July 27, 2023






Drawing by Dan Joy



“How intelligent are great white sharks?” the public radio reporter wanted to know. She was interviewing Dr. Greg Skomal, TED-talking senior biologist with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and the author of the recently released Chasing Shadows: My Life Tracking the Great White Shark.

Well,” quipped Skomal, “they don’t work for NASA.” But then he went on to admit, as the title of his book suggests, that we don’t really have an answer to the question posed.

“Big Daddy,” a tagged great white, was detected just this morning (7/26 at 12:12 am) just off of Nauset Beach, according to my own smart phone. Skomal suggests that although great white brains are relatively large, much of Big Daddy’s mental activity is likely given over to the reflexive processing of sensory data, servicing his search for food.

The thrust of Skomal’s answer, however, is that we are “chasing shadows” when it comes to the inner life of great whites.

There’s something holy and humbling to me in Skomal’s words.

Scripture’s most oft-cited passage about humankind’s relationship to the natural world is Genesis 1:26-30 in which we are made in God’s image and given “dominion” over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air,” over all animals and “every creeping thing.” We’re given authority to “subdue” the earth. Likewise, Psalm 104 depicts an orderly world domesticated for human benefit.

But that’s not all there is. God silences Job by asking, for example, if he knows when mountain goats or deer give birth (39:1). Psalm 148 exhorts all of nature, including “you sea monsters and all deeps” to “praise God.”

In Christian scripture, Jesus’ own guidance to "consider the lilies of the field" intimates

that nature is not merely beyond our capacity to subdue but holds reserves of saving knowledge and wisdom not of our own creation.

In these passages, nature is much more than its utility to humankind. “Dominion” – read in the broader context of our scripture – must include dimensions of reverence and care and even deliberate surrender. I don’t believe the people who authored these texts understood that humankind would one day have within its power the capacity to destroy the natural world.

Nonetheless, as I wade into the surf at Nauset – no deeper anymore, of course, than waist-level – I’m mindful in particular of God’s humbling words to Job about Leviathan:

Will it speak to you with gentle words?… Can you make a pet of it like a bird or put it on a leash for the young women in your house?... Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering…

Be wise. Be reverent. See you in church!




(Formerly Healing Service)
Lectio Divina is a monastic mode of prayer, contemplation and bible study
and all are welcome to experience this with us.
 10:00 a.m. via ZOOM
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes links to the Zoom service and Service Bulletin and Readings.
Holy Eucharist and Prayers for Healing
Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Church
Join us for a simple service of weekday Holy Eucharist
with a short meditation.
Private prayers for healing available after the service concludes.


Looking back, we have had quite a month! We celebrated ten years of the Food 4 Kids program on June 24th, honoring Ruth Campbell, the originator of this program, as well as the current co-directors, Anne Koehler and Brenda Ridgeway, and all of our faithful volunteers, while consuming some delicious refreshments. This year's program is now rolling along, with many of you volunteering huge chunks of your time (thank you!), producing over 700 lunches and snacks each day. Amazing!

We held our traditional “Sunday Sundae” on July 2nd, and it was as delicious as it was in prior years, possibly slightly less melty as we were inside. Coffee hours have been well-attended this summer--a great opportunity to catch up with each other. Be sure to sign up with a friend to provide goodies if you are able.

We celebrated Galley West Art Gallery’s opening of their second Art Show this season at their Open House on July 5th. It was very hot outside, and the cool air made the art show even more attractive. There are many beautiful items in this show and all are very reasonably priced, so do visit if you haven’t already.

The Ladies' Lunch held on July 6 was well attended, and we sang “America the Beautiful", under the leadership of Dilys Smith. The next luncheon will be held on August 3rd at 11:45 in the Parish Hall. Ladies, bring a sandwich or salad and join us!

The Communications Task Force is completing final tasks, working through subgroups. A final document will be presented to Patrick and the Vestry and used for communications processes moving forward. A Rummage Sale wrap-up meeting was held last month, and the Holiday Bazaar committee’s chairs have already begun meeting to plan for the November 4 event. Nancy Boccia will host a table at Coffee Hour on Sunday, July 30th, to acquaint everyone with opportunities to get involved in the bazaar.

On a more mundane level, the office wing was recarpeted at the end of June, and it looks and feels much better! A lot has been happening under the Buildings and Grounds Committee's direction, and you can read their report elsewhere in Together.

The Vestry met on July 20th and approved the following parish members as the Nominating Committee for our annual meeting to be held in early February: Ike Cole, Chris Crighton, Tom Dewing, Page McMahan and Jamie Thompson. If you have a recommendation for an individual to serve on Vestry, please contact one of these Nominating Committee members.

The Stewardship Committee has begun meeting regularly with Steve Koehler as the chairman, and the Invite Welcome Connect (IWC) program is getting off the ground under the leadership of Cynthia Murray and Earle Bailey, working with Patrick. Look for more information in the coming weeks!

The Vestry will not meet in August, and the September Meeting will be held a week early, on Thursday September 14th. As always, your wardens may be reached by phone or email if you have a concern.

Thank you for your support and prayers,

Brenda Ridgeway and Celia Calhoun, Wardens



The Bazaar team is busy preparing for this fun and special CHS Event. We would love to have you join us!!! There are many ways you can volunteer or support the event.

Stop at the Holiday Bazaar Table at

July 30th coffee hour

to learn more about this event and how you can help....

or talk to Nancy Boccia

Summer is also when we can freeze or process items from our gardens to sell at the Bazaar on November 4, 2023! Jam, jelly, pickles, mustards, breads, soup bases...all are favorites of the people who come to the bazaar. Let your excess produce lead you to new creations. Also think about gluten and sugar free donations.

Do you have extra empty canning jars to donate? Or do you need a space to freeze your items until the bazaar? Let Nancy Boccia know. We will have room at CHS.


Honour the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase,”

 Proverbs 3:9

This is an old CHS tradition being brought back.Our vegetable gardens are bursting with produce and flowers.

On Sundays, beginning August 6, we invite you to bring your excess produce... or a bouquet of flowers from your garden...or something you made from your bounty like zucchini bread or vegetable soup... Set your offerings on the long table in the courtyard and watch the sharing happen. (During inclement weather, the table will be in the Parish Hall)

Use the free will bucket for your monetary donation that will support local charities.



Many volunteers joined us at CHS to recognize our Food 4 Kids staff and volunteers and to celebrate the program's 10th Anniversary. Serving food similar to a weekday lunch, we had a chance to thank past and current supporters and to honor Ruth Campbell who launched this wonderful program 10 years ago. Thank you to all who attended and for your continued support. We could not do this without you! Enjoy these photos from the festivities.

Patrick thanking Ruth Campbell; Well done thou good and faithful servant!

Other Food 4 Kids News

Lynne Pleffner, a Food 4 Kids’ volunteers, arranged an interview for us with Cape Media. You can watch it here: "What's Happening: Food 4 Kids".


We’re half way through our summer program and on track to break volunteer records! Already a volunteer, love what you're doing and would like to do a bit more? Know someone new who would really enjoy volunteering with us this summer? We still have a few opportunities to help. Truro Recreation has just extended their program by 1 week and we could use drivers for Tuesday (8/22) and Thursday (8/24) that week. And we could use a bit more help preparing meals the next 2 weeks. Go online here - Food Prep/Pack Volunteer to sign up to help prepare the meals, or here - Drivers AUG 21 - 25 - to drive to Truro that last week.


And be sure to read the latest complete Food 4 Kids Newsletter here.


A wonderful 10-year celebration of F4K was held on Saturday, June 24, in the CHS Parish Hall. As the Red Sox announcer said when the Sox won the 2004 World Series, "Can you believe it?!?" Can you believe that we are our in our 11th summer of helping children and families on the lower and outer Cape to stay healthy with good nutrition throughout the summer months when the school lunch program is not available? The children's minds are also fed with wonderful new books to take home... forever. At each meal site, every day, eating in community is lived out for children, which I believe is what the Eucharist is all about.

Thank you all for the wonderful gifts I received, especially the gift of seeing all your faces at the celebration. Many faces who helped with volunteering and financial donations in the early days of F4K are gone now. Without them we would not be where we are today. These special people have gone before us in their journey to God: Milt Barnes, Ellie Brainard, Pat Carroll, David Clarendon, Roger and Dotty Cross, Allie and Rusty Funnell, Marcia Galazzi, Nat Goddard, Stephanie Gray, Ruth Hayes, Joan Howe, Cindy Hughes, Bernie Hutchens, Will Joy, Justine Kirkwood, Bob LaBranche, Nancy and Ernie LaFrance, Leo Liatsos, June MacDonald, Joan McFadden, Bob Munson, Diana Oliveira, Jeff Perkins, Charlie Puzo, Bill Ranscht, Peg Skelly, Sue Stevens, Cynthia and Herb Weiboldt, Donna White, Bob Winter and those I have somehow forgotten to list but who were part of our ministry and remain in our hearts.

It does take a village to do God's work. Thank you all for continuing this special gift.


During the summer while our regular Church School is on hiatus, join us Sundays through August 27th in programs for children ages 4 -12 as we share stories, art, and Godly Play.

We will be outside and inside. Class is from 9:45-10:45 a.m. and then children will join parents in church. Meet in the Parish Hall.(Older children can help or participate.)



Our next Ladies Luncheon is August 3rd, in the Parish House at 12:00. Come a bit early to talk with others and greet any newcomers. It is always good to see new faces.

Volunteers for August are: Chips - Andi Stubbendick; Milk/Juice - Gail Binney Sterne; Paper Goods - Susan Owens; Dessert - Ellen Diaute Sucatre; Table Decorations - Fay Cole. 

A big thanks to Dilys and all who helped at the July meeting. Hope to see you at our August 3rd get together.

Fay Cole, convenor


A NEW PASTORAL OFFERING FROM CHS -Pastoral Fare Our pastoral care ministry has begun to coordinate an occasional meal delivery to those in need of a meal to make life a little easier. If you would like to provide a meal for one or two people on occasion, or to learn about this new ministry, contact Patrick or Priscilla Isner.

If you are in need of a pastoral visit, or....

You or a family member has been admitted to a

medical facility (hospital, skilled care, etc.), or ...

You want to request prayers for you or a family member...

Please call the church office at (508)-255-0433

or email pastoralcare@chsorleans.org

There is also an Intercessors group that offers confidential prayers. Please email your request to intercessors@chsorleans.org 

A special Pastoral Care activity is delivering "thinking about you" small bouquets made from the Sunday Service altar flowers. We need small/medium vases or mason jars for delivering flowers. They can be left on the counter by the east side bathrooms in the church, or Priscilla Isner can pick them up. Thank you!


Brian Ridgeway and Ann Pike-Paris

B&G Committee has taken the summer off from regular meetings, but work continues repairing and renewing items on our list.

We have started repairing our 30 exterior doors campus wide. First up was the back entrance to the kitchen with a new screen door.

Southshore Heating and Cooling completed their biannual maintenance on all of our HVAC compressors. One has failed in the basement of the church building, and we are getting quotes to replace it.

On August 1st, Pro-Fence will replace our split rail fencing on the main campus.

B&G will resume meetings in September. If you notice anything broken or a safety hazard, please contact Brian Ridgeway immediately.


Greetings to all who enjoy the loveliness of our grounds. It always finds a way to give me a sense of calm as I walk around. I hope it does the same for you.

Garden cleanup, aka Garden Parties, have had a challenge with the weather, but on Saturday, 7/22, six great volunteers helped with trimming back the area around the new sign at the corner of Rt. 28; trimming back a large shrub encroaching on the driveway exit; cleaning the memorial garden; clearing 16 A/C condensers of the ever-present invasive vines; and attacking the weeds in Izzy’s alley. Prior to that, the Coles, once again, worked on keeping the fishpond operable and weed free!

And a huge thank you to Roger Lovejoy who treated us to homemade squash bread and ice water, just the pick-up we needed! And Patrick for always being a huge support-and expert weed puller!

Thank you for the love and caring for our grounds this month: Chuck Dow, Nancy Boccia, David Blanchet, Ike & Fay Cole, Roger Lovejoy, Diana Crighton. And thank you to all who come in the “off hours” to help. Ann Pike-Paris

 Next Garden Party: Saturday, August 19th 


CHS is blessed to have many wonderful pieces of art on display. These are found throughout the church as well as all of our campus buildings.

We are photographing each and creating a catalog with item descriptions. This will allow us to create a 'Tour of Art at CHS' guidebook that can be used during our annual Holiday Bazaar and at other appropriate times.

If you have any information about pieces of art on display, or other CHS artifacts, that we could add to their provenance,, please send or give that information to Jack Sasso or talk with him about it.


We wish everyone a safe and fun summer. With so much going on at CHS, we’ll see you at church! First Aid kits are stocked throughout the campus; we hope we don’t need them! Keep the list of helpful heath resources handy! Happy Summer!!

Other Health Resources:
Barnstable County Human Services:  www.bchumanservices.net (Comprehensive website with multiple resources on the Cape)                 
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190 
Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7530 Wellfleet: 508-349-0319 
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866 Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400 Falmouth: 508-495-5716 So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501
Cape Cod Healthcare Newsletter: Go to this link:  https://www.capecodhealth.org/
         First page has a free sign up.
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line
Call or text:  833-773-2445 (BHHL)  Online chat: masshelpline.com


The CHS Gallery is open Monday - Thursday 10 - 3 and Sundays after church.
Bring a friend - sit on the sofas - feel the joy of the art on display.

Only one more week - one more Sunday to view and purchase Greg DeLory’s photographs. Take a walk with Greg…see what Greg sees…amazing art in nature!

The CHS Gallery Artist for August is

Ellen Adamson

You won’t want to miss this show…always creative, different, amazing pyrography! Ellen’s art can be seen in the CHS Gallery and Galley West Art Gallery.

Pyrography (aka wood burning) is a Zen kind of thing for me. Not only do I love the smell of wood smoke, I also love how each piece creates itself. I rarely have a preconceived design for a piece but let the shape of the item or the grain

of the wood dictate the direction. Sometimes this proceeds very smoothly and other times not so much. There are no mistakes in wood burning. You can't erase a burn mark.

But each slip of the tool or twist of the grain creates an opportunity for a new idea. Sometimes I am hard pressed to find a way to cover a "mistake", but it almost always comes to me...eventually. Just like life, you take the turns and bumps and try to create something good out of it. Sometimes, in my case, you re-invent it over and over. The process can feel precarious but the rewards for me have been amazing and wonderful. 


The congregation at CHS has been a source of inspiration for me for the last five years. My friends in Galley West Art Gallery and the Kimball Guild are always so enthusiastic and encouraging that my art has blossomed and developed in ways I never imagined. I can't thank you all enough for the joy this continues to bring to my life! Ellen

Calling all CHS artists to show their “gifts” in the CHS gallery. 

The 2024 Gallery sign up poster is in the gallery window by the gallery door. Sign up soon! You set up on the first day of your chosen month - take down on the last day of your month - help is available!  Questions? See Sharyn Laughton.

Did you know that some CHS artists are showing their art in Galley West Art Gallery? 

The gallery is open Wednesday - Saturday, 10 - 2 and will be open from time to time on Sundays after church service.

Sharyn Laughton


Who says an ice cream sundae is not breakfast food?

It has dairy, fruit, ....AND Yummy Hot Fudge Sauce - recipe below.

Yummy Hot Fudge Sauce

2 squares unsweetened chocolate (or more, to taste)

1/2 cup salted butter

2 cups confectioner's sugar

3/4 cup evaporated milk

Melt chocolate, butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat, stir in evaporated milk and finally stir in the confectioner’s sugar until smooth.  Bring to a very low simmer and continue to stir. 

 It takes a while to thicken.

Store in the refrigerator.


We are currently discussing Not in God's Name by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.

We will continue to meet in the Fireplace Room on Sundays after the 10:00 service when there is no other parish activity happening during coffee hour. Everyone is welcome. Please join us!

If you cannot be there in person, please email Brooke Eaton-Skea, and she will send you the Zoom link.  We hope you join the group. 


The Free Shop is “blooming” this summer - upstairs in the Parish Hall - with grateful customers and clothing donations from the parish and community! Thank you!

The shop continues to receive SUMMER clothing donations - please no men’s suits and only shoes in almost perfect condition. 

We are in need of men’s SUMMER clothing and clip hangers (skirts & pants), brown paper bags WITH HANDLES! Thank you!

Donations may be dropped off any time the Parish Hall is open - “drop off” bins/containers are located on the lower floor of the Parish Hall by the elevator. 

Many thanks to Wayne for setting up & taking down the Free Shop every Monday and Wednesday!


Suzy Gray (Recycler Supreme) & Sharyn Laughton - Co-Directors



thru August 26

Gallery hours:

Wednesday - Saturday 10:00 - 2:00

& after the service the 2nd Sunday of each month

Come see the beautiful art by local artists including

many wonderful items by CHS' Kimball Guild

CHS Artists and friends are encouraged to enter our Autumn Show*



If you have questions about entering a show or learning how you can help in our gallery, contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton.

Autumn Show Dates are September 6 - October 21

* Online entry form:


Wood Cut by Vernon Smith- Note Cards with this wood cut design and portions of the Vernon Smith mural can be purchased in the Gallery.


Still time to bid on this surfboard.

Galley West is participating in the Orleans Chamber of Commerce Boards In The Stores summer fund raising auction. Nauset Sunshine, painted by gallery friend, Chris Hardman. Chris's board will be on display at Galley West. Online auction ends August 5.

Chris is donating her share of the auction proceeds to Galley West. View all boards in the auction - click here.






Caroline Keefe-Jones 7.27 Thomas Murray    7.30 

Brenda Ridgeway 8.08 Steve Anderson 8.09  Todd Ash 8.09

Ellen Snyder 8.09 Steven Koehler 8.11 Camden O’Brien 8.11 

Janet Robers 8.12 Margaret Anne Heuss.14 John Gale 8.17

Evie Ellison 8.19  Ann Anderson  8.24   Dick Koeppen 8.25     

Bryan Gass  8.28 Page McMahan 8.30      


Ephraim and Jane McLean 7.31.65

Charlie and Diane Deaton 8.02.14

Wayne and Marilyn Gass 8.05.61

Robert and Jean Colline 8.18.56

Robert and Christine LaBranche 8.21.71

Rick Paris and Ann Pike Paris 8.26.71

The Rev. Ken and Ruth Campbell 8.26.61

Brue and The Rev. Sue Lederhouse 8.29.87


Jeffrey Karlson 7.28.18

Jeff Nickerson 7.28.21 Laura Ellen White 7.29.98

Lucy Chandler 8.02.16 Phyllis M. Myers 8.02.15

Dottie Stevens 8.02.02 Peter Kuntz 8.03.01

Paul Jones 8.05.00 T. Will Joy 8.05.13

Frank Wiedeman 8.06.05 Mary Bunker 8.09.15

Frederick H. Burr 8.09.97 Claire Lockwood 8.10.96

Marion Grube 8.12.03 Abner Pratt 8.12.12

Suzan M. Deaton 8.13.10 Myles Mahoney 8.13.02

Mary Morgan 8.15.04 Sabin Hutchings 8.16.75

Ralph Mayo 8.17.86 Mary Wilcox 8.17.03

Robert Groves 8.18.00 Ruth Evans 8.19.99

Justine Kirkwood 8.20.21 Edith Houghton 8.22.89

Marion Kachadorian 8.22.07 Constance LoParto 8.22.13

Raymond Price 8.25.01 Frank Pike 8.26.06

William Ridgeway, Priest 8.26.84 V. Janet Seale 8.27.12

Irma Smith 8.27.97 Erick T. Miller 8.29.13

Sue Rightmire 8.30.06 Frank Joy 8.31.07 



Norman Proctor 7.21.2023


Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.

Bless and guide them wherever they may be

keeping them unspotted from the world.

Strengthen them when they stand.

comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall.

And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,

Abide all the days of their lives.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


To contact Patrick Ward
email him at pward@chsorleans.org
Call the parish office and
leave a message with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Patrick can respond to your call.

CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. Meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.

SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Tom Dewing for the Zoom link.

WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays, call or text 508-241-0357.

WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.

UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."

CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site holyspiritorleans.org and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”

SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email office@chsorleans.org with respect to scheduling meetings.
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Patrick Ward. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.

PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.

PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or you can email the group at intercessors@chsorleans.org Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence. 


  • NO August Vestry Meeting - September meeting is 1 week early on 9/14.
  • August 19 - CHS Garden Party
  • August 24 TOGETHER deadline: Monday August 21 at 6 p.m Send to Sue Sasso


Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA

To receive our diocesan communications,

including the monthly E-news go to: www.diomass.org

Sue Sasso, Together Editor