Review school-specific return dates below

As we return to classrooms next week I know there are many questions about how we are welcoming our staff, students and families back to school, and how we're keeping everyone safe as the pandemic seemingly refuses to end. Please know that the details below take into consideration the latest COVID guidance as shared by the Cuyahoga County Board of Health through weekly and as-needed superintendents' meetings.

As I've stated in the past this is our current guidance, and is subject to change as local conditions change. We will continue to keep you updated as we move forward into the 21/22 school year -- be sure to review our article on communications below.

  • Wednesday, August 18 | Middle and High school students will return to instruction in person, five days per week.
  • Thursday, August 19 | Elementary students grades 1-5 will return to instruction in person, five days per week.
  • Thursday, August 19 & Friday, August 20 | Kindergarten and Pre-K screening - details coming soon from our Elementary School.
  • All instruction will be in school.
NOTE: If your student has health concerns due to COVID, and will be unable to attend in school instruction please contact Assistant Superintendent Matt Young at  
  • Instruction | Remote, synchronous instruction will not take place. There will not be an option for students that are absent to “log in and participate” in classroom instruction. We are required by the state to report in-school attendance. Students who are unable to return due to health reasons will complete a self-guided online curriculum that will be monitored by the district.

KEEPING AN EYE ON LOCAL DATA | Throughout this process we have attempted to use as much local data in our decision making process as possible. I am aware of the national numbers increasing dramatically. However, our local numbers have not reflected that increase. Since June 1st we have not had any positive student COVID cases reported to the district, and last week was the first reported staff member positive test, and that positive test was contracted out of state.

CONTACT TRACING | We are still required by the Cuyahoga County Board of Health to do contact tracing, and we are still required to report positive cases. Parents should notify Tracy Deal at if your student tests positive.
  • It is imperative that parents not send students to school when exhibiting COVID symptoms.
  • Not sure if your child's symptoms are due to allergies, a cold, or COVID? We have test kids available for any parent who would like one.

VACCINATIONS | A point of emphasis has been placed on vaccinations by Governor Mike DeWine. Please know that 147 Cuyahoga Heights Schools staff participated in a county-wide vaccination program sponsored by the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio, which was well over 90% at that time. We also are aware that some staff chose to be vaccinated at other sites or through another provider, further increasing that percentage.

MASKS | Remain optional in our facilities, but are strongly recommended. With all of the above being done, we will continue to monitor our local numbers and will not hesitate to enact a mask mandate should an outbreak occur locally. 
  • Students riding school transportation will be required to wear masks, per CDC mandate.
  • The CDC and ODH are strongly recommending masks for staff and students this fall.
  • All visitors to the buildings will be required to wear masks.

QUARANTINE | Guidelines have been modified for those wearing masks versus those who elect to not wear masks. Click here for the current quarantine guidelines from the Ohio Department of Health.

Cuyahoga Heights Schools will continue to enforce many COVID-safe mitigation strategies that were put in place last school year:
  • Air purifiers will be in use in classrooms;
  • Outside activities will be encouraged as much as possible when the weather cooperates, including lunch, classroom activities and Recess/Physical Education;
  • Additional cleaning staff will work during the day to continually sanitize our facilities district-wide;
  • Social Distancing of the CDC-recommended 3’ social distancing will be maintained as much as is practicable;
  • Water Bottles are recommended to be brought from home. Filling stations will be available in addition to water fountains throughout our schools.

Again, the plan listed above is our current plan for the return to school. Please continue to follow Tom Talks for any changes.


  • Tickets for Volleyball and Football can be purchased in advance through the Athletics website. Procedures will be the same as last year. 

  • There will be no cash sales at the gate. Tickets at the gate must be purchased through the website.

  • Soccer admission is free at home events. Please understand that most of our opponents charge admission for soccer events at their schools.

There are many athletic/band events taking place as well. Please check the activities calendar and come out and support our athletes/band members!

The following guidelines will be in place for OHSAA events. Different guidelines may be in effect at opposing school events. Guidelines are subject to change.

  • There currently are NO state mandates regarding vaccinations and social distancing.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mandates masks to be worn while using public transportation (e.g. school buses).
  • There are NO other state mandates regarding masks. However, on July 27 the CDC updated mask guidance for those who are fully vaccinated as follows: “To maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.”
  • It is highly recommended that coaches and student-athletes who are eligible for vaccinations be vaccinated.
  • It is highly recommended that those who are unvaccinated wear masks in indoor facilities and in outdoor facilities where there are crowded situations.
  • It is highly recommended that those who are unvaccinated maintain three-to-six feet of social distancing indoors and at outdoor facilities where there are crowded situations.

Cuyahoga Heights Schools uses multiple forms of communication to connect with families and residents. Check out some of the latest developments:

Website | Our new website is up and running with everything you need to prepare for the 21/22 school year.

Facebook & Twitter | Connect with our schools through social media to see what your child's experience is like in our caring classrooms.

Email | Student schedules will all be released through their school email account. Due to some late teacher changes we are currently finalizing all schedules. Thanks for your patience!

Final Forms | Please make sure all of your contact information is updated in Final Forms. All phone numbers and email addresses that we use to share information with parents and guardians are pulled directly from Final Forms. Thank you!
  • AUGUST 16 | Staff Professional Development
  • AUGUST 17 | New Family Orientation | Baumgartner Auditorium | 5:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • AUGUST 18 | First Day of School | Grades 6-12
  • AUGUST 18 | Elementary New Family Orientation | Elementary Gym | 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • AUGUST 18 | PreK Orientation and Meeting | Elementary Cafeteria | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • AUGUST 18 | Elementary Meet the Teachers | 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • AUGUST 19 | First Day of School | Grades 1-5
Cuyahoga Heights Schools |