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For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given, and the government will be
on his shoulders
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God,
Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace
Isaiah 9:6
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Christmas Eve Children's Pageant and
Holy Eucharist: service at 4:30 pm.
Christmas Eve Festival Holy Eucharist with Choir: service at 9:00 pm,
Christmas Day a Holy Eucharist with Music: service at 10:00 am.
For those of you who cannot attend in person and are interested in viewing any of our services via YouTube, a separate email will be sent later this week with all the YouTube links to join us.
We wish you a blessed Christmas.
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Christmas Ghost Stories?
Is there a Christmas song you love to hate? For me it's Andy Williams’ “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” -- released the year before I was born.
“With the kids jingle belling / And everyone telling / you, ‘Be of good cheer!’” always strikes me as an unintentionally insightful read on what can seem like the mandatory merriment of this “hap-happiest” season of all. “And what,” a seminary friend once asked me, “is with that line about ‘scary ghost stories’? Who tells ghost stories at Christmas?”
It turns out, surprisingly, that many people used to. The Victorians apparently were given to tales of the occult and surreal at holiday time – Dickens' A Christmas Carol survives as a reminder. We rejoice in the Word of God made flesh, but we can’t really understand it. Essential to Christmas faith, maybe, is the understanding that we are surrounded, shaped and sustained by so much we cannot see.
The writer John Shea in his book Starlight suggest that ghosts at Christmas are not as misplaced as they may seem to us:
Ghosts and Christmas go together. Not those who haunt Scrooge, clanging about with chains and threats and pushing for repentance, but the gentle, unobtrusive spirits of people who have celebrated with us and who now are gone, the spirits of people sustained by love and therefore never far from where love is.
“At Christmas the missing return,” Shea concludes. Or perhaps it’s at Christmas every year when our harried and constrained psyches somehow extend wider welcome to those we love and see no longer.
“Shut out nothing!” advised Dickens once in a popular seasonal essay, “What Christmas Means as We Grow Older.” That is advice more helpful to me than “everyone telling you- be of good cheer.”
It’s a blessing that we don’t, in community, tell each other how to think or feel. My hope for you though, in these “hap-happiest” days to come, is that you will be never far, in body, mind or spirit, from where love is.
Faithfully and fondly,
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10:00 A.M.
In-person worship at the church with music
followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall.
Church School starts at 9:45 in the lower level of the Parish Hall.
Visitors are always welcome!
On the fourth Sunday of each month,
children worship in church with their families.
If you are unable to join us in person, you may watch the service on your
Smart TV or another device.
Use this link to reach our YouTube channel:
Then select the service from Upcoming Live Streams options.
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(Formerly Healing Service)
Lectio Divina is a monastic mode of prayer, contemplation and bible study,
and all are welcome to experience this with us.
10:00 a.m. via ZOOM
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes links to the Zoom service and Service Bulletin and Readings.
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Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Church
Join us for a simple service of weekday Holy Eucharist
with a short meditation.
Private prayers for healing available after the service concludes.
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The end of November and December have been busy months, with the Antiques Show and the Fresh Holiday Arrangements Sale, both of which were very successful, particularly in the joy-filled participation by so many members of the parish. The joy was also felt by the antiques dealers and people from the community who worked with us. Another fun gathering was the annual Gingerbread House Decorating event with the church school children and friends – some amazing houses emerged!
The Vestry met on December 14, with special guest Anne Koehler visiting with an update on Food4Kids' financial information and the status of the search for a Program Manager.
Chris Crighton, our Treasurer, reported that pledges are up for this year, both in number and in the dollar amount. Stay tuned for more details at the Annual Meeting when the pledges are all in. In other business, the Vestry approved the 2022 audit.
Chris presented a draft budget for 2024, which was discussed in detail and approved as a draft. This budget will be modified before the next Vestry Meeting when it will be approved by the Vestry before being presented to the parish at the Annual Meeting.
Chris presented a plan from Buildings and Grounds to repair the parking areas and repaint the lines in spring of 2024. The Vestry approved the $19,535 cost for this project.
Another date for your 2024 calendars is Saturday, April 13 at 2:00 p.m. when Bishop Alan Gates will preside over a service of Confirmation for the Cape & Islands Deanery parishes. This service will be held at Church of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you again for your prayers and support during this season of Advent and Christmas. We pray that each one of you has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
And don’t forget Epiphany! Our service and supper will be held on Friday, January 5th at 5:30 p.m.
Joyfully, Brenda and Celia
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SUNDAY JANUARY 28, 2024, AT 11:30
SAVE THE DATE - mark your calendars
we need a quorum... and we need you!
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Advent kicked off with the annual Advent Wreath Making and Godly Play classes on the meaning of Advent with the traditions of lighting the wreath candles. Now we await our Christmas Eve Pageant. | |
On Saturday December 9, after our Christmas pageant rehearsal, a record 40+ folks joined us in the Parish Hall for the annual pizza supper and Gingerbread House decorating party.
A fun time was had by all. Enjoy these pictures of happy times together as a parish family.
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Advent Wreath Godly Play with Ruth Campbell | |
Brenda & Brian with Eli decorationg their houses | |
Holiday traditions help keep loved ones close to
our heart.
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Wesley & Jenn with Two beautiful houses to take home & enjoy. | |
Come join us for our January Ladies' Luncheon on Thursday, the 4th. Bring a sandwich or salad, and the rest will be provided.
Volunteers for January are: Chips, Liz Tunney; Dessert, Kate Paradise; Table Decorations, Nancy Ludewig; and Paper Goods, Gayle Binney Sterne. Andi Stubbendick will be the convener that day.
Many thanks to Dilys Smith for accompanying the Christmas carols we sang at our December meeting. It made for a joyful, festive gathering!
Fay Cole, Convener
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Friday, January 5 at 5:30 pm (Church)
followed by supper in Parish Hall.
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Mark the official end of Christmastide with us on Friday evening, January 5. We will begin in church with the annual carol singing and pageant of the Magi's visit. Then, we will head straight to a festive potluck supper in the Parish Hall.
See the signup sheets in the church reception room after all services (December 24, 25, 31) to find out what's on the menu and to tell us what you can share!
You are also welcome to shop for and bring the following to church that evening as donations which will be shared with Nauset High School students through the school nursing program: new socks and underwear, gloves, deodorant, leggings and water bottles. Checks are also welcome with "Nauset High" written on the memo line. Thank you!
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Pledge envelopes are available for those who have submitted a pledge card for 2024 AND asked for either weekly or monthly envelopes when filling out their pledge card.
Your box of pledge envelopes may be picked up in the Parish Hall on Sunday mornings before or after the service or in the Church Office during regular office hours. Please try to pick up your box. Mailing them is an expensive and very slow process as the Post Office must handle each box as a separate package.
We no longer rely on envelope numbers to identify you. We will record your contribution using your name from the check. If you are using the envelopes to make a cash donation, please write your name on the envelope or on a piece of paper inside.
If you expected a box of envelopes and did not find one, please let the church office know.
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Great progress on building the house in Brewster! Pictures tell the story from the wall-raising on November 5th to the windows installed by December 19th.
Keep your eyes out for mention of a special day on site for the whole church team... Date to be announced early in the new year!
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On November 7, about 24 members of The Church of the Holy Spirit who had expressed an interest in Invite, Welcome, Connect, gathered for a potluck supper/meeting. We made a good start on examining what we are doing well and what needs some work as we welcome increasing numbers of new parishioners and re-connect with those who have been here with us for years.
For those of you who are interested (especially those of you who have received a copy of the book but were unable to join us at that meeting), there will be further opportunities after the holidays to meet and contribute to the discussion.
Each Sunday we see many faces we do not know. This delights us, and we want to welcome and connect with these people. The Church of the Holy Spirit has so much to offer, wherever we are in our spiritual life and what we may be seeking. We need to be mindful about sharing this with our visitors and new members.
How can we share these meaningful opportunities with others?
Nothing beats a personal invitation. Invite someone to come to church or perhaps to our 12th Night Potluck on January 5th or to get involved in any of our many ministries. It could be a text, an email, a handwritten note, or a phone call.
Make the invitation relevant to the person you are inviting. Explain to them why you are inviting THEM and not someone else. If you want to make the invitation particularly important, invite them to go with you. Even if they don't say "yes", you have given them the gift of showing them they are important enough to you that you want to share something that is an important part of your life. Given that, every invitation you make is a "win."
It can be as simple as facilitating introductions at coffee hour or offering to answer questions a visitor might have. It isn’t about doing MORE at a time when we are all stretched thin… it is about remembering the sacred spaces we already have and inviting people to be a part of them.
And, here is the best part… everyone can engage in the ministry of invitation!
Cynthia Murray and Earle Bailey
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Fundamentals of Episcopal Belief and Practice
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Wednesday evenings, 5:30-7:00 pm
January 24 & 31, February 7, 21 & 28, March 6 &13
Join the rector and fellow parishioners for a series of "pre-Lent" and Lenten suppers, presentations, and small group conversations about belief and practice.
Welcoming all and encouraged for those who can attend at least five of the sessions, this series is also preparation for those who wish to be formally received or confirmed into the Episcopal Church at the Cape & Islands confirmation service with Bishop Gates here at CHS on Saturday, April 13.
To join us, email your interest to the rector by January 12 (
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Generous Donation Received … New Program Director Sought
We continue to be surprised by the depth and breadth of community support for Food 4 Kids!
We recently received a wonderful, and unexpected donation from the Bernard and Judy Cornwell Foundation of Chatham. Brenda Ridgeway and Anne Koehler, Co-Directors of Food 4 Kids, received the check from Cece Motz, Assistant to Bernard and Judy Cornwell. A resident of Chatham and long-time member of their Human Services Committee, Cece remembered Ruth Campbell's first presentation to the town 11 years ago about partnering with Food 4 Kids, and she has been a strong supporter ever since.
Are you or someone you know passionate about making a difference in the lives of children and combating food insecurity? Food 4 Kids is looking to fill our new Program Director position. Here's a wonderful chance to lead a respected non-profit with 11 successful years serving Cape Cod families. For details see our Program Director Position Description here.
Want to know more about Food 4 Kids, check out our latest Food 4 Kids email here. Even better, join our email list here and see more, learn more!
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Merry Christmas from the Buildings & Grounds Committee: Dave Blanchett, Ike Cole, Rich Gregory, Jay Haun. Susan Hitchcock, Steve Koehler, Dan Lowery, Ann Pike-Paris, Brian Ridgeway and Wayne Currey (Property Supervisor).
This dynamic team has spent 2023 repairing, restoring, renewing, and beautifying our CHS home with many other volunteers to the glory of God. They shouldered the theme “Come Love with Us” and have donated hours of time to be top environmental stewards of CHS in these and countless other ways:
- building a campus wide survey of systems, doors, and windows
- maintaining our doors and windows
- repairing gutters, cleaning roofs
- replacing our campus fencing
- beautifying our entire campus that is attracting visitors to see all the activity in South Orleans
THANK YOU to the B&G team members, and thank you to the congregation for supporting our efforts to be good stewards of our campus that resonates our love for Jesus!
Lovingly Submitted,
Ann Pike-Paris Grounds Chair
Brian Ridgeway Building and Grounds Chair
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50 YEARS OF FREE! 1973 - 2023
On Sunday, December 10th at 11:30 in the Parish Hall,
we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our Free Shop
"It was such fun!"
"It was like a family party where we laughed and goofed around
and just had fun being together.”
“The joy was palpable.”
"It had been such a long time since we had laughed together as a parish."
“I wish my kids could have been there. I wish we had it all on video”.
These are just a few comments people made about this special celebration.
Roger Lovejoy had been researching Holy Spirit in the Diocese archives and learned the Free Shop was opened in 1973... and that meant it had been operating for 50 years and we needed to celebrate this milestone. With the help of our talented and gifted Rector Patrick. we “pulled it all together"…and it was memorable for sure!!!
The delicious lunch organized by Ruth Campbell -- prepared and presented by all of you and the kitchen angels… led by our fabulous Master of Ceremonies, our Rector Patrick Ward, the outrageous semi-professional models in the fashion show presented the 2024 Free Shop Collection of women, men, and children's clothing line....
Also present were the founders of the Free Shop - Joy Brookshire and Ginny Lucil - plus all 20 volunteers who currently work in the shop every Monday and Wednesday…… and last but not least... YOU - our parish family -- with well over 100 celebrating this CHS ministry!
Thank you!
Onward we go with all your support & clothing donations into the Free Shop's 51st year!
Sharyn Laughton & Suzy Gray - Co-Directors
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Joy Brookshire, Ginny Lucil
Sharyn Laughton
Patrick Ward
Suzy Gray
Ginny Lucil
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Arlene & Tom
Manolo & Monica
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The Free Shop begins its 51st year in 2024
The shop is gladly and gratefully receiving good clean WINTER clothing. Please no suits or worn shoes/boots…… We need
coats, jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, scarves, gloves, hats.
Brown paper shopping bags with handles are always a constant need - the Free Shop went “green” years ago!
Your donations can be dropped off in bins on the first floor of the Parish Hall - by
the elevator. The shop is open every Monday & Wednesday - 10 to 1.
Suzy Gray & Sharyn Laughton - Co-Directors
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November 24 & 25th
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The parish hall was filled with many happy antique dealers and visitors who came to the annual CHS Antique Show after Thanksgiving. All had a great time and results.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success.... greeters and ticket takers, staff in the CHS Cafe serving wonderful food, Wayne and Matt who helped set up and break down.... We could not do this every year without you.
Thank you. Debbie Merguerdochian.
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November 30 - December 3
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Monday, November 26, the Parish Hall was made into a holiday workshop where, for the next 6 days, volunteers converted your donated greens, containers and other holiday decorations into beautiful holiday arrangements for sale. With the help of advertising, signs, and social media we had the best sale ever.... by a wide margin!!!
Thank you to everyone who donated greens, helped create, and bought arrangements. New volunteers came to help for "just a few hours" ... then stayed all day.... and came back for another!
Because of your generosity, we will be able to donate more to worthy organizations including Habitat for Humanity - Cape Cod, LCOC, and others we will designate at our follow up team meeting in January.
Bless you all this Christmas Season...
With our deep gratitude, the Holiday Arrangements Team
Dotty Walsh, Chair
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The CHS Gallery is one of two art galleries on the church campus.
(Galley West is the other)
The CHS Gallery features art by CHS members
in the Reception Room on the East Side of the church.
It is open Monday - Thursday, 10 - 3, and Sundays after church.
Bring a friend - sit on the sofas - feel the joy of the art on display.
During the week, you may enter through the side door from the campus courtyard.
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in the CHS Gallery through December 31
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Dianne Fromm * Ellen Adamson * Ragnhild Bjerke * Jean Collins *
Cris Harter *Anne Kilguss * Kimball Guild *
Sue Sasso * Brooke Eaton Skea * Gail Binney Sterne *
Norm Stubbendick * Donna Tavano * Janet Winter
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The Featured artist in the CHS Gallery in January will be John Sterne.
After a successful career in aviation, John retired and spent many hours doing his other passion… being a catboat sailor. Over the past two years, John has also been busy constructing beautiful models of interesting ships. "This hobby requires patience, good eyesight (with glasses), and a steady hand with accurate hand/eye coordination!"
The CHS Gallery exhibit includes these amazing pieces of art:
English Armed Longboat - 1760
Russian Armed Galley- “Double Boat” - 1736
English Fishing Boat “Saucy Jack”- 1836
Greek Bireme War Galley- 6th Century BC
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English Fishing Boat - Saucy Jack | |
Calling all CHS artists to show their “gifts” in 2024 in the CHS gallery.
We are blessed to have many wonderful members who are artists..... crafters - quilters photographers - potters - woodworkers - painters.... Please sign up for one month in 2024 to share your art in the CHS Gallery - there is no fee to participate - You can sell or just exhibit your work.
The 2024 sign up poster is in the gallery window by the door. It’ so much fun - so exciting - so rewarding - so surprising to see and to hear the Parish respond to your “gifts”!
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All of us in Health Ministry want to wish you, your family and friends a very blessed and joyful Christmas!
Please check out this short video, 11 minutes long, a Holiday Season Intention Meditation by Heidi Hanna, a gift sure during this busy season. Be good to yourselves and enjoy!
Holiday Season Intention Meditation - YouTube
Other Health Resources:
Barnstable County Human Services: (Comprehensive website with multiple resources on the Cape)
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190
Eastham: 508-255-6164Harwich7: 508-430-7530Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400Falmouth: 508-495-5716So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: Go to this link:
First page has a free sign up.
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line
Call or text: 833-773-2445 (BHHL)
Online chat:
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On Friday morning, December 8th, 40+ people attended the 403rd Anniversary of the “First Encounter” Sunrise Service at First Encounter Beach (Eastham). This annual event is one of remembrance, prayer and reconciliation, and exploration of what meaning that encounter has for us today
Paula Peters, author, historian, wampum artist, and member of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe was the guest speaker. Participating in the service were the Rev. Ken Campbell and the Rev. Patrick Ward, who along with members of our congregation Celia Calhoun, Brooke Eaton-Skea, John Harter, Meg Nemitz, and Kate Paradise were in attendance.
For more information please visit
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The coffee we use at Church of the Holy Spirit is purchased from Equal Exchange, a worker-owned cooperative company located in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The coffee is organic and purchased from small farmers who are committed to internationally recognized safe farming practices and working conditions.
You can see the coffee and other products they have available online under “Equal Exchange,” or you can call them at 774-776-7366.
By supporting Equal Exchange, you participate in a movement to reclaim the food system and to make it better for farmers, consumers, and this fragile earth - our island home.
+ Fr. Ken Campbell, 413-478-5719
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Did you know our pastoral care ministry will coordinate an occasional meal delivery to those in need to make life a little easier.
If you would like to volunteer to provide a meal for 1 or 2 people on occasion, or to learn about this ministry, contact Patrick or Priscilla Isner.
If you are in need of a pastoral visit, or....You or a family member has been admitted to a
medical facility (hospital, skilled care, etc.), or ...You want to request prayers for you or a family member or friend...
Please call the church office at (508)-255-0433
or email
There is also an Intercessors group that offers confidential prayers. Please email your request to
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All are welcome to join us for Centering Prayer during which we sit together in silence for 30 minutes. Our sessions have moved indoors AND OUR START TIME HAS CHANGED DURING THE WINTER MONTHS.
DURING THE WINTER MONTHS WHEN IT GETS DARK EARLIER, we wiill meet on Mondays at 3:00 pm in the sanctuary of the Federated Church on Main Street in Orleans and on Thursdays at 3:00 at CHS in the Reception area/gallery.
Contact Brooke Eaton Skea if you want to learn more about Centering Prayer.
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After the Holidays, we will begin Stephen Charleston's We Survived the End of the World.
The discussions are open to everyone (you and your friends); Please order books from your local bookstore or online, start reading, get a snack at coffee hour, and join us in the Fireplace Room after Sunday Service (when there no other scheduled coffee hour events in the Parish Hall.) Come whenever you can make it!
Brooke and Brian Skea
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Galley West Art Gallery is now closed for the 2023 show season. Thank you to everyone who visited the gallery and supported us this year. Our four-show 2024 season will open on Wednesday May 8, 2024.
In the meantime, WE NEED YOUR HELP.
Our bookkeeper, who has been with us since we opened in 2021, needs to step down for personal reasons. As a volunteer run gallery, we have no paid staff, including the bookkeeper. We are not a complicated business and have established excellent financial controls and automated procedures.
But… now we need to find someone with Intuit QuickBooks Online experience who is willing to discuss helping us with this important part of the gallery operations.
The skills required to do the bookkeeper role are:
Intermediate QB Online skills.
Intermediate Excel skills.
Familiarity with Point of Sale and database systems. We use Square.
Willingness to learn new systems.
Proven history of properly handling confidential information.
If you have these skills or know someone who does and could help on a volunteer basis, please contact Sue Sasso at
Please consider joining Galley West Art Gallery in 2024. The first Call for Art to enter our Spring Show is from March 8 - April 8. Our website will be updated in January including our full 2024 schedule with key dates and instructions on how to enter our shows.
If you have questions about the gallery or entering a show, please contact Sue Sasso at
Sue Sasso - Managing Director & Sharyn Laughton - Creative Art Director
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The next Cape & Islands Deanery Assembly is on Thursday,
January 25 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom (zoom info available on the day).
The following Assembly is on Thursday, April 11th, followed closely by the Deanery Confirmation service at The Church of the Holy Spirit on
Saturday, April 13th at 2:00 p.m.
Any questions? Contact Kate Paradise or Celia Calhoun, Deanery Representatives
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Donald Bragdon 12.21 Elizabeth Lind 12.23 Joan Payne 12.23 Bruce Lederhouse 12.24 Kathryn Hubby 12.25 Barbara Sousa 12.28 Natalie Sweeney 12.28 Cai McLaughlin 12.29
Peter Blank 12.31 Carolyn Bernhardt 12.31
Michele Puzo 1/1 Robert Collins 1/2 Priscilla Jean LaBranche 1/4 Briton Ash 1/5 Dr. Ephraim McLean 1/7 Bill Heuss 1/11 Caroline Chung 1/11 Judith Gardiner 1/12 Jamie Thompson 1/13 John Shearer 1/17 Dianne Fromm 1/18 Tracy Weeks 1/19 Ragnhild Bjerke 1/21 Katherine Bragdon 1/21 William Gardiner 1/23
Doug Fromm 1/28 Jacob LaBranche 1/29
Elizabeth Clarendon 12.21.78 Wallace Ruckert 12.21.03
Christian Gironda 12.22.92 Selwyn Miles 12.22.93 Elizabeth Ruckert 12.23.88
Betty Yearing 12.23.19 Bev Dreher 12.24.20 Harold Foley 12.25.03
Mac MacDonald 12.25.03 Charles Wood 12.26.19 Norman Adams 12.28.14
Karen Blank 12.29.01 Nat Goddard 12.30.19 Muriel Helen Scully 12.30.11
Ali Funnell 1.01.22 Tom Vasil 1.02.23 Nancy DeWitt Minus 1.03.08
Linda Rencurrel 1.04.04 Bobbie Nickerson 1.03.22 Roger Cross 01.05.19
Jean Ladue 1.06.98 Charlotte Darlington 1.07.02 Betty Jane Wagner 1.07.11
Craig DeLong 1.08.02 Priscilla Smith 1.08.22 George Doane 1.09.97
Patricia Morrell 1.09.19 Mary Louise Moore 1.10.11 Joan Gould 1.10.21
William Hayes 1.12.05 Joseph Grammar 1.13.22 Arthur B. McCormick 1.14.10
Sandy Spencer 1.15.12 Fern Ellison 1.16.14 Frank J. Gironda 1.17.09
Betty Mann 1.17.95 Vivian Petty 1.17.91 H. Robert Eckhardt 1.18.95
Mary Gray 1.18.99 Elizabeth Kalinick 1.18.06 Janine Santoro 1.18.13
Jack Nixon 1.18.21 Gardy Bridge 1.23.13 Jane Lough 1.23.10
Barbara MacArthur 1.23.17 Peg Skelly 1.25.23 Francis Hoffman 1.26.22
John Anderson 1.27.04 M. Egerton “Jim” Gray, Jr. 1.27.08 June Glover 1.27.21
Harry Preston 1.28.85 Anne Swift 1.29.03 Elisabeth Meyer 1.30.16
George Wallace Ruckert, Jr. 1.30.97 Gay Wheeler 1.20.21
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand.
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall.
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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To contact Patrick Ward
email him at
Call the parish office and
leave a message with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Patrick can respond to your call.
CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. DURING WINTER MONTHS WE meet inside at 3:00p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Tom Dewing for the Zoom link.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays, call or text 508-241-0357.
WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”
SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email with respect to scheduling meetings.
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Patrick Ward. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.
PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or you can email the group at Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence.
MONDAY, JANUARY 22 - 6:00 P.M.
Details on each event are included in articles above.
Sunday 12/24 ~ 10:00 Advent IV - Morning Prayer with music and sermon
Christmas Eve ~ 12/24
4:30 Pageant and Holy Eucharist
9:00 Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist
Christmas Day ~ 12/25 ~ 10:00 Holy Eucharist
Campus will be closed December 25 through 27 and January 1.
Thursday January 4 - Ladies' Luncheon
Friday January 5 Magi story in church with potluck supper in Parish Hall
Monday January 22 - TOGETHER article deadline 6 p.m.
Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA
To receive our diocesan communications,
including the monthly E-news go to:
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Sue Sasso, Together Editor
Have a Blessed Christmas and healthy Happy New Year!
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It came upon a midnight clear, That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth, To touch their harps of gold:
‘Peace on the earth, good will to men,
From heaven’s all-gracious King.’
The world in solemn stillness lay,
To hear the angels sing.”
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