A Christmas Cluster
As Advent has progressed, I’ve noticed that the local classical music station (“something finer!”) seems to be increasing its seasonal offerings, doling out carols and brass arrangements in servings of three. “Christmas clusters” is the cheery moniker announcers use to describe these groupings.
It’s a term I’ve adopted silently to describe all of the knots and tasks and pileups December brings: the stack of cards that will again be late this year (it’s a season, not a day I remind myself); the heap of boxes in the middle of the basement floor packed with decorations still to see the light of day; presents in a closet, yet to be wrapped.
This brief, bright span of days will be, as ever, a matter of things “done and left undone.” Everything is still so new for Roger and me this year, though, that the consequences of the “unfinished” seem somehow minor. We’re so happy to be here with you! And I can’t wait to move through the liturgies of Christmas with you.
Perhaps you’ve had the chance to meet Peter Jensen, the local agro-ecologist who knows all about landscape resilience, perma-gardens and guiding water runoff. On many days, Peter can be found working alone on the terraced slope between the rectory and the church. He’s especially brilliant with arranging stones – as you can see the next time you’re at church, in the elegant curve of a path he’s arranged to lead water down from Route 28 to a vernal pool beyond the edge of our lot.
Be sure in these coming days to have a look at something else Peter has done for our parish: an abstract outdoor nativity adjacent to the start of the rectory path. One central stone, roughly the size and shape of a sleeping infant. It’s cradled in hay. And it’s encircled by larger stones standing in for whomever else populates your imagined Christmas creche.
Two “Non-Sunday” worship and fellowship opportunities may be welcomed additions to your Christmas calendar:
Wednesday, December 21 (TODAY!): Zoom-only; click HERE
“Compline for the Longest Night of the Year” to mark the winter solstice; gathering and open fellowship at 8:45 pm, prayers from 9:00- 9:20.
Friday-evening, January 6 - Epiphany prayer service and
potluck supper on Twelfth Night.
The very end of the Christmas season on January 6 (5:30 – 7:00 pm).
To sign up for potluck, call or email Ruth Campbell.
As I continue my daily reading of your “Five Things” submissions, I’ve been particularly moved by your answers about the Good News. “Love With Us” is one parishioner’s compressed version of the gospel message.
What an elegant and economic description of the story we are about to tell again at Christmas! With love as a noun the message is assurance that God is ever-present. With love as a verb the message is an invitation to take up God’s work in the world, in the context of supportive community.
May that love, both noun and verb, comfort you and guide you through this holy season and into this new year of life.
Faithfully and fondly,
You may have noticed that we have removed the "masks required" signs from our church doorways as that message no longer reflects the level of caution we understand to be necessary for common worship.
Nonetheless, as incidence of COVID and other respiratory illnesses increases with winter coming, we encourage all to stay current with available vaccinations for flu and COVID, to stay home and "stream" if you are not feeling well, and to keep a mask with you always.
We are all at varying levels of vulnerability. We invite you also to participate in communion as you wish; the sacrament is understood as "complete" in one form only if both bread and wine are not possible for you.
If you are unable to join us in person for any services,
Saturday: December 24
4:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Pageant - Holy Eucharist
10:00 p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir
Sunday: December 25
10:00 a.m. Christmas Holy Eucharist with Music
Contact Ruth Campbell about helping with the Potluck Super.
If you are unable to join us in person,
10:00 A.M.
In person worship with music
at The Church of the Holy Spirit.
Followed by Coffee Hour
in the Parish Hall
Church School starts at 9:45 in
the lower level of the Parish Hall.
Visitors are always welcome!
Children join the service at the Peace.
10:00 a.m. via ZOOM
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes the links to the Zoom service and the Service Bulletin and Readings.
What a wonderful month it has been! There is such a feeling of spirit and excitement in the parish, as we have welcomed Patrick and Roger into our midst. And welcome to all the new people who are coming to join us as a community or just to join us in worship. Your presence with us makes a difference!
Patrick led us in two sessions after services on Sundays December 4 and 11 on the “5 Things We Don't Know About You”. There were 7 to 8 tables full of people chatting away about what we don’t know about each other, and the whole parish hall was full of life and laughter.
We thank Debbie Meguerdichian and her team for another terrific Antiques Show. The vendors seemed to be very happy with their sales, and the parish received the proceeds from their fees.
We also thank Dotty Walsh, Nancy Ludewig, and their team for a successful First Fruits’ greens sale. Many of us have beautiful swags on our doors and/or arrangements decorating our homes for this Advent season moving into Christmas.
We also thank the Church School for organizing the Gingerbread house-making party – some amazingly detailed houses emerged!
We Wardens invited the retired clergy associated with the parish to a lunch to meet Patrick and share some social time together. It turns out we have a lot of retired priest members. We had a full table in the Fireplace Room with a lot of interesting conversation. Our former Rector David Angelica attended and was his usual witty self! It was interesting to see so many priests in one room, and only one dog collar!
Our Vestry Meeting this month was mostly a lengthy discussion on items in the Draft Budget for 2023. The Nominating Committee reported on their candidates in nomination. Their report will be in the January Together. The Stewardship Committee is considering plans for follow up to their campaign. Tom Dewing has been in discussion with Habitat for Humanity on whether we can co-sponsor a build, and the Vestry authorized him to proceed with discussions on co-sponsoring one of two builds in Brewster in 2023.
Please join us for Zoomed Compline on the Longest Night of the year and for our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services (see elsewhere in Together); and for our new and special Epiphany Celebration on Friday, January 6th.
Much to look forward to in our life together!
We wish you all a Peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Brenda and Celia (Brenda Ridgeway and Celia Calhoun)
The Annual Parish Meeting of The Church of the Holy Spirit will be held on
Sunday, February 12th following our Sunday worship service.
Monday, January 9, 2023
Ministry and Committee Leaders
Please send in your Annual Reports to Celia Calhoun by Monday, January 9, 2023.
To make your report a little more interesting, please highlight something that happened in your group this year which was joyful or fun or new or interesting.
Thanks! We look forward to hearing from you!
Brenda and Celia
Stewardship 2023
2023 Pledge Envelopes Ready To Be Picked Up
Pledge envelopes are available for those who have submitted a pledge card for 2023 AND asked for either weekly or monthly envelopes when filling out their pledge card. Your box of pledge envelopes may be picked up in the Parish Hall on Sunday mornings before or after the 10:00 service, or in the Church Office during regular office hours. Please try to pick up your box. Mailing them is an expensive and very slow process as the Post Office must handle each box as a separate package.
AGAIN THIS YEAR: We are using envelopes without numbers pre-printed on each one to save money and to avoid recycling hundreds of unused envelopes. Your number will be on a label on the box. We recommend that when you receive your envelopes you write your number on each one. HINT: If you always use personal checks, you do not need to write your number on your envelopes. We will record your contribution using your name from the check. The envelope number is only necessary for cash.
If you expected a box of envelopes and do not find one, please let the church office know.
Thursday, January 5 at Noon
Our December Ladies Luncheon was a real blend of activity! We talked, we met new people, and Patrick came to join us. We perused the Christmas creations being made at First Fruits and chatted with the creators. We heard an update on Gail Binney- Stern’s Ukrainian connection, and we sang Christmas Carols with Dilys at the piano.
Our festive tables aided the atmosphere, and you could sense the caring and joy that carries us through the season. It was an interesting couple of hours, and we had a goodly crowd to boot.
For our January 5th meeting, Brenda Ridgeway won the honor of bringing the chips, Joanie Barnes will bring paper goods, Georgia Schneider will bring centerpieces, Priscilla Isner will bring dessert, and Fay will bring milk and juice.
Put January 5th on your calendar. It will be here before you know it. 2023!!
Fay Cole
Thank you to all volunteers who helped make arrangements, those who donated clippings, and those who purchased items. The Parish Hall was filled with a wonderful pine-filled scent that evoked the spirit and memories of this special time of year.
Our team will meet in January to discuss the results and recommend the charities our proceeds will benefit.
Merry Christmas. The First Fruits Team,
Arlene Barrett, Susan Hitchcock, Nancy Ludewig, Sue Sasso, Dotty Walsh
Holy Spirit’s Annual Giving Tree donations
provide help to local families through the
Homeless Prevention Council.
Donations were used to
purchase gift cards.
Thank you to everyone who made a cash or gift card donation to our 2022 Giving Tree campaign.
We collected $1,295 that will go a long way to helping local families during the Christmas Season
Bless you all! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
It's been a busy month for our Church School and lots more planned for Christmas and into January.
On Sunday December 4, we had a wonderful turnout for Advent wreath making. Both young and old participated including our new Rector Patrick and his partner Roger.
On Saturday December 10, we had our annual Christmas Pageant** Rehearsal. We are excited to have a good complement of both alumni youth, current youth, and visiting youngsters for the Christmas Eve Pageant.
After the pageant rehearsal, we had our annual Gingerbread House decorating party and Pizza Supper in the Parish Hall. We think we have some budding house designers in our midst. This was a fun church family evening for all who attended.
**CHRISTMAS EVE PAGEANT TIMELINE: December 24 Christmas Eve - Arrive at 3:30. Go to the Church School rooms to put on costumes. The service begins at 4:30 p.m. See you then!
😇 The Church school students designed and mailed over 35 cards to parishioners with Advent blessings for ALL!
😇We have been thrilled to have Hannah Rose helping out in Church School this month!
😇The Church School and Free Shop have joined forces to share teen clothing with the High School and now Middle School! Thanks again to Hannah Rose who reminded us of what she was hoping to happen before COVID hit! Both Schools are grateful! See a Need...Fill a Need!
😇To Raise Money for the New England Hemophiliac Association
This is an organization that the youth of this parish have decided they would like to contribute to! We are so happy to support them in this endeavor!
Keep your calendars free Saturday Evening, January 28th for a Lasagna Potluck Supper plus a door fee (hopefully parishioners will donate the lasagnas). More information will come via the Sunday Blue Bulletins and Announcements.
Merry Christmas from your Church School Team
All of us in Health Ministry wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas, and happiness and good health in the New Year! Meg Nemitz, Kate Paradise, Diana Crighton, Ann Pike-Paris, Margaret Anne Heuss, Michele Puzo, Ginny Lucil
Take a look at this helpful and thorough COVID-19 Plan from the CDC to help us all stay informed and prepared this winter! Barnstable County COVID levels continue at MEDIUM.
Other Health Resources: Barnstable County Human Services: (Comprehensive website with multiple resources on the Cape)
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190
Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7530 Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866 Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400 Falmouth: 508-495-5716 So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501
First page has a free sign up.
The January artist in the CHS Gallery is Dianne Fromm
Dianne minored in art in college and was a primary school teacher for many years while also taking occasional art classes. Since moving to the Cape in 2011, she has had more time to explore and enjoy painting and drawing.
Her art display will start on January 8th and be displayed in four parts. The first is pencil drawings, second watercolors, third oil paintings, and fourth, painted stones from Nauset Beach.
You still have time to experience the December exhibit, JOY, through Sunday, January 1. This show celebrates the joy of the seasons - Advent, Christmas and Epiphany - with the art, craft, and quilts of Jean Collins, Cris Harter, Sharyn Laughton, Pia MacKenzie, Gail Smith, Gail Binney Sterne, Donna Tavano and Janet Winter.
The gallery is open Monday - Thursday 10 to 3 and every Sunday after the church service.
Bring a friend - sit on the sofas - feel the joy of the art on display. While at the CHS Gallery, also visit Galley West Art Gallery……imagine that - two galleries at CHS!
The shop has been very busy - active with friends looking for WINTER clothing! Your clothing donations have helped so many grateful people and families.
Your WINTER clothing donations can be dropped off in bins near the “old" Free Shop Door - lower level of the Parish Hall by the elevator…drop off any time the Parish Hall is open!
Please do not leave your donations outside in the rain, snow, or sleet!
The shop is open every Monday and Wednesday - 10 to 1.
A Free Shop POP-UP has begun at Nauset High School. We look forward to this growing and continuing in 2023! Many thanks to Hannah Rose for all her help!
Please consider volunteering in the Free Shop once a month greeting customers and sorting/displaying donations. You work with another volunteer on a Monday or Wednesday…this is a very rewarding experience! Contact Suzy or Sharyn.
Suzy Gray (Recycler Supreme) & Sharyn Laughton - Co Directors
Please join the Book Discussion Group as we continue our discussion of This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us, by Cole Arthur Riley, Crown Publishing 2022. The book is available at local bookstores and on Kindle. We meet in the Fireplace Room after the service.
If you cannot be there in person, please email Brooke Eaton-Skea, and she will send you the Zoom link. Hope you join the group.
Show continues through Friday, December 23
Open 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
This is a great place to do your
last-minute Christmas shopping.
The gallery will be closed for the winter
and re-open Wednesday, May 17.
The Call for Art entry dates for the first 2023 show are
March 17 - April 17.
Visit our website to enter.
If you have questions about entering a show,
contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton.
Thank you for your 2022 support!
The annual MLK Breakfast will be held via Zoom on Monday, January 16 from
8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. The Theme this year is: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Health Care Perspectives on the Lower and Upper Cape.
The Breakfast is sponsored by the Nauset Interfaith Association, The Martin Luther King Action Team, and the Justice Fund of The United Methodist Foundation of New England.
In 1966, Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Of the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane”.
The Breakfast program this year features a panel discussion led by Leo Blandford, from Outer Cape Health, and will include perspectives from a Community Health Worker, Social Worker, and Primary Care Physician. Members of the MLK Action Team will provide insights as to action steps to be taken in the future, as well as perspectives from the Wampanoag community.
A link for the Webinar will be forthcoming on the NIA/MLK website, A poster will also be distributed shortly after Christmas with the link for registration.
We invite everyone to attend this timely program designed to educate us all concerning this important topic and one which resonates here on Cape Cod.
End-of-year Surprises!
Food 4 Kids recently received two wonderful gifts. The Vela Foundation, a private grant-making foundation dedicated to promoting improved nutrition and wellness for families in eastern Massachusetts, awarded us a generous grant. And an individual surprised us with another wonderful donation. We are incredibly grateful for the continued generosity of the communities we serve!
Because of these recent gifts ... We suggest you consider a year-end donation to The Family Pantry of Cape Cod. While Food 4 Kids works to address food insecurity in the summer, The Family Pantry serves families all year, and never more so than right now.
In tough times people have to make tough choices! By supporting The Family Pantry, you can make sure food isn't one of them!
To donate to The Family Pantry, click here. Do it now and double your impact! Each donation will be matched up to $100,000 in donations. To learn more about The Family Pantry visit their website:
Food insecurity means they're struggling financially to consistently and reliably access nutritious food. Every week, there's this mental and stressful struggle to figure out: How am I going to feed my children? (Sarah Cluggish, Chief Program Office for Project Bread)
The need is real, the need continues. Learn more about child/teen food insecurity in our communities in the Food 4 Kids newsletter here. And even better, join our email list here and visit our website at to learn even more!
A Call for Help from Ruth Campbell: Do you have skills using a recording software (like Vimeo or iMovie or using your laptop software) and are willing to record Ruth reading children's books for the Together Spirit Stories?
She has so many fantastic books to share, each with a special message and lesson for everyone!
Ruth needs your help recording these stories. Each takes about 1 hour to record. You can do one a month, or multiple months at one sitting.
Please contact Ruth if you can help her out.
Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Remembrances
Upcoming dates to give you time to send a note, card, or call.
Don Bragdon 12.21 Betsie Lind 12.23 Joan Payne 12.23
Bruce Lederhouse 12.24 Kathy Hubby12.25 Tom Lennox 12.26 Barbara Sousa 12.28
Natalie Sweeney12.28 Cai McLaughlin12.29 Carol Bernhardt 12.31 Peter Blank 12.31
Michele Puzo 1.01 Hannah Rose 1.01 Bob Collins 1.02
Priscilla Jean LaBranche 1.04 Briton Ash 1.05 Jess Kimball 1.06 Ephraim McLean 1.07
Caroline Chung 1.11 The Rev. Dr. Bill Heuss1.11 The Rev. Gail Smith 1.11
Joan Kirkby 1.12 Judy Gardiner 1.12 Jamie Thompson 1.13
John Shearer 1.17 Dianne Fromm 1.18 Tracy Weeks 1.19
Katie Bragdon 1.21 Bill Gardiner 1.23 Jacob La Branche 1.24
Thomas Graham 1.25 Douglas Fromm 1.28 Jacob LaBranche 1.29
The Rev. Dr. William Heuss 12.21.68
Gerald Gilmore 12.20.14 Elizabeth Clarendon 12.21.78
Wallace Ruckert 12.21.03 Christian Gironda 12.22.92
Selwyn Miles 12.22.93 Elizabeth Ruckert 12.23.88
Betty Yearing 12.23.19 Bev Dreher 12.24.20 Harold Foley 12.25.03
Mac MacDonald 2.25.03 Charles Wood 12.26.19
Norman Adams 12.28.14 Karen Blank 12.29.01
Nat Goddard 12.30.19 Muriel Helen Scully 12.30.11
Nancy DeWitt Minus 1.03.08 Linda Rencurre 1.04.04
Roger Cross 1.05.19 Jean Ladue 1.06.98 Charlotte Darlington 1.07.02
Betty Jane Wagner 1.07.11 Craig DeLong 1.08.02
George Doane 1.09.97 Patricia Morrell 1.09.19 Mary Louise Moore 1.10.11
William Hayes 1.12.05 Arthur B. McCormick 1.14.10 Sandy Spencer 1.15.12
Fern Ellison 1.16.14 Frank J. Gironda 1.17.09 Betty Mann 1.17.95
Vivian Petty 1.17.91 H. Robert Eckhardt 1.18.95 Mary Gray 1.18.99
Elizabeth Kalinick 1.18.06 Janine Santoro 1.18.13 Gardy Bridge 1.23.13
Jane Lough 1.23.10 Barbara MacArthur 1.23.17.John Anderson 1.27.04
M. Egerton “Jim” Gray, Jr. 1.27.08 Harry Preston 1.28.85
Anne Swift 1.29.03 Elisabeth Meyer 1.30.16 George Wallace Ruckert, Jr. 1.30.97
Marlene Hoey - 12.3.2022
Ruth Evans Jones 12.16.2022
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand.
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall.
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
To contact Patrick Ward
email him at
Call the parish office and
leave a message with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Patrick can respond to your call.
CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. Meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Tom Dewing for the Zoom link.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays call or text 508-241-0357.
WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”
SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email with respect to scheduling meetings.
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Patrick Ward. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.
PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or you can email the group at Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence.
The next TOGETHER edition will be issued on
Thursday, January 26, 2023
MONDAY, JANUARY 23 at 4:00 p.m. FIRM!
Earlier submissions welcomed!
Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA
To receive our diocesan communications,
Have a blessed and merry Christmas and, may 2023 be a year of
good health and happiness for you and your family
Sue Sasso, Together Editor