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If you are with us in church over the next several weeks, you’ll be hearing portions of Paul’s Letter to the Church in Rome – his greatest and most extended reflection on God’s saving love. This past Sunday, the lectionary shared this observation from Romans 5:
... suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
Perhaps you, like me, tend to hear these words personally, in the context of our own suffering or the suffering of those close to us – the “production” of hope via the transition of my suffering to my endurance to my character a template for personal growth and survival.
What are we to make, though –how are we to metabolize – the suffering of others?
Paul’s conception of the individual differs from ours. He most often writes to groups;
the “you” in the gospels and epistles tends towards the second-person plural, to persons understanding themselves as members of collectives with thin or nonexistent membranes separating each from each.
This has been a week of suffering – not my own, but the profound suffering of others. As I write, multinational teams are combing vast swathes of the North Atlantic for five people in the Titan submersible, lost on their way to view the disintegrating wreckage of the Titanic. That harrowing story eclipsed what had been Monday’s major American news story: another holiday weekend wracked by gun violence. One hundred people were killed last weekend across our nation in all types of shootings, including mass shootings at Juneteenth parties in St. Louis and suburban Chicago.
Where, one can reasonably ask, is God in these tragedies? Where, um, are we to generate hope in such suffering?
Paul’s letter suggests that hope is resident in you and me – but often perhaps in overwhelmed and cynical retreat, in a kind or dormancy or remission. Grief or despair might be the first stirrings of the responsive Spirit at work in us. In my own understanding, grief begets prayer and prayer (an action itself) begets more action. “I pray on the principle that wine knocks the cork out of the bottle,” wrote Henry Ward Beecher, the great 19th-century preacher, abolitionist and social reformer. “There is an inward fermentation, and there must be a vent.”
Fermenting and venting. Prayer and action. Character and hope. These are pairings into which suffering may be inviting us. If you’ve been praying about gun violence with me, here’s an invitation for you to consider as a personal act of hope.
On Wednesday, August 6 at 3:00 pm, our neighbors at The Federated Church here in Orleans, along with Am HaYam (Cape Cod Havurah) will be hosting a panel discussion on firearms. “How Safe Are We?” will include perspectives from Grandmothers Against Gun Violence , Sharing Kindness of Cape Cod and The Orleans Police Department.
I don’t think this session will offer any sort of easy solution to an issue that grieves and divides many Americans. But your presence with us has something to do with hope – yours and mine.
See you in church!
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10:00 A.M.
In-person worship with music
Followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall
Church School starts at 9:45 in the lower level of the Parish Hall.
Visitors are always welcome! Children join the service at the Peace.
If you are unable to join us and worship in person, click
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(Formerly Healing Service)
Lectio Divina is a monastic mode of prayer, contemplation and bible study
and all are welcome to experience this with us.
10:00 a.m. via ZOOM
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes links to the Zoom service and Service Bulletin and Readings.
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Holy Eucharist and Prayers for Healing
Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Church
Join us for a simple service of weekday Holy Eucharist
with a short meditation.
Private prayers for healing available after the service concludes.
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So far, June has been a quiet month here at The Church of the Holy Spirit--certainly compared with the excitement surrounding Patrick and Roger's wedding and then Pentecost in May. Thank you to all who helped to make Pentecost and our 90th birthday such a special day--the music, the liturgy, the five stations outside, the delicious food, the cake, and the camaraderie. The weather was perfect, and everyone present seemed to have a wonderful day.
Did you see the Tulip Tree in flower last Sunday! It is looking amazing (see photo left), but the flowers may not last till next Sunday. For those who don’t know, it is the huge tree opposite the main entrance to the Parish Hall.
The Vestry welcomed two special visitors, Chip Bechtold and Phil Suraci from the Outreach Committee, to their meeting last week. Chip and Phil gave Vestry members an overview of the agencies that we support, and the process involved each year in continuing to fund each one. A lengthy discussion centered around the sustainability of the Outreach budget as we also strive to compensate our employees fairly and maintain our lovely campus. No decisions or changes were suggested, but all parties learned a great deal and are committed to continuing the conversation.
The Communications Task Force is completing final tasks and working through subgroups. A final document will be presented to Patrick and the Vestry and used for external communications processes moving forward. A Rummage Sale Wrap-up meeting was held last week, and the Holiday Bazaar committee’s chairs will meet for their initial meeting June 22.
You will have noticed that the main sign for the church at Monument and Route 28 is in the process of being repainted. There is a lot of discussion on signage around the campus, so keep your eyes open for changes, which we hope will help newcomers and visitors find the right place to park, and the right door to open to meet their needs. Right now it is all very confusing!
During her Pastoral Care Report, Priscilla Isner told us about a lovely luncheon held at Nancy Ludewig's home to honor Peter Blank as he retires from actively visiting each week many of our parishioners who are in nursing homes. Peter reminds us that he continues to call and check up on some of his dear friends. We thank Peter for his many years of service and the comfort he has brought to each person. Members of the Pastoral Care team have taken over from Peter, and our loved ones will continue to receive regular visits and the news from church that Peter always delivered.
Did you know Janet Winter is 97 this week (6/20) and Helen Richardson 101 (6/21)!
Do send them a card if you can, even if it will arrive late! They have both contributed to the life of our parish significantly – did you know that Janet ran the Church School in the 1980s, and Helen ran the prayer shawls group of knitters for many years until recently – she was always knitting while volunteering as a Receptionist.
Celia Calhoun and Brenda Ridgeway
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3:00 – 5:00 o’clock
PLEASE JOIN US to celebrate
the wonderful people who have made it happen!
*Mix and mingle with F4K staff and volunteers
*Welcome and Recognition at 4:00 o’clock
*F4K display in reception gallery
We just added another driving route to Orleans Elementary School, July 5 – August 11 Help us deliver meals to Orleans’ Summer Recreation Program. Sign up here - Weekly Driver Schedule, OR jot a quick email to Laura Froeschner, our Program Manager, at Let her know which days of the week you are available to drive.
Our volunteer sign ups have been better than ever! There are still a few other volunteer openings, especially the last few weeks .... Go online here - Food Prep/Pack Volunteer - to sign up to help prepare the meals, pack them up, and/or make a dump run with our recyclables.
NEED HELP or MORE INFORMATION about jobs or volunteering, jot a quick email to Laura Froeschner, our Program Manager, at, or talk to Anne Koehler. And be sure to read the latest complete Food 4 Kids Newsletter here.
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Coming this summer to CHS . . .
Soar and Explore!
During the summer while our regular Church School is on hiatus, join us Sundays through August 27th in programs for children ages 4 -12 as we share stories, art, and Godly Play. We will be outside and inside. Class will be from 9:45-10:45 a.m. and then children will join parents in church. Meet in Church School in the lower level of the Parish Hall (Older children can help or participate.)
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We had a good turnout for our Ladies Luncheon on June 1st and it was decided that we wanted to have summer meetings. So mark your calendar for July 6th and August 3rd.
Volunteers for the July Luncheon are:
Dessert, Ruth Campbell; Chips, Ginny Lucil;
Milk and Juice, Ragnhild Bjerke; and Centerpieces, Gail Binney Sterne.
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NOVEMBER 4, 2023
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One of CHS's most fun and exciting events, The Holiday Bazaar, is scheduled for November 4, 2023! The team is assembling, and we would love to have you join us... be involved as much or as little as your time and interest permit. More details in July!
Want to know how you can be part of the fun? Contact Nancy Boccia.
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Brian Ridgeway and Ann Pike-Paris
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June has been busy with the following projects:
• Our Kimball Guild Building basement was cleaned out and insulated by Cape Cod Insulation. We are scheduling an electrical upgrade with a new subpanel and duplex plugs to be installed.
• West Transept ADA door was replaced with a new door.
• East Transept door to be installed on 6/22/23 with new locks on 6/23/23.
• Parish Hall leaking Boiler #1 was replaced 6/13/23. The church is eligible for a possible $800 Mass Save rebate.
• There is a heating/cooling inconsistency in administrative offices - Dave Blanchet has been in contact with management at South Shore Heating to determine the cause and a solution.
• Our Admin Building: new carpet will be installed Monday - Wednesday 6/26-6/28
by RPM. OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED THOSE DAYS. Office furniture will be cleared out on 6/25/23. Thank you, Steve Koehler, Richard Gregory, Russell Karber, Matthew Harmon and Wayne Curry for volunteering to move the furniture.
• Campus split rail fence replacement project by Pro Fence of Brewster, is scheduled for mid-July.
• A campus-wide door survey was recently completed, thanks to Steve Koehler, Ann Pike-Paris, and Russ Karber. Are you surprised to learn we have 30 exterior doors on campus? Our doors are in various state of need. We will schedule repairs as needed.
• Rev. Ward submitted a campus wide signage needs project proposal which B&G greeted positively. Goals are:
- Guiding new visitors into the heart of the campus.
- Help those with disabilities to find paths of least resistance to functions.
- Guiding Sunday visitors, funeral and wedding guests to our new main entrance
4. Guide visiting vehicles into the main parking lot, away from East parking lot.
5. Identify buildings with clear signage.
Submitted Brian Ridgeway/B&G Chair
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June has been a month of watering the new plantings on the hill terraces, one Garden Party, and a lot of pinecone gathering! Thanks to Chuck Dow for his constant pinecone removal…and more!
The new Memorial Garden sign is installed. Please stroll by and take a look. A huge thank you to the Kimball Guild for its creation, along with labels for all our incredible specimen trees.
Thank you for the love and caring for our grounds this month: Chuck Dow, Susan Hitchcock, Meredith Perkins, Nancy Boccia, Brian Skea, David Blanchet, Ike & Fay Cole, Roger Lovejoy, Rich Gregory, & Diana Crighton.
And thank you to all who come in the “off hours” to help.... you will always find some place that could use TLCC. (Tender Loving Care & Cleaning)
Next Garden Party: Saturday, July 8th
Ann Pike-Paris
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If you are in need of a pastoral visit, or....
You or a family member has been admitted to a
medical facility (hospital, skilled care, etc.), or ...
You want to request prayers for you or a family member...
Please call the church office at (508)-255-0433
A special Pastoral Care activity is delivering "thinking about you" small bouquets made from the Sunday Service altar flowers. We need small/medium vases or Mason jars for delivering flowers. They can be left on the counter by the East side bathrooms in the church, or Priscilla Isner can pick them up. Thank you!
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We appreciate Patrick’s June 6th letter to all of us with helpful COVID guidelines to follow around church. They include being “Mask Friendly” at CHS, “now and forever,” using our best judgement. Check out Cape Cod Health’s link below on when to have a mask on hand.
We wish everyone a safe and fun summer. With so much going on at CHS, we’ll see you at church! First Aid kits are stocked throughout the campus; we hope we don’t need them! Happy Summer!!
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Other Health Resources:
Barnstable County Human Services: (Comprehensive website with multiple resources on the Cape)
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190
Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7530 Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866 Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400 Falmouth: 508-495-5716 So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501
First page has a free sign up.
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line
Call or text: 833-773-2445 (BHHL) Online chat:
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The CHS Gallery is open Monday - Thursday 10 - 3 and Sundays after church.
Bring a friend - sit on the sofas - feel the joy of the art on display.
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One more weekend to view the Food 4 Kids 10th Anniversary
history display. It's been quite a journey.
Make sure you join the team at the party on June 24.
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brings his photographic vision to the CHS Gallery for July
A native Cape Codder, Greg has been taking pictures for most of his life — first as a ten-year-old hobbyist, later as an art student and a fine art photographer. He has taught photography and exhibited widely; his work is included in museums and collections. In 2008, he moved back to his hometown of Orleans and continued his photography practice by photographing the environment he grew up in. His mantra is, “Come see what I see.”
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Calling all CHS artists to show their “gifts” in the gallery.
Sign up for one month (some 2023 months still open) - set up on the first day of your chosen month - take down on the last day of your month - help is available! Sign up poster is in the window - by the gallery door.
Did you know that CHS artists are showing their art in Galley West Art Gallery? The gallery is open Wednesday - Saturday, 10 - 2 and will be open from time to time on Sundays after church service.
Sharyn Laughton
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This month we will feature another long standing CHS Outreach partner
Latham Centers
At our Outreach Committee meeting on June 1, we celebrated Anne McManus’s 25 years as Director/CEO of Latham Centers. She will retire at the end of this month.
Anne was excited to tell us that after 12 years of planning and fundraising, Latham was awarded a remote contract from the US Dept. of Developmental Services on their Community Center Project that will cost around $9 million. They plan to break ground this summer at the site of the former New England Fire and History Museum on 6A in Brewster.
The community center is intended to be a hub for the special needs community. The two-building center will provide space for concerts, theatrical performances by the Latham Players, fitness training, and recreation.
Heather Kelsey, VP of Advancement, presented an overview of the history and purpose of the Latham School in Brewster. The Latham School began in 1970 as a therapeutic residential program for girls aged 8–22 who had traumatic backgrounds and behavioral issues.
Since then, Latham has evolved into a coed program for children and adults with complex special needs and Prader-Willi Syndrome. PWS is a genetic disorder that results in lifelong cognitive limitations, behavioral issues, and insatiable appetite. Without food-security and the proper treatment, PWS is a life-threatening condition.
Latham Centers serves approximately 80 children and 90 adults, some of whom live onsite at the campus in Brewster and others who live in 11 group homes on the Cape, in Plymouth and Wareham. Latham is the only program in the country that meets the complex needs of both children and adults with PWS.
This year Latham is requesting a grant from Church of the Holy Spirit to create a fund to cover Latham students’ unexpected needs that fall outside of the Latham budget.
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Report on the Deanery Assembly on May 25 at St. Barnabas, Falmouth
The Assembly was hybrid, with about 20 attending in person, including The Rev. Patrick Ward and Celia Calhoun.
The Assembly elected a slate of people nominated for the positions of Clergy Co-Convener (The Rev. Max Wolf), Lay Diocesan Council Representative (Connie Melahoures), and Secretary (Dicky Allison), Treasurer (Jean Taft) and Technical Support (Helen Gordon).
The dates for the next 4 assemblies were agreed upon as:
Thursday September 28, possibly at St. David’s, S. Yarmouth, hybrid
Thursday January 25, 2024, Zoom only
Thursday April 11, Zoom only
Thursday May 30, location TBD (Orleans, Nantucket?), hybrid
Reports from various Diocesan and Deanery Committees were given, followed by a discussion on gun violence and what we can do about it here in our communities. Some interesting ideas and comments were proposed, and these will be shared in the draft minutes of the Assembly as soon as we have them.
Celia Calhoun and Kate Paradise, Diocesan Delegates / Deanery Reps.
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We are currently discussing Not in God's Name by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.
We will continue to meet in the Fireplace Room on Sundays after the 10:00 service when there is no other parish activity happening during coffee hour. Everyone is welcome. Please join us!
If you cannot be there in person, please email Brooke Eaton-Skea, and she will send you the Zoom link. We hope you join the group.
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Gratefully and gladly…….the shop is ready for your
good, clean SUMMER clothing donations!
Please, no more heavy winter clothing
and no men’s suits.
We can only accept shoes in almost perfect condition.
Many thanks for supporting this vital CHS ministry.
All set with paper bags with handles for now!
Come visit, come shop, come see!
Suzy Gray (who recycles EVERYTHING) & Sharyn Laughton - CoDirectors
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Still time to visit the gallery's
and Opening Reception from 3:00 - 5:00
Come visit, meet artists, enjoy the beauty of the setting and the new art for sale.
Gallery hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 10:00 - 2:00
and after the service the 2nd Sunday of each month
Wood Cut by Vernon Smith- Note Cards with this wood cut design and portions of the Vernon Smith mural can be purchased in the Gallery.
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Galley West is also participating in the Orleans Chamber of Commerce Boards In The Stores summer fund raising auction. Local artists have decorated/painted surfboards that are being auctioned off as a Chamber and business shared fund raiser. Galley West has a whimsical board, Nauset Sunshine, painted by gallery friend, Chris Hardman. Chris' board will be on display at Galley West until the online auction ends August 5. Chris is donating her share of the auction proceeds to Galley West.
To view all boards in the auction click here.
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Calling all CHS Artists (and your artist friends)
from the Lower and Outer Cape
Please consider entering Galley West's Autumn Show
The Call for Art entry period runs July 6 - August 6
Online entry form is on the gallery's website.
The Autumn Show will be open September 6 - October 21
If you have questions about entering a show or learning how you can help in our gallery, contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton.
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On a glorious, warm, and sunny Sunday, May 28th, members and guests of The Church of the Holy Spirit celebrated Pentecost with resounding music, the altar decorated in red and gold, followed by an outdoor "walk about" as Patrick led us on a Prayer Walk & “Beating of the Bounds”, ending with a good old-fashioned church picnic and 90th birthday celebration.
As written in "The First Fifty Years, the story of The Church of the Holy Spirit," a group of Orleans citizens was a "determined band - without a clergyman, with no official leader, without a building for services - held its first formal church service, Morning Prayer, on Whitsunday [now called Pentecost] on June 4, 1933." Held in the Quarter Deck at Camp Mayflower on Crystal Lake, Orleans, the 17 in attendance including Florence and Richard Kimball and Vernon Smith and his wife had no idea what they were starting, but knew they were being led by God.
"Pass It On," a favorite song of mine, has lyrics that sum up what must have been the spirit of that blessed day 90 years ago ...
It only takes a spark to get a fire going
And soon all those around, can warm up in its glowing
That's how it is with God's love, Once you experience it.
You spread His love to everyone,
You want to pass it on.
Photos below from May 28's activities show how that spiritual fire set in 1933 is still glowing...and growing. As one parishioner said to me about May 28, 2023...
..Was that not one of the greatest days I have ever spent at CHS? I almost laughed through Hail Thee, Festival Days. It was sung during Baccalaureate at a boys' school ... only 4 more days of school prompted the most vigorous hymn singing that group ever did.... CHS did the hymn proud!!!
Hope you enjoy these photos of our past and our current life at CHS...let's "pass it on!"
Sue Sasso
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This was the "house" on the property Richard & Florence Kimball purchased in 1928. Now home to Galley West Art Gallery
Left - Rev. Richard Kimball
Right - Florence Kimball
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Founding Member - Vernon Smith. Architect of our 1st Chapel - built in 1935 using timbers from the Wellfleet Chequessett Inn destroyed in a 1934 winter hurricane.
Church South Facade today - still as built in 1935.
Our Dove hanging over our Pentecostal Altar with streamers representing the tongues of fire and holy spirit descending.
Belladonas Bell Choir ringing in the day for us.
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Pentecost Sunday - May 28, 2023 - Beating the Bounds | |
STATION 1 Vernal Pool & Found Objects Rogationtide Blessing crops & harvest.
STATION 4 Church Yard Markers. Honoring past members interred on church grounds.
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STATION 2 Free Shop and Food 4 Kids. Honoring neighbors in need.
STATION 5 Eco Terraces and New Plantings. Honoring our habitat and water.
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STATION 3 - Galley West and Kimball Craft House. Honoring our art history and artists.
Peter Jensen using an apple to illustrate how little fresh water there is in the world and to respect and honor it
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Celebrating CHS's 90th birthday & parish picnic
Make new friends... treasure the old...both are gold!
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Some more fun photos..... (send yours to Sue Sasso for future newsletters) | |
Wayne's riding in style these days - Russ Karber has lent the church a set of wheels. Wayne can return the push mower to the play ground. | |
Donald Duck Sasso - waits at kitchen door each morning for Jack to put out a cracked corn breakfast! | |
This Oriole saw its reflection and for days was pecking at the window looking for a playmate! | |
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Georgia Schneider 6.23 John Sterne 6.27
Elizabeth Whalen 6.28
Meta Hutchings 7.01 Richard O’Hara 7.02
Kimberly McLaughlin 7.03 Callie O’Brien 7.03
Mary McDermott 7.05 Scott Daniels 7.07
Shane Howe 7.08 Marilyn Gass 7.09
Marion Thorley 7.10 Jeffrey Hyde 7.13
Sarah Pike 7.13 Kathy Goddard 7.15
Debbie Meguerdichian 7.21 Brian Ridgeway 7.23
Jack Gentile 7.25 Bonnie Snow 7.25
Caroline Keefe-Jones 7.27 Norman Proctor 7.29
Thomas Murray 7.30
Michael and Priscilla Isner 6.23.84
Brian and Brooke Skea 6.24.95
Don and Mary Anne Bragdon 7.18.92
Ephraim and Jane McLean 7.31.65
Joan Taylor 6.22.22 Weston B. Emmart 6.23.13
Noel M. Tipton III 6.23.12 Marguerite Pike 6.24.84
Susan McNair 6.25.07 William Laughton 6.26.02
Mim Ridgeway 6.26.13 Christopher Boeth 6.27.05
Nancy R. LaFrance 6.27.19 Sean Ryan White 6.27.02
Bernice Brown 6.29.01 Madge Lavette Barney 6.29.12
Marilyn L. Kalinick 6.30.65
Marjory Colwell 7.01.12 William Swift 7.01.07
Lester Myers 7.02.86 Robert Hersey Taylor 7.02.16
Paul Blackburn 7.03.01 Elaine Frances Dewing 7.05.10
Herb Wieboldt 7.05.19 Marion Louise Young 7.07.99
Harold D. Fox 7.09.09 Louise Donham 7.12.00
John Pike 7.12.80 Donald E. Smith 7.12.08
Judith Erickson 7.14.16 Dean R. Folsom 7.14.15
Ruth Hayes 7.14.19 Mildred Hedley Affleck 7.15.95
William Hammatt 7.15.13 The Rev. Robert Wardrop 7.15.94
Aram Zarookian 7.15.09 Eileen Dougherty 7.18.06
Elinor Felt 7.19.12 Samuel Hall 7.19.12
Sue Daniels 7.20.15 Joan Howe 7.21.19
Andrew Kalinick 7.21.12 Gilbert Merritt 7.21.20
Barbara Shaw Churchill 7.22.12 Betty Dibble 7.23.05
Herbert Frederick 7.24.99 Jeffrey Karlson 7.28.18
Jeff Nickerson 7.28.21 Laura Ellen White 7.29.98
Jeff Perkins 5.28.23
Pat Carroll 6.18.23
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand.
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall.
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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To contact Patrick Ward
Call the parish office and
leave a message with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Patrick can respond to your call.
CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. Meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Tom Dewing for the Zoom link.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays, call or text 508-241-0357.
WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”
SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email with respect to scheduling meetings.
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Patrick Ward. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.
PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or you can email the group at Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence.
- June 24 - Food 4 Kids 10th Anniversary picnic at CHS
- July 4 - Independence Day - Campus Closed
- July 5 - Galley West Art Gallery Summer Show Opens - reception 3-5
- July 9 - Galley West Art Gallery open after Sunday Service - stop in
- July 24 6 p.m - Together deadline. Send items for July 27 edition to Sue Sasso
Stay informed and connected to the Episcopal Diocese of MA
To receive our diocesan communications,
including the monthly E-news go to:
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Sue Sasso, Together Editor | | | | |