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If you spend even a minute looking at the newly cultivated terraces flanking our solar panels, you’re bound to see butterflies. Most common here at church, and most commonly seen in pairs, are Cabbage White butterflies, often mistaken for moths because of their pale wings. Females have a single black dot on each wing. They are the final incarnation of a green worm that has a taste for cabbage, kale, bok choy and broccoli.
Cabbage Whites were all around us last Sunday afternoon as agroecologist Peter Jensen spoke to a group of 25 parishioners and Orleans residents about all of the work our church has done to preserve and populate this hillside with new life. Fluttering about as well was a single, magnificent Monarch.
While butterflies are not mentioned in scripture, Christian tradition has long recognized them as symbols of the resurrection. And because of their intense fragility – papery wings, limbs thin as hairs – they’ve also come to be associated with values of care and forgiveness.
To me, a Monarch alighting during Peter’s talk is a gesture of blessing on the stewardship this community has undertaken in these past years. Consider it a close cousin of the heavenly dove that is the gospel’s most vivid symbol of “love with us” in a post-Resurrection world. By installing solar arrays, terracing our hillsides, and securing these terraces with a curated assortment of pollinator-welcoming plants, we’re caring both for a world we can see and a world we will not live to see. The Cabbage White lives for three weeks on average. In the perspective of an eternal God, perhaps, our own span of years is as brief.
This is one reason why our giving matters – sustenance of the wider creation as well as the organizations that will survive us. It’s a pity that the term “philanthropist” (the Greek roots of which are “loving” and “people”) is almost exclusively reserved for the very wealthy – because when any of us release any amount of money into the wider world without purchase or payback, the dynamic is so often one of new life out of death.
The Cabbage Whites cannot speak. So just now I’m thanking you for them.
Faithfully and fondly,
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10:00 A.M.
In-person worship at the church with music
followed by Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall.
Church School starts at 9:45 in the lower level of the Parish Hall.
Visitors are always welcome!
On the fourth Sunday of each month, children worship in church with families.
If you are unable to join us and worship in person,
click HERE to watch the services live or watch later on our YouTube channel.
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(Formerly Healing Service)
Lectio Divina is a monastic mode of prayer, contemplation and bible study
and all are welcome to experience this with us.
10:00 a.m. via ZOOM
A Zoom Meeting invitation email is sent on Monday mornings.
It includes links to the Zoom service and Service Bulletin and Readings.
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Thursdays at 11:00 am in the Church
Join us for a simple service of weekday Holy Eucharist
with a short meditation.
Private prayers for healing available after the service concludes.
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Thank you to all of the parishioners who participated in our indoor picnic held last Sunday! The food was delicious (as always), and it was heartwarming just to see everyone enjoying conversation and friendship long after their meal was done. A special thanks to those kitchen angels who set up, cooked, and cleaned up!
Your Vestry gathered for their monthly meeting on September 14 in the Fireplace Room and on Zoom! John Harter opened the meeting by sharing several prayers that he uses in his daily life as our meditation.
Minutes from the July meeting were approved. During our August hiatus, Vestry members voted via email to approve funds to replace the failed condenser that provides air conditioning to the new choir room and the lower level of the church building. That vote was ratified at our September meeting, and the work has been completed.
The Treasurer's Report was reviewed and approved. There will be a presentation by the Buildings and Grounds Committee following this coming Sunday's service (9/24) to review the work that has been completed during the past several years, and our next Financial Forum will be held on October 22 during coffee hour.
Following our church bylaws, a nominating committee has been formed. Their task will be to present a slate of candidates for Vestry and officer positions to the congregation at the annual meeting to be held in February. That group consists of Ike Cole, Tom Dewing, John Harter, Page McMahon, and Jamie Thompson as chairperson. If you have suggestions for any of the positions that will become open, please let Jamie or another committee member know.
In other business, the Vestry approved a revised schedule of reception fees for families wishing to have receptions catered by volunteers from the church in the Parish Hall. You may recall that we halted this practice during the long months of Covid for health reasons. During that time, as we all recognize, grocery costs have risen, and our small army of volunteer cooks and bakers has shrunken just a bit!
We hope that you are all prepared for a busy autumn events season! Invite, Welcome, Connect dinners kick off next week. (See the article below.) Nancy Boccia reported to the Vestry that the bazaar planning is well underway. The Antiques Show and Sale and the Fresh Holiday Arrangements Sale are also on the horizon, and those committees are also hard at work.
As always, thank you for your support and prayers. Your comments and questions are always welcome, too!
Celia and Brenda
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Our Invite-Welcome-Connect Committee has organized get-togethers for the entire parish in various parishioners’ homes in late September or October.
Patrick will attend each one and looks forward to sharing this time with every one of us! We have spread these gatherings out geographically across Eastham, Orleans, and Brewster and offer a variety of dates, times, and potluck meal options—tea, hors d’oeuvres, or dinner.
Please visit the sign-up table in the Parish Hall after church on Sunday to sign up for one of these events to get to know each other and Patrick better!
Please contact Cynthia Murray or Brenda Ridgeway if you have further questions.
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The Church of the Holy Spirit has several holiday traditions that bring many visitors to our campus in November and December - Holiday Bazaar, Antique Show, and Fresh Holiday Arrangements Sale. We invite you to read about these below and welcome you to participate and discover the special ways we can connect with each other and our broader community. | |
NOVEMBER 4, 2023 9:00 - 2:00
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Preparations are underway for The Church of the Holy Spirit’s November 4th HOLIDAY BAZAAR.
Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about this even. Join us in the Parish Hall at coffee hour on September 24th to meet the team and hear more about the bazaar! Our hope is everyone will participate in some way!
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· Set- up the week of the bazaar – Starting Tuesday October 31st.
· November 4ththe day of the Bazaar : Greeters, Welcome Table hosts, cashiers, information tables, and more!
· Volunteer during the set up week or day of the event for 2 hours or all day-whatever your schedule permits.
· Sign up in the Parish Hall or Reception Room.
Contact Celia Calhoun or Meg Nemitz with questions.
If you make it, we will sell it!
We have freezer space at the church to store items you make in advance. Put your donations in the Parish Hall Kitchen freezer. PLEASE label your item "FOR BAZAAR" and INCLUDE your name, description/ingredients of the item and, any special instructions. Contact Cris Harter, Cynthia Murray or Maureen Corrigan for details and info.
Homemade Cookies
Last year we exceeded our goal of 1,000 cookies and sold over 1,400! If 80 people bake 2 dozen cookies each we will have 1,920 cookies to sell. LET'S DO IT! Bring your cookies to the Parish Hall starting November 2nd. We will package them.
Pies Another popular offering. All kinds sell quickly.
Other Food Items You make it we will sell it!! Jams, jellies, pickles, homemade breads, candy and more!
Do you have any jewelry you don’t wear anymore? Each year the jewelry table is a huge hit. Please consider donating a piece of better jewelry or nice costume jewelry that you no longer wear. Drop off at the church during normal hours or bring to coffee hour on September 24th and fill the jewelry box! Contact Nancy Boccia or Suzy Gray for questions.
THEMED BASKETS - new this year.
Themed baskets, to give or keep! Donate a themed basket to sell, or just items we can include in one. Bring your donations to the Parish Office by October 10th Our team will put them together! See Cris Harter or Priscilla Isner for more information.
Donations will be accepted Wednesday November 1- Friday November 3. Recent publications, classics and childrens books are always a big hit.
PLEASE... NO damaged, moldy books, or textbooks.
There are over 20 tables filled with beautiful items for sale: fabric art, pottery, wood, jewelry, cards and prints, quilts and more. A full list will be available on the website soon.
- CHS Cafe will be open for lunch serving homemade chowder, tomato bisque, chicken salad sandwiches, grilled cheese sandwiches, and hot dogs.
- The church will be open for self-guided tours of our amazing art collection, featuring the works of Vernon Smith and others.
- We also have a scavenger hunt for kids and so much more!
Nancy Boccia
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November 24 & 25th - SAVE THE DATES!
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On Friday, November 24th, from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. and on Saturday, November 25h, from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Parish Hall, 25 antique dealers from the New England area will be offering you a wide range of choice antiques to choose from, including......
18th and 19th century furniture, nautical items, quilts, Staffordshire china, ironstone, early American pattern glass, jewelry, Americana, brass candlesticks, vintage post cards, chocolate and ice cream moulds, primitives, textiles, folk and fine art. Monies raised at this annual event are used to support our parish programs.
If you have any questions or wish to volunteer (assist setting up and breaking down or selling admission tickets) contact Debbie Meguerdichian, Chair 774-722-4739
Thank you for your support.
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First Fruits Holiday Arrangements Sale has a new name!
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Another popular holiday season event is the sale of beautiful holiday arrangements made by members of the parish and many other volunteers during the week following Thanksgiving.
These unique holiday arrangements are made with fresh greens & accents including:
table centerpieces...mantle & outdoor boughs... small arrangements for gift giving ...
or something for a special spot in your own home.
All proceeds are donated to local charities.
So… what can you do?
Join us on Sunday October 22 during coffee hour to learn more about this event and see demonstrations of the different kinds of arrangements we sell.
If you want to join the fun the week after Thanksgiving, we will help you learn.
The beauty of this event is you can volunteer as much as you want during the week of November 27. Come for a few hours or a few days! We have all the supplies… we just need your clippers, gloves, scissors, and your hands! It is a special week and wonderful way to start your holiday activities in community filled with holiday spirit.
We rely on your fresh PINE AND EVERGREEN PRUNINGS to make our arrangements… PLEASE… if possible Postpone pruning of your pine and evergreens until after Thanksgiving. Bring these to the parish hall starting Monday November 27th.
If you need help pruning, let Sue Sasso know. We will have information on October 22nd.
We reuse holiday containers – bowls, mugs, vases, baskets, interesting items that can be used to create unique arrangements. Please bring donations to the parish hall and put them in the bin at the end of the hallway outside the fireplace room (near the single exit door). Holiday accents are also welcome.
Feel free to talk to members of our team. Arlene Barrett, Susan Hitchcock, Nancy Ludewig, Sue Sasso, Dottie Walsh.
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Our September Ladies' Luncheon was well attended…20 ladies plus Patrick. Thank you to Kate Paradise, who led us in mindful farewell prayers for Kenna Liatsos. Kenna is moving across the bridge soon, to be closer to family.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 5th at 12:00 noon in the Parish House. Please bring your own sandwich or salad, and drinks will be provided. Volunteers for the luncheon are: Chips, Virginia Lucil; Paper Goods, Susan Owens; Table Decorations, Georgia Schneider; and Dessert, Joan Proctor.
Invite new people to join us, remind your friends to come, and we’ll connect again on October 5, if not before.
Blessings, Fay (Cole)
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On Sunday October 8th, following worship, Tara Cronin, a representative from Habitat for Humanity, will be with us to introduce you to a Habitat Build sponsored by our parish.
In 2020, the Vestry voted to sponsor the building of a Habitat House in honor of Gilbert Merritt and Nat Goddard, two long time volunteers for Habitat. It was seen as a bold initiative to show the church continuing its ministry in spite of Covid restrictions and reaching out beyond our campus to the need for low income and workforce housing on Cape Cod.
Our church has a long history in responding to community needs; simply put, it is in our DNA as a parish. So, mark the date of October 8th, following worship, come to the Parish Hall, grab a coffee or tea and join in an informative time as the kick-off of another Habitat Build sponsored by The Church of the Holy Spirit
There will also be an array of volunteer opportunities for your consideration and sign up.
Doug Fromm and Tom Dewing
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Food 4 Kids
had our biggest summer ever!
More than 43,750 meals served to kids
21% more meals than last summer
Massachusetts children now enjoy
free SCHOOL meals for ALL
Together, we help make sure children
from Harwich to Provincetown can enjoy
free SUMMER meals for ALL
Thank you to our wonderful staff: Anne Marie Mullen – Operations Manager (7 yrs), Laura Froeschner – Program Manager (6 yrs), Ray Thompson – Jr. Staff Assistant (NEW), Lizzie Thompson – Jr. Staff Assistant (NEW), Chris Gray – Sr. Site Supervisor (NEW), Matt Montiero –Site Supervisor (3 yrs).
Thank you to our amazing volunteers! More than 130 people came to help prepare meals, pack them up, drive them to our sites, and take away our recycling. That’s a generous contribution of at least 770 hours preparing and packing meals and at least 7,500 miles driving … in summer traffic!
Want to get all the news about Food 4 Kids, join our email list here and see more, learn more! Check out our most recent email here.
It is special to received thank you notes from some of the kids. Two below are from individual kids and the other one is from the kids at the Wellfleet Recreation Program.
Anne Koehler and Brenda Ridgeway - Co-Directors
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Greetings from Church School! We have officially begun the new church year and, are trying something NEW!
The children and church school leaders will remain in the classrooms the first three Sundays of the Month giving us plenty of time to delve into stories, conversations and ART!
On the Fourth Sunday of the month, children will all attend the full service in the church with families and will often have some tasks to help out with during the service. So, parishioners, don't be surprised if you see a young person ringing the bell, lighting the candle, passing the plate or participating in a reading. 🙂
If you have not already registered children for church school, please come to the Gathering Room in the lower level of the parish hall around 9:45.
The next "Church School/Youth Event " will be Pizza and Pumpkin Carving !
Save the DATE: Saturday October 28th 5:30 PM In the Parish Hall!
We hope to see many families join us! We miss you and look forward to catching up!
The Church School Team!
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Our pastoral care ministry has begun to coordinate an occasional meal delivery to those in need of a meal to make life a little easier. If you would like to provide a meal for 1 or 2 people on occasion, or to learn about this new ministry, contact Patrick or Priscilla Isner.
If you are in need of a pastoral visit, or....
You or a family member has been admitted to a
medical facility (hospital, skilled care, etc.), or ...
You want to request prayers for you or a family member or friend..
Please call the church office at (508)-255-0433
or email
There is also an Intercessors group that offers confidential prayers. Please email your request to
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Brian Ridgeway and Ann Pike-Paris
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The Buildings and Grounds Committee did not meet during August, but as you may have noticed, maintenance work around the campus has continued throughout the summer. A
B & G update will be presented during coffee hour on Sunday, September 24.
Fall may not officially be here, but the gardens are starting to wind down. Our garden party for September is Saturday the 23rd , and we want to thank Nancy Boccia for taking the reins and covering for Ann.
Trimming and weeding will be the order of the day! In early October we’ll also have a re-visit from the Azinger Landscape crew to address two areas of persistent invasive plants.
Our most notable event was the Sunday September 17th gathering as the final stop on the Orleans Celebrate Our Waters weekend, sponsored by the Orleans Pond Coalition. Peter Jensen and Lynn Van Norman guided attendees through our process of creation of our terraces and pollinator pathway plantings. If you haven’t noticed the additions to the plantings, please do take a look. They look wonderful! Based upon the interest and questions, I would say it was a great success!
Again, as always, please come join the fun and fellowship on any of the remaining Saturdays. You don’t need garden experience, we will help in every way!:
September 23rd, October 14th, & November 18th
Brian Ridgeway & Ann Pike-Paris
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A Baby Center (ABC) is a non-profit group on Cape Cod whose mission is to serve without judgement the youngest in our community. A Baby Center supplements critical basic needs that ensure the good health and safety of babies who live on Cape Cod and the Islands. These services are provided at no cost to clients and without regard for religious preference or lack thereof.
ABC gave out 435,225 diapers last year to support low-income parents raising babies on Cape Cod and the Islands. Diapers go with wipes and they gave out 62,672,400 individual wipes during 5,803 client visits last year!!
Thanks to local churches, organizations, individuals, and businesses we were able to support these families! With a Grateful Heart. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
PLEASE consider purchasing packages of diapers and wipes. Put them in the large wooden trunk in the main foyer of the Parish Hall, and we will deliver them to ABC.
If you have any questions, talk to Bill and Margaret Anne Heuss.
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Each of us on Health Ministry wishes you all a healthy and strong fall!
It’s concerning to hear COVID numbers rising. Please be advised and reminded, vaccination remains the best protection against COVID-19.
Updated vaccination is now recommended by the CDC. PLEASE read this brief press release from them
CDC Recommends Updated COVID-19 Vaccine for Fall/Winter Virus Season | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC
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Other Health Resources:
Barnstable County Human Services: (Comprehensive website with multiple resources on the Cape)
Councils on Aging
Orleans: 508-255-6333 Brewster: 508-896-2737 Chatham: 508-945-5190
Eastham: 508-255-6164 Harwich: 508-430-7530 Wellfleet: 508-349-0319
Yarmouth: 508-398-9866 Truro: 508-487-2462
VNAs of Cape Cod
Hyannis: 508-957-7400 Falmouth: 508-495-5716 So. Dennis: 508-957-7400
Cape Cod Hospital Social Services Department 508-862-5501
First page has a free sign up.
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line
Call or text: 833-773-2445 (BHHL) Online chat:
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The CHS Gallery is open Monday - Thursday 10 - 3 and Sundays after church.
Bring a friend - sit on the sofas - feel the joy of the art on display.
The CHS Gallery is located on the East side of the church.
During the week, you may enter through the side door from the campus courtyard.
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Only one more week - one more Sunday to view Cheryl Kyle's show - fabrics & jewelry from Tanzania. All proceeds from sales go to Enduputo Primary School in Tanzania where Cheryl is the Project Manager & more | |
The featured artist for the month of October is Bill Wahlquist. He and wife Barbara had planned this exhibit before his passing away on August 8, 2023. Barbara and her family decided to honor Bill's accomplishments and share some of his artwork.
When Bill retired in 1993, he came to the Cape and enjoyed his leisure hours either playing golf, traveling in Europe or dabbling in artwork. Exhibited here are examples of his interests. He was fascinated by drawing and painting people. — was an admirer of John Singer Sargent (reproduced several of his paintings).
He often quickly sketched tourists at the beach or overlooking the view from the Chatham Lighthouse or lounging on the decks of cruising ships. At first he painted mostly in oils or acrylics; later he moved on to watercolors. Aside from a few classes at Chatham Creative Arts center, he was basically self-taught.
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Looking ahead to December.......
The exhibit/show in the gallery is a “Group Show - Holiday Marketplace."
If you would like to be a part of this show with your Advent/Christmas art & crafts, contact Sharyn Laughton or Gail Binney Sterne.
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Calling all CHS artists to show their “gifts” in the CHS gallery.
We are blessed to have many wonderful members who are artists..... crafters - quilters photographers - potters - woodworkers..... and to have a show/sell for one month in 2024.
The 2024 sign up poster is in the gallery window by the door. It’ so much fun - so exciting - so rewarding - so surprising to see and to hear the Parish respond to your “gifts”!
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Several students who are migrant students at local colleges will speak at the Brooks Free Library in Harwich on Saturday, September 30th from 4 to 6 PM. Program coordinator is John Hanlon, long time youth leader here on Cape Cod. Sponsored by the Refugee Support Action Team of Nauset Interfaith, Dr. Nancy Dann, chairperson.
Linda Coombs, Wampanoag elder and historian will speak on Saturday, September 30th at 2 PM at the Wellfleet Historical Society and Museum. Sponsored by the MLK Action Team of NIA, Karen Boujoukos, chairperson.
Tony and Joelle Ntumba who escaped from persecution in the Democratic Republic of Congo and now live on Cape Cod will be the speakers at the Brewster Ladies Library on Saturday, October 28th from 2 to 4 PM. They and their daughter Pearl are good friends and I know you will love them! Sponsored by the Refugee Support Action Team of Nauset Interfaith.
Three amazing people from Afghanistan will speak from 2 to 4 pm at the Eastham United Methodist Church on Saturday, November 11th about their experiences as migrants coming to Massachusetts and Cape Cod. Fahima Ashari-artist, Humeria Qaderi-author and Parastou Ashair, writer. Sponsored by the Refugee Support Team of Nauset Interfaith.
If you have questions about any of these events you can call or write to Fr. Ken Campbell at 413-478-5719 or
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All are welcome to join us for Centering Prayer during which we sit together in silence for 30 minutes.
We meet on Mondays at 4:30 pm at the Labyrinth behind the Federated Church on Main Street in Orleans or in their sanctuary if the weather is inclement.
We meet on Thursdays at 4:30 in the CHS Memorial Garden on the West Side of the campus or indoors in the Reception area/gallery.
Contact Brooke Eaton Skea if you want to learn more about Centering Prayer.
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On August 20, we began our discussion of a new book,
Why Gather? The Hope and Promise of the Church by Martha Tatarnic.
From her introduction: " for you, the reader, is that the stories that form the core of this book of God at work in real flesh and blood lives will sharpen your own senses in their awareness of God's presence and activity...The church has seemed for several generations now to be on shaky ground...And yet the reality of God's love and presence in the church and in our lives is unshakeable...and forever reminds us who we really are."
The discussion is open to everyone (you and your friends); Please order the book from your local bookstore or online, start reading, get a snack at coffee hour, and join us in the Fireplace Room after Sunday Service (when there no other scheduled coffee hour events in the Parish Hall.) Come whenever you can make it!
Brooke and Brian Skea
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We are back in the Gathering Room (lower level of Parish Hall) every Monday & Wednesday - 10 to 1! All your FALL clothing donations can be left in the storage bins in the lower level of the Parish Hall across from the elevator. Donations can be dropped off any time the Parish Hall is open.
The shop is especially in need of clothing for men - shirts, jackets, pants….no suits! Large brown paper bags with handles would be really good also!
Many thanks for your continued support of this CHS ministry. This year has been very active and busy -- customers old and new, young and old, single and families, strong and frail continue to find the shop and give thanks! This year more than ever we have had support in donations from the Lower Cape community.
Thank you
Suzy Gray (Recycler Supreme) and Sharyn Laughton - Co Directors
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Gray (Hannah) and I recently went to Nauset Regional High School to deliver a wonderful assortment of new socks and underwear that was generously donated to The Free Shop, and Sharyn Laughton collected.
We met the newest school nurse, Megan, who was thrilled to receive our donations. When we asked what else they could use, she gave us a list:
- Women’s leggings
- Men’s and Women’s T-shirts
- Men’s and Women’s sweatshirts and sweatpants.
- They need these in every size.
Having distributed our Spring donations, Megan shared they were still desperate for clothing for students. She even donated some of her own and children's clothing!
Based on a large increase in customers to our Free Show (our customer base has doubled), I also believe the need in the schools is greater than we can imagine.
The second nurse also asked if we could bring more REUSABLE water bottles. (We had purchased some for them at the Dollar Store last fall.)
If you have an excess of any of these items that you’re no longer using and are gently worn, please bring them to the Free Shop bins and label them NAUSET. Or if you are inclined, purchase some new clothes for the students. Gray and I will be collecting them to bring to Nauset High and Middle School for the kids who need them.
Thank you so much for helping the children in our community!
Suzy & Gray
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Through October 21
Gallery Hours - Wednesday - Saturday 10-2
Autumn Show Juror - Brian Schnetzer,
CHS member and founder Aunt Sadie's Candles
Come see the beautiful art by local artists including
many wonderful items by CHS' Kimball Guild
CHS Artists and friends are encouraged to enter our Winter Show*
September 1 - October 1
Visit our website for entry information*
Winter Show Dates
November 1 - December 16
If you have questions about entering a show or learning how you can help in our gallery, contact Sue Sasso or Sharyn Laughton.
* Online entry form:
Wood Cut by Vernon Smith- Note Cards with this wood cut design and portions of the Vernon Smith mural can be purchased in the Gallery.
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A ROBIN'S STORY UPDATE - by Suzy Gray | |
Our rescued American Robin has been aptly named Lazarus. He’s doing well and has a friend too. He’s being raised with another rescued baby American Robin. No new picture could be obtained at this time as they’re a very busy hospital and have limited volunteers. But I will continue to check on him. Suzy Gray
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Robin Recovering - August 4 | |
Lazarus look alike.
The image above is a mature American male Robin.
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Barbara Hoffman 9.21 Meredith Perkins 9.21 Ellen Adamson 9.21
Lucas LaBranche 9.24 Killian Kuo 9.26
Harold (Ike) Cole 10.1 Arline Consiglio 10.5 Douglas Delano 10.11
J. Thompson Dewing 10.11 Joan Proctor 10.11 Diane Mincieli 10.11
Sally Dewing 10.13 Linnea Clare Tavano 10.13 Sean Chung 10.16
Suzanne Crawford 10.18 Charles W. Deaton 10.21 Lauren Gentile 10.29
Elizabeth Suraci 10.30 Barbara Wahlquist 10.30
John and Gail Binney Sterne 9.21.2002
Matt and Melissa Keeffe Jones 9.22.2001
Matthew and Jaimie Thompson 9.23.2000
Bonnie and Stanley Snow 10.11.1959
J. Thompson and Sally Dewing 10.12.1978
Richard and Tracy Weeks 10.13.2000
Doug and Dianne Fromm 10.27.1984
H. Jackson Silcocks 9.22.01 Dona Pike 9.22.20
Mary Tindall 9.22.05 Lawrence Bernhardt 9.24.17
Marian Gray 9.24.09 Lucy Goddard 9.26.96
Ellen Williams 9.26.03 Stephen Erickson 9.27.12
Nancy Heller 9.27.17 Eldora Stevens 9.27.70
Helen Vancil 9.27.99 Jean Hammond 9.28.15
Patricia Bell 9.29.02 Bernie Hutchens 9.29.19
Walter Wilcox 9.29.15
Clyde Hicks 10.02.07 George Bickell 10.04.87
Ann S. Pike 0.04.15 Jean Smith10.04.15
Frederick Smith 10.05.87 Cindy Hughes 10.06.17
Joan Chilson 10.07.07 Mildred Rogers 0.07.95
Martha Eldredge 10.11.02 Dorothy Boulton 10.12.06
Florence Kimball 10.12.58 Isabel S. Hutton 10.12.08
Frank C. Smith 10.12.10 Elda Butterworth 10.15.20
Edith Hart 10.16.17 Frank Varga, Jr. 10.16.97
Leo Liatos 10/18/22 Nancy Bickel 10.20.02
Eleanor Bragdon 10.22.03 Barbara McDowell10.22.04
Nora K. Hersey 10.24.13 Robert Wagner 10.25.17
Frederick C. Heller10.28.08 Elinor Rust 10.28.11
Mary Webbere 10.28.14 Clyde Bruce MacKenzie 10.29.16
Beatrix Gardiner 10.31.69
Watch over thy children, O'Lord, as their days increase.
Bless and guide them wherever they may be
keeping them unspotted from the world.
Strengthen them when they stand.
comfort them when discouraged or sorrowful; raise them up if they fall.
And in their hearts, may thy peace, which passes all understanding,
Abide all the days of their lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
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To contact Patrick Ward
Call the parish office and
leave a message with the answering service.
Make sure your message includes how Patrick can respond to your call.
CENTERING PRAYER: We are meeting in the sanctuary at the Federated Church of Orleans on Mondays, and the Reception Room at CHS on Thursdays. Meet at 4:30 p.m. on both days. We do not meet on holidays.
SUNDAY'S GLIMPSE OF THE GOSPEL: The Gospel speaks to us today personally and as a community. Join us Sundays at 8:45 a.m. to delve into the Gospel and pray for one another. We meet in the Fireplace Room and via Zoom. Please contact Tom Dewing for the Zoom link.
WEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER GROUP: The CHS Morning Prayer Group prays on Wednesdays at 9.00 a.m. from the comfort of their own homes. To receive the coming month's scripture readings for Wednesdays, call or text 508-241-0357.
WHEN THE CHS PARISH OFFICE IS CLOSED, please feel free to drop off any items or pledges in the black mailbox outside of the office door in the courtyard. The office is open Monday - Thursday 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
UPDATED PARISH DIRECTORY: We no longer include member's personal contact information in our communications. Stop by the when the parish office is open to pick up a copy of our updated Parish Directory...or call the Parish Office and we will snail-mail you a hard copy of the current Parish Directory so you can "stay in touch."
CHS WEB SITE UPDATE: To live stream or watch recorded services later, please go to our web site and click on “VIEW ONLINE”. To download the Sunday Service Bulletin, select “CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY SERVICE BULLETIN”
SPACE USAGE FORMS: PLEASE CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE by phone or email with respect to scheduling meetings.
FEELING PINCHED AND STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET because of the pandemic's impact on your life? Please contact Patrick Ward. Funds are available through the Discretionary Fund.
PRAYER REQUEST: Please call the office with your prayer requests at 508-255-0433 and leave a message. They will remain on the CHS Public Prayer List for 4 weeks. If you need them to be on the list for a longer period, please let us know.
PRIVATE INTERCESSORY PRAYER: The CHS Intercessors is a small group of CHS members who are committed to pray regularly for your concerns. If you need private prayer for any reason, please call the Parish Office or you can email the group at Someone will contact you. ALL requests will be held in confidence.
9/23 - Garden Party 8:30 Campus Grounds
9/24 - Holiday Bazaar Information Table - Coffee Hour Parish Hall
9/24 - Buildings and Grounds Update - Coffee Hour Parish Hall
10/5 - Ladies' Luncheon Noon Parish Hall
10/8 - Habitat for Humanity Presentation Coffee Hour Parish Hall
10/19 - October Vestry Meeting
10/22 - Fresh Holiday Arrangements Demonstration Coffee Hour Parish Hall
10/22 - Financial Update - Coffee Hour Parish Hall
10/23 - Together deadline for October newsletter articles 6 p.m. FIRM
11/4 - Holiday Bazaar 9-2 Parish Hall
11/24 & 25 - Antique Show 10-4; 10-3 Parish Hall
11/30 - 12/2 - Fresh Holiday Arrangements Sale 10- Parish Hall
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