January 26, 2023



Drawing by Dan Joy
Living Large
On Monday of this week, January 23, the Episcopal Church remembered Phillips Brooks on the 130th anniversary of his death in Boston at the age of fifty-seven.

If you don’t know anything else about Brooks, you do know (by heart I’m guessing) his lyrics to “O little town of Bethlehem.” Brooks was also the rector of Trinity Church in Boston and guided the construction of its third church building and present landmark home.

He was an ardent abolitionist and beloved as one of the greatest preachers of his time.
He served briefly, at the very end of his life, as bishop of our diocese. A sizeable statue honoring him looms in a quiet corner of Copley Square. Observers often comment upon the fact that the sculptor, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, positions Jesus behind the orating Brooks. Brooks is buried with his brothers and parents in Cambridge’s Mount Auburn Cemetery. His gravestone there is a small and simple affair of weathered white marble.

My office for the past eleven years was on the third floor of the rectory built for Brooks in the Back Bay after Trinity Copley was completed. Despite the insertion of cubicles and printers into its spacious rooms, I always had the feeling that Brooks had just left. He was a very tall man of considerable girth, and the doorways on the first and second floors are generously wide, as is the stair leading up from the foyer to the room, which was once his bedroom and in which he died. The scale is generous... A building built to Brooks’ scale. I’d think, “There’s a wideness in God’s mercy.”, while barreling down those stairs to answer the doorbell.

Brooks himself was generous. One anecdote I love tells of his making a pastoral call on a young, single mother, overwhelmed with the work of caring for multiple children. Sensing in the moment that her care was “not about him,” he offered to mind the kids and give her a few hours outdoors and alone on a spring afternoon.

In some ways, Brooks’ preaching is bound by his era. He’s fond of the word “manly” for example, as a catch-all synonym for strength and courage. His patrician roots poke out on occasion.

Looking back at him through the century that separates us – a century of two world wars and serial genocides and of accelerating climate change and a widening global wealth gap – it’s tempting to consign Brooks to the antique.

That, I think, would be unwise.

Brooks’ great theme was the very hope we need to continue the work of love and reconciliation to which Christ calls us in our own time. Preaching once on the defeat of the Egyptians on the seashore and the liberation of the Israelites (“the end of struggle which had seemed interminable”), Brooks asked his hearers: “Are then our own slaveries as hopeless as they seem?”

The hope into which his preaching still invites us has not lost its power to change the world. Brooks reminds us, "The victory in which the soul believes is already here as a power for its own attainment.”

Faithfully and fondly,
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING February 12,2023 Parish Hall after Sunday Service
Zoom invitation will be provided.
Child Care will be available during the meeting.
At our January 19 meeting, the Vestry celebrated the service of Tom Dewing, Kathy Goddard, and Hanna Schneider as they step down from the Vestry at the February Annual Meeting. We enjoyed home-made delicious cookies offered by the retirees!

Tom Dewing provided the meditation for the evening which was comprised of a series of selections including an original piece entitled "Clinging", a selection from the book of Matthew, and a piece authored by C.S. Lewis.

The Warrant for the Annual Meeting to be held on February 12, 2023, was accepted.

Chris Crighton presented the monthly Treasurer's Report for December, reporting that we ended 2022 in the black. He also reported on the current pledge status. As of January 19, we had 104 pledges, ten of them new pledges. Adding the new pledges, we are 15% ahead of last year, but there are still a handful of parishioners who have pledged in the past from whom we have not yet heard.

Chris reported on the performance of the DIT (Diocesan Investment Trust) over the course of 2022. Given the volatility of the investment market over the past year, we have slipped over the past year, but 4th quarter results were promising. After a lively discussion, the budget for 2023 was approved and will be presented to the congregation at the February Annual Meeting.

Celia recapped a wonderful Epiphany celebration. The pageant was enthusiastically received by all who attended, and the potluck dinner was fabulous. Thank you to all who participated and helped make such a memorable occasion. Plans for the Annual Meeting are well underway, and as of the Vestry Meeting, almost of the reports for the booklet had been submitted.

The Annual Meeting will be held in person this year after church on Sunday, February 12. It will also be available on Zoom for those parishioners who cannot be present physically. Please mark this date on your calendar if you have not already done so. Our bylaws dictate that we must have seventy-five members present for a quorum.

Patrick provided the Vestry an overview of the many projects he has undertaken already in his time with us. He formed a task force to assist with the planning for Holy Week. Another goal is to have a new, more flexible sign erected on the corner of Route 28 and Monument Road by Memorial Day. In addition to attending a variety of meetings of the various ministries each week, Patrick has been visiting with parishioners and familiarizing himself with the inner workings of our campus. Also on his "to do" list is the planning for his Celebration of New Ministry to be held on Friday, March 24. Mark your calendar.

Vestry members once again thanked Tom, Kathy, and Hanna for their service over the past several years. The retirees remarked how quickly the years had passed and how much they had learned. It certainly has been an interesting few years as we've moved from being "In Transition" during Covid to welcoming Patrick and Roger and looking forward to a bright future at The Church of the Holy Spirit.

Peace to all,
Celia and Brenda
In person worship with music
Followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall

Church School starts at 9:45 in the lower level of the Parish Hall.
Visitors are always welcome! Children join the service at the Peace.

If you are unable to join us and worship in person,
click here to watch the services live or watch later on our YouTube channel.
 10:00 a.m. via ZOOM
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes the links to the Zoom service and the Service Bulletin and Readings.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Tuesday, February 21
5:30 pm, Parish Hall
Be with us for a festive farewell to the season of Epiphany as we reclaim the beloved tradition of pancakes for supper on the eve of Ash Wednesday! For more information,
contact Matt and Jamie Thompson or Ruth Campbell.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 22
10:00 am and 7:00 pm, Church
Holy Eucharist with sermon and imposition of ashes.
The Seven "Deadlies":
A Lenten Teaching and Conversation Series
Wednesday evenings 5:30 - 6:45 pm
(soup suppers included)
March 1, 8, 15 and 29, Parish Hall

The word "lent" is derived from the old English word for "growth" or lengthen" -- and essential to our own growth is deepening our understanding of what's blocking it!

Join us at any or all of this four-part weeknight series on traditional and contemporary understandings of the "Seven Deadly Sins" -- pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Our time together will be a mix of presentation and prompted conversation.

Noonday Holy Eucharist and Prayers for Healing
Thursdays at 11:00 am Church)
March 2, 9,16,23, and 30
Join us for a simple service of weekday Holy Eucharist with a short meditation. Private prayers for healing available after the service concludes.
Stewardship 2023

As reported in the Wardens' message, as of January 19, we had 104 pledges
but have not heard from a number of members who pledged last year.
If you need another pledge card, please call the parish office.

2023 Pledge Envelopes Ready To Be Picked Up in the Reception Room
If you expected a box of envelopes and do not find one, please let the church office know

End of Year Giving Statements Sent 
The 2022 end-of-year giving statements were recently sent. Most were sent out digitally, using the email address on file in the church database. For those without an active email account, a paper copy was mailed to you and should arrive soon. If you did not receive your statement and would like to have it re-sent to you, please contact the church office.
Thursday, February 2, 023 at Noon
I think our January Ladies Luncheon set a record for attendance! We had 4 full tables and Patrick+ joined us again!

 Gayle Binney Sterne announced that her Ukrainian family connection had enjoyed an American Christmas and had been in touch, by internet, with husband (and dad) who is at home, fighting the war.

Dilys Smith asked that anyone interested in restarting the "Widows’ Luncheon Group" to get in touch with her.

Our February 2nd Volunteers are: Kate Paradise--Paper Goods; Susan Owens--Chips; Diana Crighton- Centerpieces; Kenna Liatsos, Dessert; and Suzy Gray, Milk and Juice.
Coffee and Tea are provided.

Bring your own lunch and join us on February 2 at 12:00 in the Parish Hall.
Fay Cole

Free Will donations at the door!

Our Youth Group is hosting a Lasagna Dinner to benefit the
 New England Hemophilia Association

Dinner includes all kinds of Lasagna including gluten free and veggie,
salad, bread and dessert. 

Hope to see you then! Sign-ups are displayed by the Parish Hall welcome table area, or contact Jamie Thompson if you plan to attend.

We had a wonderful turn out for a warm and welcoming Christmas Eve Pageant. It was complete with current youth and alumnae as well as a visiting baby Jesus! We were truly blessed, and Jamie Thompson did an amazing job orchestrating it all with our memory of Joan McFadden guiding all of us in this holy, joyful event! 

In December we also designed and then sent out Advent cards to parishioners on the pastoral care list!  

On January 6, we had an Epiphany Pageant and celebration. It was truly a wonder to behold! Thank you to all who helped... and then the delicious potluck supper in the Parish Hall... a fun evening for all!
Pageant Narrator
Ragnhild Bjerke
The Church School Cast
Holy Family
and Angels
Three Wisepersons
Chris Crighton
Rich Weeks
Diana Landau
Also in January, Norman Stubbendick guided us in the challenging art of Hardanger! Hardanger is an embroidery art form that started in ancient times that possibly inspired Venetian lace and similar craft made in Denmark, Holland, Scotland, and Norway.  Norman is instructing the Youth Group and teachers this intricate and precise art form to make cross bookmarks.
Norman Stubbendick instructing Raymond & Lizzie
Doily made by Norman!
If you are in need of a pastoral visit, or you or a family member has been admitted to a medical facility (hospital, skilled care, etc.), or you want to request prayers for you or a family member, please call the church office at (508)-255-0433 or email pastoralcare@chsorleans.org.
 There is also an Intercessors group that says confidential prayers. Please email your request to intercessors@chsorleans.org 
It may be winter, but plans are in the works for the first round of planting in the terraces of the Save Our Soil project (SOS)!

A first meeting was held on 1/18/23 to begin the process of planning and selecting plant materials for the areas that have been created by Peter Jensen. After a presentation by Peter to explain concepts, background, and plant materials, the working group followed with questions, ideas and enthusiasm.

As you look at the solar field and terraces, see if you can spot some colorful little flags on the hillside. This is just the start of what we plan to plant and where, so stay tuned!

And if you are interested, check out this website https://capecodnativeplants.org/find-plants to help you enhance your own garden space.

This online tool will “help you find the native plants best suited for specific sites." You can search for plants based upon 6 criteria. The pictures and descriptions are great!
Brian Ridgeway & Ann Pike-Paris
We are happy to report that the loving labors of our First Fruits team raised $3,300 during this annual charity fundraiser. Through the tireless efforts of CHS parishioners, volunteers from other churches, supportive community members, and fresh greens contributors, we created some 250 large and small centerpieces, door swags, mantel boughs, gift baskets, and other homemade gifts.  

The money from this fundraiser will go to Lower Cape Outreach Council, The Family Pantry of Cape Cod, Habitat for Humanity (building two homes in Chatham), and Homeless Prevention Council.

Thank you to all who contributed their time and abundant talent and to our sextons, Wayne and Tony, who met our every request with a smile to keep the sale going smoothly and to keep the team alert with Christmas music and hot coffee.

We are also delighted to have several new members join the team and look forward to a great year in 2023.
We have an opportunity to hold a class, offered to us by the Orleans Fire Department, on “Hands only CPR”, review of how to use our Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), and proper emergency first aid procedures.
If you’re at all interested, please text or call Meg Nemitz. (Her contact info is in our parish directory.)

This is a new help line that went live on January 4th. We have added it to our list of Health Resources list below.

The Help Line provides real time support for behavioral health concerns. It is free, available to all MA residents regardless of insurance status, 24 hours/ day and 365 days/ year. Call or text: 833-773-2445 (BHHL) Online chat: masshelpline.com
You may have noticed that we have removed the "masks required" signs from our church doorways as that message no longer reflects the level of caution we understand to be necessary for common worship.

Nonetheless, as incidence of COVID and other respiratory illnesses increases with winter coming, we encourage all to stay current with available vaccinations for flu and COVID, to stay home and "stream" if you are not feeling well, and to keep a mask with you always.

We are all at varying levels of vulnerability. We invite you also to participate in communion as you wish; the sacrament is understood as "complete" in one form only if both bread and wine are not for you.
Other Health Resources:
Barnstable County Human Services:  www.bchumanservices.net (Comprehensive website with multiple resources on the Cape)                 
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190 
Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7530 Wellfleet: 508-349-0319 
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400Falmouth: 508-495-5716 So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: Go to this link:  https://www.capecodhealth.org/
         First page has a free sign up.
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line
Call or text:  833-773-2445 (BHHL)  Online chat: masshelpline.com
The February CHS Gallery Artist is Cris Harter.
Cris has always had a love of crafting and antiques. Since moving to the Cape permanently in 2015, she has been a student of Nantucket basket making and Sailors' Valentines. 
Her display will start February 4 and include three types of her handmade crafts. The first will be her collection of Nantucket baskets and related items. Second will be a selection of Sailors' Valentines made by Cris. 

Lastly, Cris’ new crafting passion -- handmade cards for special occasions will also be on display and for sale. 
Dianne minored in art in college and was a primary school teacher for many years while also taking occasional art classes. Since moving to the Cape in 2011, she has had more time to explore and enjoy painting and drawing. Enjoy her wonderful display.
Dianne Fromm art on display in CHS Gallery
The CHS Gallery is open Monday - Thursday 10 - 3 and Sundays after the church service. Bring a friend - sit on the sofas - feel the joy of the art on display. While at the CHS Gallery, also visit Galley West Art Gallery...imagine that - two galleries at CHS! 
Gladly accepting good clean WINTER clothing.

Especially needed are coats, jackets, hats, gloves,
AND large paper shopping bags with handles.

Also requested from the schools:
NEW water bottles
NEW socks you don’t need!
(Maybe you received some for Christmas and don't need them)

The shop is open every Monday and Wednesday, 10 to 1. Clothing donations can be dropped off when we are open or deposited in bins outside the “old Free Shop” door in the lower level of Parish Hall by the elevator.

All Free Shop Volunteers: Please pick up an updated schedule for 2023:January - March posted on bulletin board in “Old Free Shop”.  A new 2023: April - December Volunteer Schedule will be mailed to you in March. 

Would you like to volunteer in the shop ONE Monday or Wednesday per month sorting donations and greeting visitors? Let Suzy Gray or Sharyn Laughton know. It’s easy, fun and rewarding!

Thank you for your clothing donations and for supporting this CHS ministry. This is a shop for those in need, for those shopping for families and friends in need, and is a wonderful RECYCLYING CENTER FOR ALL!

Suzy Gray (Recycler Supreme) & Sharyn Laughton - Co Directors a
Please join the Book Discussion Group as we continue our discussion of This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us, by Cole Arthur Riley, Crown Publishing 2022. The book is available at local bookstores and on Kindle. We meet in the Fireplace Room after the service. 

If you cannot be there in person, please email Brooke Eaton-Skea, and she will send you the Zoom link.  Hope you join the group. 
A common activity in any successful organization is clear, consistent, and timely communication, both internal and external, using a variety of methods and social media.

In June, a group of CHS members (Nancy Boccia, Celia Calhoun, Kate Paradise, Brenda Ridgeway, Sue Sasso, Liz Tumey with leadership from Joe Robinson and Gail Smith, and now Patrick) was assembled to look at how we can improve communication within CHS and the broader local community.

Using the 2022 CHS Bazaar as a test case, the task force has developed new procedures and tools that will be used for communications about major CHS events as well as regular ongoing communications. We have also looked at expanded use of CHS social media (Website, Facebook, Constant Contact emails) and other forms of communication.

One change already implemented is on our website Home Page. Click on the "EVENTS" block and you will be linked to the list of Major 2023 Parish Events. Put dates on your calendars and details to follow. Patrick is also looking at how to update all campus signage.

In future editions of Together we will share other improvements the Task Force is implementing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a member of the Task Force.
The gallery is closed for the winter
and will re-open Wednesday, May 17.

The Call for Art entry for the first 2023 show is
March 17 - April 17.
Visit our website to enter.

If you have questions about entering a show,
contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton.
Food 4 Kids Could Use Your Help

Are you interested in getting more involved with Food 4 Kids? Please share your talents with us! As we prepare for this coming summer we would love your help.

New opportunities include: Public Relations, Communication, Photography, and more. Please contact us at info@food4kidscapecod.org if you would like to discuss volunteering for us in a new way.

Over the past 10 summers our commitment to provide free meals to the children and teens in the 8 towns from Harwich to Provincetown in the summer has not wavered. As we begin planning for Summer 2023, our commitment remains strong.

·      F4K is committed to provide meals to all children/teens – no one has to income qualify. 
·      F4K is committed to providing free meals to all sites, even if they do not qualify for USDA reimbursements. 
·      F4K is committed to providing the meals our sites need, including providing a third meal to those sites that operate all day.  

To learn more, read our full January newsletter click here and check out our website: food4kidscapecod.org.

Unfamiliar with Food 4 Kids? 
Check out our website at food4kidscapecod.org.
However, the best way to keep up with all the F4K news is to join our email list here or email us at info@food4kidscapecod.org and let us know
you would like to receive newsletters.

During our critical months (May – September) it is especially important that Food4Kids communicates more … and more often … than the just our monthly articles in Together. 
January 8, 2023: In the Maasai Steppe in Tanzania, parents of the children at Endupoto Primary School starting secondary level gather to listen to Tall. He is encouraging them to make their contribution to their children’s education. This might mean selling a goat or two or reaching deep under their shukas for money; but all must contribute what they can.

We are here to buy the supplies, mattresses, books, food, have the uniforms measured and made all in time for the start of school, January 9, 2023.

Together with the Maasai we are also contributing to 4 orphans and a 14-year- old girl who we are protecting from an arranged marriage to an old man. We are proud of all 34 students who have passed the National Exam and await further education on Monday. Cheryl
Just once, I want the prompt for username and password to say, "Close enough."

I hate it when I can't figure out how to operate the iPad and my tech support guys is asleep. He's 5 and it's past his bedtime!

Today's 3-year-olds can switch on laptops and open their favorite apps. When I was 3,
I played in a sandbox!