Welcome to Seoul, South Korea
Wow! Together we logged 13,664 miles on our trip around the word. Just yesterday (our last day of the Run), we traveled from Mt. Everest, Nepal to Seoul, South Korea.
Let's take a minute to learn a little about this fifth stop on our trip around the world.
Here are some fun facts & tidbits about Seoul, South Korea
that you might not know!
What language do they speak in South Korea? Korean

How do they say “School is awesome!”? 
학교는 굉장합니다
haggyoneun goengjanghabnida
(Hok-yo-nen Kweng-jaw-ha-m-knee-da)

Why do North Koreans draw the straightest lines? Because they have a supreme ruler!
Did you know? 
  • # 4 is considered to be unlucky.
  • When you are born in Korea, you are 1. Then your 1st New Year, you are 2! Then older on your birthday each year.
  • When you shake hands in South Korea it is considered to be impolite if you only use one hand. You must shake with either both hands or placing the left hand on the right wrist as support and slightly bowing the head.
Click on the video below to for a virtual tour of South Korea:
Didn’t get a chance to pick-up your Run T-shirt yet? 
Go get yours today!

Run t-shirts will be available for pick-up through Friday, May 21 from the MPCSD "District Office" (181 Encinal Avenue) during the DO’s normal business hours (M-F, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm). Look for the 2 labeled boxes in the front lobby. Sizes will be available on a
first-come, first-serve basis.  
Just because our event is complete doesn’t mean you stop moving! Stay active, have fun, and we’ll see you again next year! Run results and winners will be announced tomorrow.

Questions? Feel free to email [email protected] for additional assistance.