September 2020
Together, We’re Making It Work
These are certainly unusual times. We’re all operating under conditions we couldn’t even imagine before 2020. Throughout Group CBS, we’re working from home when possible, distancing on the shop floor, constantly cleaning, sanitizing and making masks part of everyday life. Effects of the pandemic touch us professionally and personally. Many have worried about family, friends and co-workers infected with the virus – I know I have. It seems the old life path of staying healthy, working hard today and planning a tomorrow of living the “good life” in retirement is being threatened. Read more.
Organizing for Efficiency
Three-President Team Will Deliver Efficiency, Speed Decisions, Streamline Operations
Growth and acquisitions have flooded Group CBS with talented professionals, ready to share their experience and guide our future. All told, 18 president-level managers are now part of the Group CBS family. That wealth of talent is a great asset for the company and our customers – an innovation and expertise advantage we can leverage on every customer engagement every day. We’re thrilled to be able to retain and nurture the people who worked to make our companies great. Read more.
New Tech Revitalizes Old Assets
World’s Only Vacuum Interrupter Life Extension Program Saves Time, Money and Headaches
Millions of vacuum interrupters are beyond or approaching the end of their design life. Group CBS has developed a revolutionary, proprietary technology that breathes new life into aging vacuum interrupters, preserving their performance and extending their useful life for years.
Keeping You Safe. Keeping You Powered.
New Remote Racking Model for Cutler-Hammer Magnum DS & SB Circuit Breakers – Safe, Reliable Control Without Modifications
The new CBS ArcSafe® RRS-3 MDSR1 single-application remote racking system (RRS) operates Eaton/Cutler-Hammer Magnum DS and SB air circuit breakers without any modifications to existing electrical equipment. It is compatible with breakers with ratings of 800–4000 A. Read more.
CBS ArcSafe Delivers in a Pinch
From an emergency phone call at 11 A.M. to hand delivery of custom-built products at 4:30 P.M., it’s all in a day’s work at CBS ArcSafe. In early August, following an unexpected electrical outage due to a storm on the east coast, a major facility needed breakers brought back up. High incident energy made a safe manual closing impossible. Team ArcSafe delivered. Read more.
Understanding Your Numbers and ROI
Group CBS Welcomes Finance Team Members
Group CBS is fortifying its Finance team to ensure we remain always ready to help customers with timely, accurate information. We’re pleased to announce three new additions to the finance team: CFO, Dan Rigby; Corporate Controller, Thomas Cheaney and Director of Finance, Stephanie Tompkins. Dan and Stephanie are based out of the Addison office, while Thomas works in Gainesville. Read more.
Adding More Value with More Engineering Expertise
Another Engineering Advance
Group CBS’ Western Electrical Services (WES) continues to strengthen and grow its engineering leadership with the acquisition of the AVO Training Institute’s Electrical Engineering Division (EED). Principal Engineer Ryan Downey will continue to lead the EED business, with the entire team remaining on board. Read more.
Growing to Better Serve Customers Everywhere
Group CBS Continues to Grow and Help More Customers Nationwide
Please join us in welcoming Rocky Mountain Breaker Service into the Group CBS Family! Rocky Mountain Breaker Service (RMBS) joined Group CBS in mid-July, adding a much-needed presence in the Central U.S. Read more.
People on the Move
Brian Constantino to Head Northeast CBS Shop
A career of success and attention to detail have led to Brian Constantino being named North East Manager of CBS-NE. Brian began his career at GE in Plainville, Connecticut, before becoming Foreman of the Electric Control Equipment shop for 15 years. With the acquisition of EC, Brian ultimately became production manager of the 80-person CBS-NE shop. After his successes in production, he moved to the North East Manager’s position with the retirement of former President John Namnoum. Read more.
Affiliates Directory
Advanced Electrical & Motor Controls Inc.
Irving, TX - Ph: 800-289-2757
Elgin, IL - Ph: 224-856-5036

CBS ArcSafe, Inc.
Denton, TX - Ph: 877-4-SAFETY

CBS Nuclear Services, Inc.
Matthews, NC - Ph: 704-882-1875

Circuit Breaker Analyzer, Inc.
Farmers Branch, TX - Ph: 972-290-0074

Circuit Breaker Sales Co., Inc.
Gainesville, TX - Ph: 800-232-5809

Regional Service Centers
Chicago Service Center
Rockford, IL - Ph: 800-657-6646

Detroit Apparatus Service Center
Livonia, MI - Ph: 734-357-8005

Florida Service Center
Lakeland, FL - Ph: 863-646-5099

Midwest Service Center
Crown Point, IN - Ph: 219-213-2095

St. Louis Service Center
Pinckneyville, IL - Ph: 618-357-6300

Circuit Breaker Sales & Repair, Inc.
La Porte, TX - Ph: 281-479-4555
Gonzales, LA - Ph: 225-673-2278
Circuit Breaker Sales NE Inc.
Boston, MA - Ph: 781-438-7770
Seymour, CT - Ph: 203-888-7500
Johnstown, PA - Ph: 814-254-4457

Circuit Breaker Store, Inc.
Gainesville, TX - Ph: 855-227-8673

Powertech Services, Inc.
Swartz Creek, MI - Ph: 810-720-2280

Solid State Exchange & Repair Co.
Denton, TX - Ph: 877-TRIP-FIX (874-7349)

Transformer Sales Co.
Gainesville, TX - Ph: 940-665-4484

Vacuum Interrupters, Inc.
Farmers Branch, TX - Ph: 214-442-5877
Denton, TX - VI Manufacturing

Western Electrical Services, Inc.
Headquarters: Phoenix, AZ - Ph: 888-395-2021

Regional Service Centers
Reno, NV
Salt Lake City, UT
Sumner, WA
Vancouver, WA

Group CBS, Inc. | 972-250-2500 | |