We're happy to share that Bostonians for Youth (BFY): Building a More Equitable Boston will commence as a virtual gala! This year's theme, Healing through Connections, is a call for healing from the traumatic effects of structural racism in this national moment of reckoning, and beyond. The virtual format offers us some exciting new opportunities to celebrate our city's youth through enhanced storytelling, and for us to gather as a community en masse. BFY 2020 is not to be missed -- be on the look out for more details coming soon.
Trinity's Summer Learning Institute (SLI) drew BPS teachers and administrators to a three day intensive workshop led by Trinity@McCormack clinical staff. Attendees were engaged in an immersive learning experience centered around racial equity, trauma inclusion, and restorative justice -- TBC's Three Essential Community Practices (3 ECP's). They deepened their knowledge, understanding, and skill building in the 3 ECP's with a focus on creating trauma inclusive virtual classrooms. If you or someone you know could benefit from a similar Learning Institute offering please fill and/or share this interest form here.
OEP is kicking off another year of Racial Equity Learning Community! We are continuing our journey of dismantling White Supremacy Culture, with a focus on transformation. What’s the world we want to build and live in? One that isn’t constrained by WSC? What does it look and feel like? And how do we get there? Join us to begin answering these important questions. On September 11, 2020 from 9-11:30 we will be talking about ‘Transforming our Organizational Cultures through a Trauma Inclusive Lens’. We will begin to understand how applying a trauma inclusive lens can help us build better, safer, more inclusive spaces for ourselves and our colleagues. Learn more about this and other upcoming offerings and get registration instructions here.
Learn more about these opportunities and get instructions to apply here.
We invite your financial support for TBC's vital and timely work serving our city's youth and the adults who serve them.

Please consider a gift today.