Parish Hall bulletin board display
that chronicles the project to date.
Update on SAVE OUR SOIL (S.O.S)

Review: With the advent of the new solar field came several unanticipated issues: Town of Orleans mandates for screening the array from Monument Road & RT. 28; disrupted and rebuilt stairs from the lower parking area to the rectory; erosion issues from the rectory rear and side steep hillside, berm and overflow rainwater under the solar field. 

Purpose: Present a sustainable approach to our CHS campus grounds: From RTE 28 thru rectory stairs & surrounding hillside to the wetlands area and mitigate ground erosion around and under new solar installation and complete Town of Orleans mandated solar field screen.

Objectives: Build a whole campus plan that creates a pollinator pathway of plants, decreases overall maintenance, minimizes irrigation, mowing, human capital “garden parties”; extends our church mission of environmental stewardship in alignment with our Deanery and Diocese, plus enhance the community by examples of sustainable grounds stewardship.

The goal is to have these terraces established prior to late fall, 2022. This will allow the fall, winter and spring rain and snow melt to fully saturate the soil thus allowing for a very high transplantation success rate with minimal hand watering required. No artificial irrigation will be required.

Phase One Rectory Erosion Mitigation        
Part A – Expected Dates June 18-July 15
-New Rectory Walkway erosion mitigation rock stairs.
-New Waterwalk, Hugel Terraces and contours.
-Additional work of stabilizing the generator area with a Waterwalk & Abyssinian Wall drain.                
Part B – Rectory drain overflow and head of Solar field terracing starts  Est. July 18-30.

Phase Two: Estimated final completion date: November 1 depending on weather and other unknown issues.
1.   Rectory Hill Terraces        5 - 75’ Wattle Terraces        Est. Dates 8/1 – 8/13
2.   Solar Array 4 100’ Wattle Terraces w/ gravel swales Est. Dates 8/21 – 9/10
3.   Solar Panels 3 - 50’ Under Panels Weed Out remove all invasives plus finish with 3” Hemlock Mulch Topping, Clean out along fence line at parking lot edge w/ rock finish.
 Est. Dates 8/21 – 9/10
4.   Playground Hill Terrace:  5, 100’ Wattle Terraces  Est. Dates 9/26 – 10/07
5.   Rectory Stairs Lower Waterwalk with keyhole garden at lamp post (Below Upper Waterwalk - phase 1)   Est. Dates 10/10 – 10/29
Will just keep working steadily. Visitors welcome. I Remind all that this will be ‘work in progress’ and will not be safe until finalized by the final “fluff and buff” mulch treatment. 

Step One:
Screening the
solar field with
Inkberry Bushes

June 26th – Rectory Hillside Blessing by Joe+ and Gail+ 
We gathered to bless our SOS project as we march forward with “environmental stewardship” in alignment with the
Deanery and Diocesan values.
Our solar story continues with Phase Two stewardship creating the solar field hillside into a “Pollination Pathway” paradise of plants that are native and support Gods creation of birds, bees and butterfly creatures.
Volunteer Sign-Ups Are Going Well

There Are Still Open Spots YOU Can Fill
Especially on Mondays and Fridays
Especially on the Packing Line
All Driver slots are FULL!

Go online here - Prep/Pack Volunteer - to sign up. Just pick the week, the day of the week, and the role you would like to fill. 

Or jot a quick email to Laura Froeschner, our Program Manager at 
lfroeschner@food4kidscapecod.org. She'll answer any questions you might have and she can help you sign up.

You'll find full descriptions of our volunteer roles here and on our website.

F4K Would Like To Thank Thompson's Printing - Orleans!
Every summer Thompson's Printing turns on a dime to help design and print all the materials we need to operate - banners, lawn signs, fliers, and all the paper forms required to run a food service operation providing meals to 15 different programs. We couldn't start the summer without you!
Snacks bagged and ready to go. This summer we are providing a morning and an afternoon snack to several of our sites.
Lunch bags opened and ready. More than 650 will be filled before the end of the day
Food 4 Kids Hosts Table at Orleans Firebirds / Chatham Anglers Baseball Game
Due to Covid, the Wednesday Morning Prayer Service stopped but we found another way join in prayer once a week. Folks remain in their own homes and individually as close to 9 a.m. as possible read the selections for the day and offer prayers for each other, our families, our church members and any other needs of the world.

This is not via zoom... this is connecting through the spirit of knowing others are reading the same scriptures and joining in prayer at the same time... a very powerful way to worship "together."

If you want to join this group and receive the scripture selections, call or text 508-241-0357. God Bless!
On Sunday July 24th the parish honored and celebrated Richard O'Hara's 40+ years of dedication to the youth of our parish with a blessing from Joe+ followed by a wonderful reception in the Parish Hall. Thank you, Richard, for all you have done for our parish family and loving guidance to our youth.
Ginny Clarendon is featured in the gallery for the month of July! Sunday July 31 is the last chance to view Ginny’s exhibit and purchase her travel book, CARRY ON.

The month of August will feature paintings and photographs by Cheryl Taliaferro Kyle and one special painting by Davis Keefe-Jones. Cheryl’s paintings and photographs reflect her love of Tanzania, her Maasai friends, the landscape and the abundance of beauty in its people, the students at Endupoto Primary School and Oljoro Secondary School and the extraordinary wildlife found in the Savannah.

Did you know you can visit the CHS Gallery during the week - call CHS office for time & days….a lovely way to have some peaceful time and stay cool!

Looking ahead to December - do you have ideas for the December gallery exhibit? In the past we have had creches, angels, holiday fabric art, etc. Contact Sharyn Laughton with your suggestions. 508 255 7277 artoff@comcast.net
A QUILTER’S GATHERING was held on July 14th on the CHS campus with 9 quilters present who shared a few antique quilts, many past endeavors and “works in progress” with each other.

It was a joyful time with Summer Tea served and plans laid out to continue meeting into the future. All levels of quilters are encouraged to join the group as are any other needleworkers or those simply “fans” of any needle arts.

The next QUILTERS’ GATHERING is on Thursday, October 13th., 2-4 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Gail Binney Sterne will talk about the three major styles of appliqué work, (she calls these techniques, "painting with fabric” ) and will demonstrate the method she uses most in her own work.
All are looking forward to learning techniques and tips from each other in a fun, relaxed, non-structured, creative setting.
In the meantime…. a lovely QUILT (71" x 64" and photos below) - made by some CHS quilters under the expert guidance of Jean Collins, will be offered in a raffle. Tickets will be available starting this Fall through the November 5th Holiday Bazaar when the winning ticket will be drawn,

All proceeds to be given to a needy cause.
Left - Front view of quilt
Right - Back of quilt with message from the team
who created it.

Come visit the FREE SHOP in the Parish Hall for the summer - come visit, come shop! The Free Shop is open every Monday
and Wednesday - 10 to 1.

Many thanks to Wayne for “creating" the Free Shop every Monday & Wednesday - it is no easy job!

Please continue to drop off your clean - in season SUMMER CLOTHING DONATIONS in bins outside the former Free Shop -
by the elevator - lower level of Parish Hall.

We have many grateful customers - we have many happy stories!

Thank you Suzy Gray (Recycler Supreme) and Sharyn Laughton
...send us out to do the work you have given us to do.....
BCP Rite II, page 366
A positive outcome of Covid is the live streaming and Zoom broadcasting of our Sunday Worship Service that provides a way for folks to worship with us if they cannot get to the church.

A team of CHS members take turns attending with them on Sundays. If you would be willing to worship at The Terraces one Sunday a month and get to know this delightful group of members, contact Nancy Ludewig or Brenda Ridgeway. Training will be provided as needed.
July has arrived, blooms are everywhere, mulch is spread, and a playground has been resurrected! Can you spot additional areas we’ve been working on?

The end of June saw a persistent crew weeding and then laying 10 yards of playground mulch. I cannot say enough “thank you’s” to all who helped, including Peter Jensen. It was a very hot day full of multiple mulch brigades and it has made such a difference. Be sure to have little visitors come and enjoy the revitalized space.

The memorial garden has been replanted with annuals and again. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WATERING CAN YOU SPARE 20 MINUTES ON A MONDAY? All instructions provided.

Many thanks to Ike and Fay Cole for the ongoing work and effort to keep the quadrangle area clear AND the fish alive with clean water. Sit a spell and enjoy the tranquility.

In spite of the small numbers of faithful workers, we continue trying to improve and maintain this most beautiful gift of grounds and nature, but we need your help.

Ann Paris-Pike will be stepping away for a month from 7/22-8/22 and Nancy Boccia has graciously offered to run the garden party days in her absence. Nancy has some great thoughts to share so stay tuned!
Our next set of workdays are:
August 6th and August 20th
Time: 9-12 Meet in the back parking lot
9:00 - 2:00
It’s that time of year - Mid-summer - when our thoughts always turn to Fall and maybe our Holiday Bazaar.

The 2022 bazaar will be on November 5th with our usual CHS features (Jewelry, Cabot Cheese, Food Table, Attic Treasures, Used Books), many returning outside vendors and…. the beloved Lunchroom is back!!

We have started planning and would love to expand our team! There are many ways everyone can be a part of this special event working with a fun, motivated, creative team

Here are a few ways you can help now and contribute to the event. 

Attic Treasures/Elegant Boutique –We will be looking for quality donations to sell. How about being a part of the team to select treasures and antiques and set up the boutique. We have a wonderful support team in place to help!

Marketing – Be part of team to promote the bazaar, “tell the story.” advertise, and explore ways we can highlight CHS.

Hospitality – Meet and greet our visitors. Help us highlight CHS!

Get Canning - Got Pickles?  Or jams, jellies, any surplus from your summer garden you can convert into items for our food table! Our food table is a huge part of the bazaar, and everyone loves the homemade items. If you are canning or making preserves, please think of donating some to the bazaar.

If you want some canning supplies (jars/lids/labels), let Nancy Boccia know and we’ll get you what you need in exchange for your delicious offerings.
Bonne Maman jars-Cynthia Murray is looking for your empty Bonne Maman jam jars to fill with her delicious “Holy Spirit Sundae Sunday Fudge Sauce”. Enjoy the jam then get the empty jar to Cynthia...AND buy some Fudge Sauce at the Bazaar.
The HOLIDAY BAZAAR is a VERY special event for our CHS family, considered by our visitors as "The Best Holiday Bazaar on Lower Cape Cod" and happily anticipated in the community.

PLEASE JOIN US THIS YEAR! Share your talents - share your time. Be a part of our wonderful Bazaar Team. There are many ways to participate (before and/or during the actual bazaar) that don't take a lot of time but make the Bazaar successful.
And you have fun, meet great people and maybe make some new friends!

If you have questions, ideas and/or would like to join us, please contact Nancy Boccia or Sue Sasso.
One of the practices of our Outreach Committee at CHS is to visit each organization we are supporting at least once a year to maintain contact and understand as best we can the challenges each is experiencing and the impact each is having. We then report back to the other members and discuss our findings before voting on the proposal to support them with funds. Recently I visited Homeless not Hopeless (HnH) at one of their four homes in Hyannis. HnH is an outgrowth of Overnights of Hospitality, a program in which churches used to provide transportation, evening meals and a safe space for overnight sleeping. CHS participated.
We met for an hour with Dick Murphy, 83-year-old retired Catholic Church Deacon. Dick’s background is as a jail chaplain. One cannot help but be deeply impressed by the Christian ministry, the walk of faith, of Dick Murphy in caring for homeless men and women, his grasp of the issues, his patient perseverance despite encountering numerous difficulties, the growth of HnH from 1 to 4 homes, and the 60% success rate of the program in getting people able to live independently again.
The program is currently serving 50 men and women, most of them coping with recovery from addiction. The program provides a safe, sober, supportive affordable home. It seeks every opportunity to build self-worth through responsibility aiming for completion within a year. Participants are required to attend Pier substance abuse recovery center three times a a week and to seek employment for 20 hours a week and have opportunities to take responsibility in maintaining the houses.
At present their top urgent need among several is $30,000 to replace a gas furnace in one home. Dick Murphy is also searching for a person with potential whom he could mentor to replace him eventually. He voiced his needs while expressing his confidence from experience and trust that God provides.
Sally Dewing
The Book Discussion Group meets in the Fireplace room after the Sunday Service. We continue discussing Sacred Earth Sacred Soul by John Phillip Newell.

Contact Brooke Eaton-Skea and she will send you a link to zoom in. Hope to see you there! 

The Church School year ended on Sunday, June 12th. Childcare will continue to be offered Sundays for younger children. 

The church school team is working to fill the huge gap that the death of our beloved friend and team member, Joan McFadden, has left. If you are interested in being a part of our team, please let us know. Our children need you!

Have a wonderful, safe, and fun-filled summer. Peace and hope to see you in the future!! Johanna Schneider & Ruth Campbell
Taking a Summer Break until
Thursday September 1, at Noon
Our next Ladies Lunch is on Thursday, September 1st.

We had a faithful gathering of friends on June 2nd, our last Ladies Luncheon until September 1st. Take a moment to mark your calendar, as summer will go quickly and the moment September begins, so do we. I’ll get another message to you with the people on deck for furnishings in August. Enjoy your summer and thanks for all you do to make our group interesting and enjoyable.
Peace, Fay Cole
During our summer hiatus, remember to check these resources:
Barnstable County Human Services:  www.bchumanservices.net (Comprehensive website
       with multiple resources on the Cape)                 
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190  
Eastham: 508-255-6164Harwich: 508-430-7550. Wellfleet: 508-349-0313
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400Falmouth: 508-495-5716So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: Go to this link:   https://www.capecodhealth.org/
         First page has a free sign up to subscribe.
Contact information for help and support:
Barnstable County Human Services
A comprehensive web site with access to multiple resources on the Cape
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333                Brewster: 508-896-2737       Chatham: 508-945-5190 Eastham: 508-255-6164              Harwich: 508-430-7530          Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866            Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400         Falmouth: 508-495-5716         So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: go to this link: https://www.capecodhealth.org/
First page has a free sign up. 
This summer, Ruth Campbell and her grandson, Joe Simons, took some time to record Ruth reading I Am One by Susan Verde and Peter H. Reynolds. Enjoy!

Show continues through August 27th

Featuring art by local artists (some CHS members PLUS Kimball Guild)
that celebrates the light and rhythm of summer.

This is a great place to bring your houseguests to see a bit of
Cape Cod and CHS history.

The Galley West is a special example of Early American architecture
that has been restored and should be seen!

Gallery is open
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 3:00

Welcome Autumn show will open on September 2
with new art and some new artists.

some smiles must come!
Meet the Gobbler family checking
out Holy Spirit's front lawn one morning!

Mom & Dad plus 7 babies
in front of Galley West
Thank you to Brooke Eaton-Skea for sharing this educational Cape Cod scavenger hunt. Looking for some fun things to do this summer - maybe with house guests/grandkids or just a day trip for yourself?

This also advocates the educating for justice goal of the Diocesan Mission Strategy. 
Celebrating the Mosaic: Sites of Historic and Cultural Significance for the
Many People Who Call (& Have Called) Cape Cod Home;
A fun, self-paced, (virtual or in person) educational scavenger hunt activity
 for people of all ages. 

Click Here for the information to do your own virtual or real treasure hunt.
Ok this one is a little silly... but silly is good some days.

Forrest Gump has died. When St. Peter meets him at the pearly gates, he tells Forrest
that he will need to answer 3 questions correctly before he can enter heaven.
Question 1: How many days start with "T"?
Question 2: How many seconds are in a year?
Question 3: What is God's first name?

Forrest thinks a minute and says, "These are easy!"
Answer 1: There are 2 days that start with "T" - Today and Tomorrow
Answer 2: There are 12 seconds in a year - January 2, February 2, March 2, etc.
Answer 3: God's Name is Andy.

St. Peter is almost speechless. He says, "I can reluctantly accept your
answers to #1 and #2. But how in the world did you think God's name is Andy?"

Forrest said "I learned that in a church song....
Andy walks with me, Andy talks to me, Andy tells me I am his own."

St. Peter just shook his head, opened the gates and said, "Run Forrest...Run!"
Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.

 Keb Hutchings-McMahon 8.05 Ella Chase 8.08
Brenda Ridgeway   8.08     Steve Anderson    8.09
Todd Ash   8.09 Steven Koehler    8.11
Camden O’Brien   8.11 Janet Roberts  8.12
Margaret Anne Heuss    8.14 Evie Ellison    8.19
Kathy Udall    8.19 Susan Hammatt    8.20
Jude Hutchings-McMahon 8.23
Ann Anderson   8.24   Dick Koeppen     8.25
Bryan Gass   8.28 Phil Marshall     8.28
Page McMahan   8.30  Caroline Keefe-Jones  7.27
Norman Proctor 7.29 Thomas Murray7.30

Ephraim and Jane McLean 7.31.65
Charlie and Diane Deaton  8.02.14
Wayne and Marilyn Gass 8.05.61
Norman and Joan Proctor 8.18.56
Robert and Christine LaBranche 8.21.93
Rick Paris and Ann Pike Paris 8.21.71
The Rev. Ken and Ruth Campbell 8.26.67
The Rev. Herb and Peg Skelly 8.26.61
Bruce and The Rev. Sue Lederhouse 8.29.87


Jeffrey Karlson 7.28.18
Jeff Nickerson 7.27.21 Laura Ellen White 7.29.98
Lucy Chandler 8.02.16 Phyllis M. Myers 8.02.15
Dottie Stevens 8.02.02 Peter Kuntz 8.03.01
Paul Jones 8.05.00 T. Will Joy 8.05.13
Frank Wiedeman 8.06.05 Mary Bunker 8.09.15
Frederick H. Burr 8.09.97 Claire Lockwood 8.10.96
Marion Grube 8.12.03 Abner Pratt 8.12.12
Suzan M. Deaton 8.13.10 Myles Mahoney 8.13.02
Mary Morgan 8.15.04 Sabin Hutchings 8.16.75
Ralph Mayo 8.17.86 Mary Wilcox 8.17.03
Robert Groves 8.18.00 Ruth Evans 8.19.99
Justine Kirkwood 8.20.21
Edith Houghton 8.22.89 Marion Kachadorian 8.22.07
Constance LoParto 8.22.13 Andrew Karlson 8.23.19
Raymond Price 8.25.01 Frank Pike 8.26.06
William Ridgeway, Priest 8.26.84
Nancy Barker 8.26.16 V. Janet Seale 8.27.12
Irma Smith 8.27.97 Erick T. Miller 8.29.13
Sue Rightmire 8.30.06 Frank Joy 8.31.07

Joan Taylor 6.22.2022
Milt Barnes 7.15.2022
Joan McFadden 7.17.2022
Leslie Jones 7.23.2022

Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand;
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall;
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

For texts or voice messages please call Joe+ at
You can also call the parish office and
leave a message for Joe with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Joe+ can respond to your call.

CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. Meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.

SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Gail+ for the Zoom link.

WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."

FORWARD DAY BY DAY: Copies of the May, June, July books are now available to pick up in Parish Office or Contact Debbi and she will mail it to you.

CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site holyspiritorleans.org and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”

2022 SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email office@chsorleans.org with respect to scheduling meetings.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays call or text 508-241-0357.

FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Gail Smith+. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.

PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or send an email to intercessors@chsorleans.org Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence. 
NEXT TOGETHER edition is August 24
Deadline for your article submission is 4 p.m. August 22, 2022

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Editor - Sue Sasso