Natalie Armstrong-Motin
Natalie Armstrong-Motin is the author of The Essential Guide to Marketing Your ADR Practice. She is frequently invited to speak around the globe on the successful marketing strategies of the resolution and legal industry. As a consultant to many of the premier providers in the ADR industry, Natalie and her company, Marketing Resolution, have designed and developed hundreds of business development plans and marketing strategies for private practices, firms, educational institutions, authors, organizations, and associations around the world.
Natalie has received certificates in both Mediation and Arbitration from the Institute of Conflict Management and International Mediation from both Tulane University School of Law and Humboldt University School of Law in Berlin, Germany. She has received nearly 150 hours in training in numerous national and international mediation, arbitration, and communication courses.
Natalie’s professional education background is in conflict resolution, sociology, and criminal psychology. She worked as Vice President of the Southern California Mediation Association and Chair of the Membership Committee, was a member of the Board of the London Club, and has served on the Board of the California Dispute Resolution Council. For the American Bar Association’s Dispute Resolution Section, Natalie served as Vice-Chair of Practice Development Committee, as the Co-Chair of the Standing Committee for Practice, Business and Skills Development, and is currently a Vice-Chair on the Marketing Committee.
In addition, Natalie is the founder of the Will Work For Food initiative, bringing timely topics to attorneys, mediators, and arbitrators each week and raising money for food banks worldwide, collecting and distributing more than $525K to date.
Natalie provides no-cost marketing seminars known as Marketing Monday each week on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter @MarketingADR.